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Chapter 2083: Iron bar that can't be put away

The sun rush is the rush that can be sent directly to the emperor, and no one can stop it. This rush can only be given a chance by the commander-in-chief of the front line.

As soon as I heard that the sun was in a hurry, the entire hall became quiet.

"Read!" The Emperor shouted directly.

"The front line is urgent. Our army and the giant Niucheng coalition defeated Qi Wangcheng in the early stage, and drove the army of Qi Wangcheng back to the main city of Qiwangcheng. Just when the masters in the city sent the attack message, we carried out a comprehensive attack. As a result, we fell into the trick of Qi Wangcheng. The message was not sent by the masters of the empire, but forged by Qi Wangcheng. We suffered an unprecedented blow. None of the brothers on the front line came back alive, and I don’t even know them. How did they die, the 300 million coalition army died in an instant."

"What!" When hearing this information, all the people in the entire hall were speechless in surprise.

Just now, they were still studying the matter of attacking the Qiwangcheng. They thought that the Qiwangcheng had almost been won. In the end, more than 300 million people died in the coalition army. Although only half of their soldiers were here, it was more than 100 million. A fully armed soldier.

"Baga!" The Emperor shouted angrily.

At this point his face was ashen.

"What's going on? What's going on? Why are the masters in the city killed? Even if they receive a false signal, they can't be wiped out. Let me find out what's going on. If anyone dares to falsely report the news, I will send his entire clan to comfort, security, and camp." The Emperor shouted loudly.

The hall, which was full of joy just now, has suddenly become deserted.

Outside the Imperial Palace.

"Brother, the guards here are too strict. After I dug it out for a while, you will dry the entrance with the inside, so that you can't see any clues here from the outside." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, let's do it now, otherwise it will be too late when the gunpowder flame explodes." King Qi said.

No nonsense in summer, just dig directly.

He dug very hard.

Although it is still a long way from the location of the treasure house, only this is the safest place, and other places are always patrolled by guards.

Time passed little by little.

Xia Xia dug very carefully. He didn't know if there would be any secret passages under the imperial palace of the Sun Empire. If he were to dig through, it might be exposed.

This digging took more than two hours.

"Brother, I found it, but there are too many formations here, and there are also five-level formations. I need a preparation for disappearing. You saw the opportunity. Once the guards here are transferred, you will kill the remaining ones. Kill them all." Xia Xia whispered.

"Don't worry." King Qi nodded.

Then Xia Xia started to break the formation directly. The formation here is as high as 4,000 or 5,000, and the highest is a fifth-level formation. Those small formations can be easily broken in Xia, but this fifth-level formation will be abolished. Fan effort.

on the ground.

"Won't these two just get rid of me and run away?" Jiu Jiang said to himself.

"Forget it, forget it for now, it's about to explode anyway, I'll just wait and watch the show in a while." Jiu Jiang hid in the tunnel after saying that.

Below the Imperial Palace.

Summer is trying to break the line.


At this moment, the tunnel was full of explosions.


Explosion sounded one after another.

Even the tunnel began to shake.

The guards in the treasury all looked at the ground in confusion.

At this time, the palace of the Sun Empire was in chaos.

The emperor, who had just finished his anger, planned to take a rest, but he just planned to rest when there was an explosion outside, and the explosion kept coming.

Even their palaces shook.


"What's the matter?" the Emperor hurriedly shouted.

"No, His Majesty, the explosion. Now our Sun Empire is exploding everywhere. The explosion is so powerful that the number of casualties cannot be calculated. The explosion ignited the surrounding houses, and now the entire capital is in chaos." A senior general knelt down. said on the ground.

"What?" The emperor's face changed greatly: "How could this happen? How could this happen, it's impossible, it doesn't make sense, the imperial capital is heavily guarded, it's impossible for someone to make an explosion, and so many places explode at the same time, how is it possible ?"

"His Majesty the Emperor, the most important thing for us now is to stabilize people's hearts, put out fires to save people, and catch those rioters." Prince Qi, the right prince, reported thousands of times.

"Yes, save people, put out fires, arrest people, all go to me, and send all the guards in the palace to help me." The emperor shouted loudly.

"Then what about your safety, Your Majesty? What if the enemy were to move the tiger away from the mountain?" Prince Right asked hurriedly.

"Don't worry about me, I still have a group of masters. I'll call people to mobilize them. You must immediately calm the turmoil for me." Although the emperor is usually dignified, he is more panicked when he really encounters something.

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor." After saying that, Prince Right went out with all the guards and masters of the palace to calm down the chaos.

"Come here, call me the masters in the treasure house, there are all formations, no one can break in, leave some to defend on the ground, and others come to protect me." The emperor shouted loudly.

Although he is the emperor, his strength is not strong at all. Although he is also a master of Siding, his realm is completely topped by medicinal pills.

He was able to sit in this position because his father went to Dr. Zuo, so he took over his father's place.

Inside the treasury.


"Unlocked!!!" Xia Tian's face suddenly burst into joy.

"You are faster than The people outside have just left, the two of us will wait for a while, they all seem to have left, unless there are people of higher rank than me, I can't find out. "The King of Qi said in a low voice.

"Then don't have to think about it, unless Dr. Zuo guards it here in person." Xia Xia didn't think that Dr. Zuo would openly guard the treasure house here. Although he has been secretly helping the Sun Empire for so many years, he did not dare to be so blatant.

After a while!

"Brother, make a quick decision." Xia Xia said and broke the last wall.


"Xiao Ding, collect it for me." Xia Xia didn't look at anything at all, and began to collect the treasures here.

ten minutes later!

The two of them scoured all the treasure houses: "Let's go, big brother."

"Wait." King Qi suddenly pointed to an iron bar on the wall: "Why don't you accept it!!"


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