The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2071: big deal coming

"Big brother, it seems that a big business is coming." Bishop Cao is now the second deputy city lord of Qi Wangcheng: "Take care of your distinguished guests."

"Yes, Deputy City Lord Cao." After his men finished speaking, they ran out.

"Before, it was a small fight, and those cities bought it themselves. Although the amount is not low, the overall amount is still limited. The storage capacity of our Qiwangcheng is enough to easily cope with it, but this time it is water. The big man in Yuecheng is here, so it shouldn't be a petty fight." King Qi was also in front of him.

"Brother, you can leave this kind of diplomatic matters to me. You still have one important thing to do." Bishop Cao looked at King Qi and said.

"What's the big deal?" King Qi asked in confusion.

"City defense!" said Bishop Cao.

"City defense?" King Qi was even more puzzled.

"That's right, big brother, don't you think we've been too dazzling recently? We've recently mastered the economic lifeline of the entire Lower Three Realms, and even Giant Niucheng relies on us to trade with the outside world, because they are worried that once the trade is fully opened, they will be attacked. People took the opportunity to attack, so now our Qiwangcheng is the economic center of the entire Lower Three Realms, this is a big piece of fat." Bishop Cao said with a deep meaning.

"Looks like I'm too relaxed." King Qi nodded.

"Big brother, the most important thing we don't need now is money, and we won't be short of money in the future. The reason why Qiwangcheng was safe in the past was entirely because of your reputation, but what if someone gets jealous? As long as the first attack on Qi If the people from Wangcheng appear, then there will be a second, a third, or even in the end, they may join forces to deal with our Qiwangcheng." Bishop Cao is the calmest person among the three brothers, and he can usually think of Xia Xia and Wang Cheng. A place that King Qi could not have imagined.

"I understand, I will call all the craftsmen in the city together, I will give them three times their usual daily income, and let them build me the strongest defense in the Lower Three Realms." King Qi said lightly.

"Brother, you told me that you have obtained the ancient construction map before. It should not only have the air-piercing crossbow, but also the city defense. The defense of our Qiwangcheng depends on your forging map." Bishop Cao said.

"Well, there are indeed city defenses, but only one kind of city defense crossbow is the easiest to build. Others are very difficult. After the third brother is out of the customs, I will study it with him." King Qi said.

"Okay, eldest brother, then I'll go meet the guy from Shuiyue City." Bishop Cao bowed his hands slightly, and then walked directly outside the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at Bishop Cao's back, King Qi smiled slightly: "With you two brothers, the development of King Qi's city has accelerated for a hundred years."

Originally, it would take at least a hundred years for Qiwangcheng to develop to the current situation. As a result, because of this war and the operation of Xia Xia and Bishop Cao, Qiwangcheng reached the scale of a hundred years later in one year. .

The most peaceful cities in this battle are Qiwangcheng and Giant Niucheng.

Several other major forces have already fought hard, and after more than a year of war, all parties have suffered losses.

But to put it bluntly, those battles were frictions between the small cities below, and so far they have not affected any fifth-tier cities.

But it's different now.

This time, the big man in Shuiyue City came over in person, which proves that Shuiyue City wants to be big.

Qi Wangcheng.

Deputy City Lord's Mansion.

This is where Bishop Cao specially used to receive guests.

A group of five people came out from the door, all of them wearing black robes.

"Five distinguished guests came to the door, and I have missed a distance to welcome them. Please forgive me." Bishop Cao said very politely.

"Vice City Lord Cao, you're welcome, we often hear your name, I am the City Lord of Shuiyue City." The man in the lead lifted the hat on his head.

"Oh?" Bishop Cao was stunned for a moment. Although he guessed that it must be a big deal, he didn't expect that the person who came would be the city lord of Shuiyue City: "I didn't expect the city lord to come over in person, sorry."

"Vice City Lord Cao, I am here to discuss a big deal with you this time," said the City Lord of Shuiyue City.

"What kind of big business?" Bishop Cao asked with a smile.

"First, I want to buy out all your weapons and medicines in King Qi City." The city owner of Shuiyue City said directly.

It has to be said that the city owner of Shuiyue City is really a big business as soon as he opens his mouth.

"Shuichengzhu, I'm afraid you can't eat this." Bishop Cao said lightly.

"I will buy out your one-year deal in King Qi City with materials worth 100 trillion. During this year, you can only sell us the things of Shuiyue City. Of course, the value of medicinal pills and weapons and equipment only needs to reach 10 trillion. ." said the water city lord.

Bishop Cao shook his head helplessly.

"Shuichengzhu, I am afraid you will be disappointed by this. Do you know what our transaction volume was last year?" Bishop Cao asked.

"How much?" The Water City Lord asked in a puzzled trillion. We just started trading last year, and all the transactions in the entire Qiwang City were as high as 80 trillion. This year, we have reserved enough medicine pills. And weapons and equipment, and this year we will also open deals in Dongcheng, how much do you think our turnover will reach this year? Bishop Cao shook his head: "And if you give us 100 trillion, you still need 80 to 90 trillion of pills and weapons. To put it bluntly, if you give us 10 trillion, you will buy us out for a year. Don't you think this number is too small? "

"Uh!" The Water City Lord was slightly taken aback when he heard Bishop Cao's words.

Although he knew that Qiwangcheng could be said to be a big hit last year and made a lot of money, but he did not expect that Qiwangcheng's transaction volume reached 80 trillion last year. At the price of last year's medicinal pills and weapons, Qiwangcheng also earned at least four Ten trillion, if all these weapons and equipment are made and refined by Qi Wangcheng themselves, then there will be more.

In fact, most of the sales last year were reserves, and only a small part was refined in summer, so the profit was about 40 trillion.

If those are all refined in summer, then the profit can reach 60 to 70 trillion.

"Vice City Lord Cao, that's it, I'm here this time for weapons, equipment and medicinal pills, you can ask for a price." The City Lord of Water handed over the initiative to Bishop Cao.

"Are you sure you want me to make an offer?" Bishop Cao asked.

"That's right." The Water City Lord nodded.

"Three hundred trillion, one year, I, King Qi, will give you two hundred and seventy trillion of weapons and equipment and medicine pills. During this year, our King Qi will only trade with Shuiyue City." Bishop Cao stretched out three fingers.

If he didn't open his mouth, he asked for 300 megabytes directly.

This is not only a question of money and materials, but the most important thing is whether Qi Wangcheng can now get 300 trillion of weapons and equipment and medicine pills.

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