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Chapter 2068: The Emperor's Wrath

Xia Xia's ability to dig holes, break the formation, and King Qi's strength can be said to be completely invincible. Before Xia Xia was most worried about them entering the treasure house and being besieged by those people.

As a result, after seeing King Qi's strength, Xia Xia didn't have to worry anymore.

With so many masters, if Xia Xia was to fight, he would simply choose to run away.

As a result, King Qi only took a few seconds, or even just a moment.

Just when Xia Xia was shocked by the strength of King Qi, there was news from Bishop Cao, and the two of them hurried over.

When the two of them ran over, they were completely stunned by what they saw.

"Damn it, there are so many spirit stones in a fifth-level city." Although King Qi was very rich, he absolutely did not believe that there would be so many spirit stones in a fifth-level city.

"How many are there?" Bishop Cao swallowed involuntarily.

"Fifteen trillions, how can there be so many, the most I have stolen before is only a few trillions." Xia Xia also looked puzzled, although he knew that the Sun Empire might have made a war fortune recently, but this is too much More.

Bishop Cao hurriedly walked towards the other stone gates.

"Besides the spirit stone and materials, there is nothing else, no medicine pills, weapons, or weapons and equipment, not a single item." Bishop Cao said.

"I understand, the biggest consumption of war is pills and weapons, so they shipped the weapons and equipment, collected the spirit stones, and then used these spirit stones to buy weapons and pills." Qi Wangshun said slowly.

Although the spirit stone can also be recovered, the overall cost-effectiveness is still the benefit of recovering with medicinal pills.

"What shall we do now?" Bishop Cao asked.

"What else can I do? Take the things and leave, and then go to the next tier-5 city." Xia Xia said directly.

"By the way, your perverted storage space is also perverted." Bishop Cao suddenly remembered that when he went to steal things with him before the summer, the storage space seemed to be infinite.

"Second brother doesn't have a big storage device yet. It just so happens that I have another one here. It belongs to my former brother, and I just gave it to you." After finishing speaking, King Qi took out a storage necklace.

"Is this a storage necklace?" Bishop Cao's face was suddenly shocked.

"What is a storage necklace?" Xia Xia asked in confusion. He had only heard of storage bags, storage bracelets and storage rings.

"Storage equipment can be roughly divided into several types. The first is storage bags, which are also the most common items with very small space capacity; the second is storage bracelets, which are generally only available to those with a little autonomy. The space is several times larger than the storage bag; the third type is the storage ring. Generally, people who have a storage ring are not too weak, because if they are weak, they cannot keep it at all. The space capacity is very large, which can hold 100 million. Hurry up and order the spirit stone." Bishop Cao explained bit by bit: "The storage necklace is the legendary storage equipment, I'm not very familiar with it, so let the big brother explain it to you."

"Actually, storage rings can be divided into three grades, low grade, medium grade, and high grade. The low grade storage ring can hold 100 million low-grade spirit stones; the medium storage ring can hold 500 million low grade spirit stones; the high-grade storage ring can hold 500 million low grade spirit stones. The storage ring can hold one billion low-grade spirit stones, but medium storage rings and high-level storage rings are not common. Generally speaking, only the patriarchs of top families will have them." King Qi explained.

"No wonder I haven't seen a medium storage ring and a high-level storage ring." Although Xia Xia has obtained a lot of storage rings, he has never seen a medium or high-level storage ring.

"And the top of the high-level storage ring is the storage necklace. The limit of the storage necklace is 10 billion low-grade spirit stones. Of course, his biggest advantage is that it can accommodate a small number of storage rings. As long as there are not too many, all It can hold, ordinary storage necklaces can hold one hundred to two hundred storage rings." King Qi explained.

Ten billion low-grade spirit stones, which is a hundred times more than a storage ring.

"Brother, I can't ask for such an expensive gift." Bishop Cao hurriedly refused.

"Don't be polite to me, keep it." After saying that, King Qi shoved the storage necklace into Bishop Cao's hand.

"Take it, the big brother is very generous. My life-saving weapon was given by the big brother." Xia Xia looked at Bishop Cao and said.

his fake. The sun-shooting bow can be said to be his most powerful weapon now.

This weapon was given to him by King Qi.

"Thank you eldest brother." Bishop Cao bowed his hands.

"Can you two get ready? This is someone else's territory. We are here to steal. Can you give me a sense of urgency? It looks like you are here for tea." Xia Xia said helplessly.

Soon the two of them filled up their storage necklaces.

"Now that your storage equipment is full, I'll pack the rest, and I'll divide it up after I go back." Xia Xia waved his left hand after finishing speaking, and all the spirit stones and materials entered his small cauldron. .

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three figures quickly shuttled through the streets of various sizes.

They are going to the teleportation array, leave this city, and go to another fifth-level city.

It has to be said that after the three of them join forces, it is simply a sweep.

When the first city found out that it had been stolen, the three of them had already stole the treasure house of three fifth-tier cities in the summer.

At this time, the stolen fifth-tier cities have completely gone crazy.

So much wealth was directly stolen, how could they not be crazy.

This incident even directly alarmed the Emperor of the Sun Empire.

After learning about this, the emperor was very angry, and directly killed the last three stolen city lords of the fifth-level city, and the two previously stolen city lords of the fifth-level city were all killed on the front line.

Although they wanted to atone for their sins with their own lives, the Emperor did not give them that chance at all.


Whoever it is will kill directly.

And because those fifth-level cities dealt with them privately at this time and did not report it, all the city owners of those fifth-level cities were whipped.

This time, the city lords of these fifth-tier cities did not dare to be sloppy. They dispatched the most masters to transport all the wealth to the imperial capital of the Sun Empire at the fastest speed.

They understand that the wealth continues to stay with them and may be stolen, so they might as well transport the wealth to the imperial capital.

The imperial capital also sent experts to collect those wealth back.

For a time, the five-tier cities below were very poor.

"These guys have learned to be smart. The money has been transported to the imperial capital of the Sun Empire, but fortunately we have already stolen three fifth-tier cities." Bishop Cao said happily.

"Two brothers, do you dare to play bigger." At this moment, Xia Xia showed a mysterious smile.


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