The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2080: win is yours

"Uh!" The store owner was slightly taken aback: "Two people, there is only one thing, who should I sell it to?"

"Of course it's me," the woman said.

"Why is it you? I touched it first. Besides, can you, a girl, let go of my hand?" King Qi looked at the little hand that was on his own.

The little hands are beautiful, the fingers are slender, and the skin is as supple.

The woman hurriedly withdrew her hand: "Don't you understand that ladies first?"

"Why should you be the priority? You're still unreasonable. It's obvious that I touched it first." King Qi's temper also came up.

"I'm a woman, don't you know that women are born unreasonable?" The woman said angrily with her hands on her hips.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, boss, how much is it? Forget it, no matter what, there are 100 million low-grade spirit stones in it, all of them are yours." King Qi threw a storage ring over after he finished speaking.

Now the boss is confused.

The price of this colorful night pearl is just over 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, but King Qi is too generous.

One shot was 100 million, and even the storage ring was given to him.

The eyes of those around him all turned to King Qi.

Will a person who is 100 million in one shot be an ordinary person?

Local tycoon.

The eyes of the little thieves outside suddenly lit up.

"Hey!" Seeing King Qi walking outside, the woman's face was bulging: "Stop for me."

King Qi ignored her and went outside directly.


The woman's foot flickered, and she stopped directly in front of King Qi: "Isn't it just 100 million low-grade spirit stones, I'll pay twice the price and sell it to me."

Hearing the woman say twice the price, the people around were even more surprised.

When did the rich run all over the place?

And the eyes of those little thieves turned into the shape of money.


King Qi's body flashed and appeared directly behind the woman. The people around didn't see his movements clearly, let alone how he moved.

But everyone understands that this must be a master.

"Brothers, that man is a master, and he looks a lot more shrewd. Let's let him go and deal with the woman behind him. That woman is easy to bully. Let's attack her." Those little bandits Discuss in a low voice.

In the Empire of the Sun, there are many such little bandits.

They all have backers behind them.

Usually a large organization.

After constant negotiation, they decided to bypass King Qi and attack the woman behind King Qi.

The methods used by these little robbers are all the same. A few people deliberately bumped into the woman and then took the opportunity to steal something, but the woman has already been stolen once, how could it be possible that they would bump into it this time.

Just when they were about to collide with the woman, their bodies all froze in place.

The woman's face suddenly turned cold as frost.

Then she walked forward, because King Qi was in front of her, when she walked forward about five meters.



A flash of blood flashed, and screams came from the mouths of those few people.

"Witch, she is that witch." Someone suddenly shouted.

Recently, the name of the witch is very famous in the dog city. Everyone knows that there is a witch in the dog city, which is very terrifying.

It can cut off a person's eyeball in an instant.

No second person would do this kind of terrifying means.

At this time, the eyes of these little robbers were all cut off from the middle.

King Qi, who was walking forward, suddenly stopped.

He turned back slowly.

"Aren't you running away?" The woman looked at King Qi angrily: "I told you to give you money."

"You are that witch?" A trace of excitement appeared on King Qi's face.

"I'm not a witch, my name is Jiujiang." The woman said very seriously.

"No matter, it should be you." King Qi could see from the reactions of those around him that this woman should be the legendary witch with three heads, six arms and eight legs: "Do you want this colorful crystal ball?"

"En! I'm willing to pay twice the price." Jiujiang nodded.

"I don't sell it, but if you can beat me, I'll give it to you." King Qi was very curious about the witch, and he wanted to see if the witch was as powerful as the legend.

"Okay, are you here?" Jiu Jiang nodded when she heard King Qi's proposal. She was a fighting race herself, and the blood of the ancient demon king was flowing in her body, and she was never afraid of fighting.

"There are too many people here, you can find a place with fewer people, and I will follow you." King Qi said, he is not very familiar with this place.

"En!" After Jiu Jiang nodded, her body disappeared in place.


King Qi also disappeared.

Jiujiang was worried that King Qi couldn't keep up, so she slowed down, but soon she found that King Qi was able to follow her closely, and it seemed to be very relaxed.

This ignited her fighting spirit.

She directly turned the speed to full speed. She thought that King Qi would definitely not be able to keep up. She could just wait for a while in front of her.

But soon she found that she couldn't get rid of the other party.



The two of them ran fast in tandem like this. If they wanted to find a place where no one was there, they had to find a corner of the city. Only that kind of place was empty, and no one would pass by.

Fortunately, both of them were fast, and after half of them disappeared, they found a place where no one was there.

"You're very fast." Jiujiang looked at King Qi and said.

"Yours is okay." King Qi said very rudely.

Hearing that King Qi said that he was okay, Jiujiang's little temper came up. He was very confident in his speed, but the other party only said that he was okay.

"Okay, I'm not serious, don't blame me if I die." Jiujiang said aggressively, she was born in a fighting nation, she doesn't know how to learn from each other. Ah, if you can kill me, then everything I have is yours. "King Qi also said very excitedly.

Jiujiang didn't speak, but her face became cold, and her whole temperament also changed dramatically, from a lovely and beautiful woman to an iceberg beauty.

"Not bad, the momentum of the whole person has changed so much all of a sudden." King Qi nodded in admiration. He has seen all kinds of masters, and naturally he has also seen people who have changed their momentum.

Jiujiang did not reply, but walked directly to King Qi.


Her entire body disappeared directly in place, and when she reappeared, she was already standing behind King Qi.

Tick ​​tock!

King Qi closed his eyes tightly.

A drop of donated blood fell to the ground.


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