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Chapter 2054: Return to Qi Wangcheng

Summer is a man who keeps his promises.

Since he promised to take revenge for Dan Huang, he will definitely take revenge.

Today, he finally avenged this revenge, and it was the Pill Emperor who was defeated by the alchemy technique. It can be said that this is the real clearing of the door.

At this moment, his heart that had been hanging for a long time finally let go.

Now, he still owes Potian a wish to help him find a woman named Meng and give the letter to this woman. This is very difficult, like finding a needle in a haystack.

The rest requires him to quickly develop his own power and improve his realm. After his realm is improved, he will go to the Qilin Cave to get the Qilin blood!

Before his strength reaches that level, even if he goes, he will die.

After all the things are gathered, he will refine the medicine pill. Now Xia Tian already knows the name of the medicine medicine pill.

It's Verdan.

The name is Rebirth Pill, after taking it, you can live and die, flesh and bones, capture seven souls, and receive nine souls.

With this elixir, you can know the injury of his master Yin Nie.

Then the truth will be revealed as to what happened.

"Let's go!" King Qi said with a wave of his hand.

"En!" Xia Xia's body has recovered a lot now, so they walked directly to the direction of the teleportation array, where there are teleportation arrays leading to major cities.

After walking for about half a day, they came to the teleportation formation in King Qi City.


When they entered the teleportation array, cheers came from the opposite side: "City Lord Xia is back."

"City Lord Xia is back."

All the people cheered, and soon, the entire Qiwangcheng was shouting everywhere, and the merchants and customers in those stores all ran out one by one.

They are going to meet their deputy lord.

Although Xia Xia is only a deputy city lord, King Qi obviously doesn't want to be too famous, so he does everything in the name of Xia Xia.

So the prestige of summer is very high.

And just now, there were guards who came back early, and passed on the good news of the victory in the summer.

Summer has once again become a legend.

The formation is invincible, and the alchemy technique has won the title of number one in the Lower Three Realms, not to mention the refinement, because the repair shop itself is a heaven-defying existence.

As for strength, there is no need to prove it in the summer, because his growth is paved with blood.

"City Lord Xia! City Lord Xia!!"

Everyone at the scene started cheering loudly.

"How do you feel?" King Qi looked at Xia Xia with a smile.

"This is too grand." Xia Xia didn't expect his prestige to be so high.

"Let's go!" King Qi said slowly.

"En!" Summer nodded.

The commander-in-chief of the city guards ran over to greet them early, and the captains and squadrons of the various squadrons followed in person. The city guards stood in rows on both sides of the road, and no one could pass through.

Behind those city guards were all cheering people from King Qi City.

Along the way, the summer felt the king's treatment.

He kept waving to the people on both sides of the road, and those people on both sides of the road even fainted happily when they saw Xia Xia's actions.

Those women also made countless screams.

Summer is the male **** in their minds!

A real god.

"You have become their most admired person, a qualified deputy city lord." Liu Shishi snickered.

"I actually didn't do anything, it's all of you who are silently paying." Xia Xia has been running around outside, he has not paid anything for Qi Wangcheng, but he is enjoying the love of the people at this time.

"The real king doesn't need to do everything by himself, otherwise he has to do what his subordinates do, but you have to have leadership skills, to give them a sense of security, and when they need you most, you must give them hope. " King Qi said slowly.

King Qi is a qualified emperor.

When he led the army of King Qi to attack the Daxing Empire at that time, this was the case. Although it sounded simple, he led the army to sweep around, but things were not smooth sailing, and there were definitely many ups and downs.

There will be no shortage of crises and various ambushes, especially when King Qi's army was almost wiped out in the end. If it wasn't for the wise leadership of King Qi, then King Qi's army would have been destroyed at that time.

Is Qi Wangcheng, which can unify the entire Lower Three Realms, so easy to mess with?

Of course not.

Therefore, King Qi was definitely not a lucky winner.

"En!" Xia Xia understood that King Qi was teaching him.

King Qi taught him too many things, and King Qi always regarded him as a brother.

In fact, all this is because Xia Xia is too much like the younger brother of King Qi, Ye Fan.

Temperament, temperament, talent, etc.

Everything is exactly the same as Ye Fan, so King Qi has a natural intimacy with Xia Xia. When he sees Xia Xia, he is very willing to chat with Xia Xia, and he is willing to help Xia Xia and guide Xia Xia.

He was just trying to make up for the missing part of his affection for his brother.

"You must have something to deal with. I'll go back to Prince Qi's mansion first, and you'll find me when you're done." Prince Qi said.

"En!" Summer nodded.

Then he separated from King Qi, and his goal was naturally to repair the shop. Although it was not big, it has now become the deputy city lord's mansion.

When I come back here in summer, Mendi Street is even more prosperous, with lanterns everywhere.

Welcome back to summer.

Those who are above the rank of City Guard Corps Captain will come with me first, and the others will wait in the parlour!

The repair shop is the main hall, and several shops next to it have been converted into parlors.

The captain, the captain and others all followed Xia into the main hall.

"See City Lord Xia." Everyone knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"Get up!" Xia Xia said: "I have 100 million sets of weapons and equipment here, which are full sets. You can distribute them. There are 10 billion fifth-level elixir, all of which are distributed."

Summer is now rich and The most important thing he doesn't care about is medicine pills and weapons.


When these captains and captains at the scene heard Xia Xia's words, they simply opened their mouths, and their deputy city lord was too rich.

"City Lord Xie Xia!" the commander-in-chief shouted hurriedly.

"Xie Xia City Lord!" The other captains also thanked them one after another.

"Okay, the things are in these storage rings. You can distribute them. After you go out, call in the stewards of the senior guards." Xia Xia said lightly.

The commander-in-chief and the others understand that this summer is going to start a large number of last treasures.

One by one, they all began to imagine what those senior guards could get. After all, the senior guards were Xia’s direct troops, and the things were definitely better than them.

"Treasure, it must be treasure!"


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