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Chapter 2075: Water Moon City Victory

King Qi! !

The other party's master of the four cauldrons was stunned when he heard the name.

"King Qi, are you the King of Qi?" The face of the master of the four cauldrons was full of incredulity.


"It's too late for you to know." King Qi's voice fell, and then his body disappeared directly in place.


King Qi's speed is too fast.

Lin Bingbing was also deeply shocked by King Qi's speed. She had always lived in the Great Wilderness, so she didn't know who King Qi was.


Five seconds later!

King Qi returned to Lin Bingbing's side: "Let's go!"

"Let's go?" Lin Bingbing looked at King Qi puzzled, and those people were still standing in front of him.

boom! boom! boom!

Just then, the people in front fell one by one.

"What?" Lin Bingbing looked at King Qi in disbelief.

So many people, King Qi killed them all in just five seconds.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this thing." King Qi waved his right hand, and the enchantment ball landed directly at the entrance of the Great Wilderness.


A light curtain rises into the sky.

A fifth-level formation directly shrouded the Great Desolate in it.

No one can enter into the Great Wilderness.

Previously, Xia Xia relied on a fifth-level formation to keep the Huo family from getting close, and even killed so many wizards in one fell swoop, so Xia Xia was also quite confident in this fifth-level formation.

This is what he arranged with the ancient big mudra, so even if the fifth-level formation mage comes forward in person, it is impossible to break this formation.

"Let's go, they should be busy now." King Qi said.

"En." Lin Bingbing nodded, and then the two of them set off towards Qiwangcheng.

Time flies.

Half a year passed quickly. In the past half year, Xia used a small cauldron and Tianhuo to directly refine countless medicinal pills and weapons.

In the battle outside, Shuiyue City was at a disadvantage at the beginning, because they were one of the cities that were attacked by the Sun Empire, but since they took the weapons and medicines of King Qi City, they began to victorious, not only Take back the lost ground, and even fight back.

After they fought back, they also snatched back a lot of spirit stones and materials. It only took half a year for them to repel the four major forces that attacked them at the same time, and they completely counterattacked.

The successful **** brought back a large number of medicinal pills and weapons.

This battle made everyone realize the importance of pills and weapons.

Although they also want to go to Qiwangcheng to buy weapons and medicines, the Qiwangcheng has been closed for the time being, and they do not trade with any other cities except Shuiyuecheng.

Those merchants in King Qi City are developing their own power in Dongcheng, and on the other hand, they are also waiting for other orders from the Lord's Mansion of King Qi City.

They believed that as long as they obeyed the orders of Prince Qi's mansion, they would make a lot of money.

"Hahaha! Deputy City Lord Cao, you want to kill me." The city owner of Shuiyue City was full of smiles.

The great victory in the war made him feel very good.

"It seems that the water city master is in a good mood. It seems that he has made a fortune." Bishop Cao said with a smile.

"Little money, it's all small money, but then again, it's really good that there are some effects in this batch of medicinal pills, and there are some weapons and equipment, although the level is not high, but when the real battle is started, the effect is quite good. That's it." The city owner of Shuiyue City praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Really? Then I have good news to inform you," said Bishop Cao.

"What good news?" The city owner of Shuiyue City looked at Bishop Cao expectantly.

"This time, the weapons and medicines that we are going to give you from King Qi City are the ones you said." Bishop Cao said slowly, he knew that the weapons and medicines and medicines mentioned by the city lord of Shuiyue City were exactly what you said. those made.

Not too much was refined last summer.

But this time is different.

This time, these weapons, equipment and medicinal herbs were all refined by Xia Xia himself.

"What!!" The face of the city owner of Shuiyue City was full of excitement.

"What? Don't like it? If you don't like it, then I'll let them go." Bishop Cao stimulated the city lord of Shuiyue City with irony.

"I like it, how can I not like it, Deputy City Lord Cao, today I will be the host and go to the best place in your Qiwangcheng for a drink. Let's go for a walk. Let's have a drink." The City Lord of Shuiyue City hugged Bishop Cao and walked outside. .

In half a year, Xia Xia has successfully refined all the medicinal pills and weapons and equipment.

I have to say that the power of the black fire is really too great.

"If one day, I can control the black fire to fight for me, then I'm afraid I will be invincible in the world." Xia Xia secretly thought.

"Third brother, brother and sister are really amazing. It took me so long to participate in the research to be able to assemble the simplest things. As a result, as soon as my brother and sister went up, I learned everything I knew in a day. Now he I'm still working on those more advanced ones." King Qi said with great admiration.

"Haha." Summer laughed out loud.

His wife is praised, and he is also very face-to-face.

"How's the second brother?" Xia Xia asked.

"Your second brother's life is much better than the two of us. Several other major forces are throwing money at him to see if they can secretly transport some weapons and equipment, and that Shuiyuecheng took ours. After the weapon equipment and the medicinal pills, it is even more victorious, and now you are still pulling your second brother to drink." King Qi said.

"Haha, the second brother is having a good time. I don't know how to take care of our two brothers and sisters. It's good to pack some food after eating." Xia Xia said with a big smile.

"The two of us are doing manual Your second brother is different. He uses his brain. You can see that your second brother will play around with those big forces by himself." King Qi is also a little admired. Bishop Cao on this point.

"What's going on in other places recently?" Xia Xia asked.

"Giant Niu City has attacked the Great Wilderness several times, but they were all killed by your fifth-level formation, and the Sun Empire has been on the verge of making a move recently, as if it wants to plot against you." King Qi said slowly.

"I haven't tried to trick them, but they are trying to trick me. That's good, big brother, in half a year, let's go to the imperial capital of his Sun Empire, and the Giant Bull City, and send me an invitation, just say I Xia Xia invited the city lord of his Giant Bull City to dinner." Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly.

He has to deal with these things properly this time.

"Okay, is this a Hongmen banquet?" King Qi said with a smile: "But I'm still looking forward to this trip to the Sun Empire."

"That's natural. If I go to the Sun Empire, I will steal the treasure house of his imperial capital."


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