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Chapter 2077: Towards the Treasure House of the Empire of the Sun

"Great Wilderness! What happened to Great Wilderness?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked. Great Wilderness was his old base, where his relatives and friends lived.

No matter what the news is, as long as it comes from the Great Wilderness, that summer will be of interest.

"There is news from Dahuang that the people in your hometown, except for Huoyun Evil God and a woman with a child, have almost all ascended, especially there are two women, said to be your wife and cousin." Cao The bishop said with a smirk.

"Haha, here, finally." Xia Xia laughed excitedly. The reason why he developed the Great Wilderness with all his strength was for this day to come.

Everyone has ascended to the human world, and the Great Wilderness is the entrance to the earth.

People in Tianling City will definitely arrange a large number of masters to wait at the entrance. As long as they fly up from the earth, they will be taken to Tianling City. As long as they are related to Xia, they will all be given the highest treatment, especially Xia’s relatives.

"Should I send someone to take them over?" Bishop Cao did not make up his own mind, but asked Xia Xia's opinion.

"No, there is a place to let them meditate and practice. Qiwangcheng is too chaotic now, and it is not suitable for them." Xia Xia knew how chaotic it was now, and the eyes of those outside were all staring at Qiwangcheng. If you send someone out to pick them up If they say that, it is very likely that they will be robbed and killed.

Unless you let King Qi go in person.

Even if King Qi was asked to go in person, they might not be safe when they came to King Qi City.

It is even more impossible to practice with peace of mind.

Compared to Qiwangcheng, the Great Wilderness is more like a comfort zone.

It can give them the best cultivation environment.

Summer has paved the way for them, and it's time to see their own.

"Recently, there have been more and more contacts between the Sun Empire and Giant Bull City, and even the army of the Sun Empire attacking Giant Bull City has become a feint." Bishop Cao briefly explained the situation outside.

"Second brother, Qi Wangcheng will be handed over to you. I estimate that although they will not do anything to our Qiwangcheng for the time being, it should be soon. All the troops in Qiwangcheng are now ready. I will give you the tiger talisman. They will obey your command at any time." Xia Xia handed the tiger talisman of Qi Wangcheng to Bishop Cao.

"Second brother, all the traitors in King Qi's city have been monitored by our people for the time being. Once they are about to start an operation, my people will instantly kill them without leaving any of them, so you don't have to worry about internal security, and more Don't worry, some of the big families in the city are against the water, as long as they dare to move, my thousand Qi King's elite army will instantly kill them." Qi King has already prepared everything.

Although there are only a thousand people left in the Qi Wang mansion.

But these 1,000 people are all die-hards of King Qi, and they are all top experts. When they fought in the world, they were also the first people to follow King Qi.

The lowest strength is also the fourth-order fifth-order master.

Each of them is unfathomable, and they hold the most powerful weapons and equipment in Prince Qi's mansion.

And their ability to detect intelligence is also the best in the world.

Now all the people in the entire Qiwangcheng are under the surveillance of these thousand people.

King Qi had already secretly established a reconnaissance troop. This reconnaissance troop was personally selected by Mr. Qi and then underwent rigorous training.

Now these people are secretly monitoring all the traitors and people who have changed in Qiwangcheng.

As long as they dare to mess around, they will be instantly killed.

"It's still the eldest brother and the third brother who work closely. Then I will hand over the Qiwangcheng to me. With those secret weapons, no one can approach the Qiwangcheng." Bishop Cao said confidently.

"By the way, there has been a new discovery recently from my younger brother and sister. That thing is currently in a hurry. When it comes out, you can try its power. Although I have not seen it before, it should be very strong." King Qi also said that. I don't know much about the advanced weapons. After all, he only relied on a few simple legendary weapons to dominate the entire Lower Three Realms.

"You two, you must be throwing me down to do things again." Bishop Cao guessed after hearing the words of the two.

"Haha, second brother, I'm not thinking that the Sun Empire is going to kill me, so of course I'm going to visit them." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Okay, I won't go with you this time, but you two need to get some more things back. Our Qiwangcheng is at the time of development, and we are short of money." Bishop Cao is in charge of Qiwangcheng's finances. Great power.

He and Xia Xia are both in charge of finances and the other military.

But now it will be up to Bishop Cao to take care of it alone.

"Don't worry, I will definitely leave an indelible impression on their Sun Empire." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"By the way, the third child, the gunpowder rock you asked me to prepare is ready. You don't want to blow up the imperial capital of the Sun Empire. Except for me, there are probably no one in the lower three realms who have so many gunpowder rocks. ." King Qi asked inexplicably.

"Brother, you will know when the time comes." Xia Xia said mysteriously.

"When do you two leave?" Bishop Cao asked.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun, just today, the Qiwangcheng is handed over to you, and my eldest brother and I are leaving." Xia Xia waved his hand and left directly, he waved his sleeves without taking a cloud.

"Second brother, the city of King Qi has been handed over to you. Once the war begins, the elites of my Prince Qi's mansion will find you, and they will be responsible for protecting your safety." King Qi patted Bishop Cao on the shoulder and left.

Looking at the backs of Xia Xia and King Qi, Bishop Cao was very helpless.

"It seems that my burden is not light." Bishop Cao smiled slightly, and there was a hint of excitement on his face. This incident was also a challenge for him.

The dead zone at this time.

This is the channel connecting the demon world, the human world and the demon with dangerous conditions.

This is an area that no living person can pass through.

At this time, there is a group of people moving forward.

"How many people do we have left?" The head of the person looked cold.

"His Highness Greed Wolf, we set off this time with a total of 10,000 elites and 10 million slaves. Now there are less than 100,000 slaves left, and the elites have also killed and injured thousands of people." A subordinate said respectfully.

"Well, move on, no matter what happens, you can't stop." Greedy Wolf nodded slightly.

"Isn't there going to be an accident for Princess Jiujiang?" the subordinate asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, she is also a person with great luck, no one can do anything to her." Greedy Wolf said very casually, his eyes fixed on the front: "Xiamen, don't die, When you see me now, I'm afraid you will be directly scared to death."


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