The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2085: tragic sun empire

Qi Wangcheng!

After beheading the army of the Sun Empire and Giant Bull City, the people of Qi Wangcheng began to go out to collect the spoils.

The rule of Qiwangcheng is to go out and dispose of those corpses for me in an orderly manner. Whoever disposes of them will have the spoils. If anyone dares to monopolize, find trouble, or fight, they will kill whoever.

As soon as they heard such a good thing, the people in Qiwangcheng were boiling, and they all disposed of the corpses outside. In order to avoid the plague, they cremated the corpses collectively.

After dealing with the combat items, everyone returned to the city again.

at the same time.

Qi Wangcheng officially declared war on Giant Niu City and the Sun Empire.

Qi Wangcheng has always advocated no war, but this time it was Giant Niucheng and the Sun Empire who took the initiative to declare war on Qi Wangcheng, so Qi Wangcheng naturally had to respond.

Qi Wangcheng's first response was to blow up the imperial capital of the Sun Empire.

The news went straight out.

When they heard the news of Qi Wangcheng, almost all the major forces were very disdainful of Qi Wangcheng's words, but within a few days, they heard a news.

The imperial capital of the Sun Empire was bombed, and it seemed that something major had happened, causing heavy losses.

At the same time, another bad news came.

Shuiyue City directly launched a general attack on the Sun Empire, and the whole way was like a broken bamboo. The Sun Empire could not resist at all, and there was no support.

Shuiyue City headed straight in, as if he was about to enter the imperial capital directly.

Qi Wangcheng once again proved their strength.

Instantly killed more than 300 million fully armed soldiers of the coalition army, and just said that the imperial capital of the Sun Empire was going to be bombed, and the imperial capital of the Sun Empire was bombed.

This is simply horrible.

At the same time, everyone paid attention to the Giant Bull City, because he and the Sun Empire carried out the Qi King City together. As a result, the Sun Empire is now less than half, and even the Imperial Capital has been attacked.

Everyone is waiting for Qi Wangcheng to take action on Giant Niucheng, so that they can also take advantage of the fisherman.

The Sun Empire suffered heavy losses this time. Shuiyue City took the lead and won the most cities. Other forces also attacked one after another, directly eating away most of the cities in the Sun Empire.

Those forces near Giant Bull City are all waiting for Qi Wangcheng to attack Giant Bull City. At that time, they will also attack Giant Bull City with all their strength to obtain the greatest benefits.

Although Qi Wangcheng has already shot against the Sun Empire.

But everyone could see that Qi Wangcheng was a counterattack, not an aggression. They only attacked the other side, and did not take the army to attack the Sun Empire.

At this time, in the Imperial Palace of the Sun Empire.

"Your Majesty, the security system of the imperial capital has all been destroyed, and the treasury has also been attacked. For your safety, let's arrange a retreat." The Right Protector advised.

"Withdraw? How to withdraw? Where to withdraw? My treasure trove is gone. That is the wealth of the entire Sun Empire. Now it is gone. Where do you want me to go?" .

"Your Majesty, we don't need military pay or anything. We can also donate all our family property. As long as this crisis is overcome, our Sun Empire will definitely be able to make a comeback." A duke stepped forward and said.

The emperor did not speak.

"Your Majesty, we have already calculated that although the death toll in the war is as high as more than 2 billion, there are still many of our citizens. We just need to take them out. Our citizens only believe in you. As long as you are fine, we will sooner or later. Be able to make a comeback." Right Protector advised.

"How long do we have?" the Emperor asked.

"If you resist with all your strength, you can resist for about five years. If you retreat, it will collapse in a year." Right Protector said.

"Five years, why can our dignified Sun Empire only stick to five years." The emperor shouted angrily, he was unwilling, he was really unwilling.

"Your Majesty, if the treasury is sufficient, it would not be a problem for us to play for decades, but now our treasury is empty, and everyone outside knows that our imperial capital was bombed. The forces are all trying to get a piece of the pie, our Sun Empire is being attacked by five major forces at the same time, and we can't stop it at all." Right Protector said helplessly.

For the current Sun Empire, it is a tragedy.

All the tragic things happen in a chain.

All the tragedies that have happened in the Sun Empire recently, since they offended Xia Xia, bad luck has come to them, and one thing is worse than the other.

Even now it is almost wiped out.

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate any longer, otherwise the number of deaths will increase." The right protector knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, withdraw the troops." Others knelt on the ground and shouted.

Looking at his splendid palace and his own power, the emperor couldn't bear to abandon it, but if he didn't leave, he would have to spend the last bit of his family.

"Withdraw the army." The Empire of the Sun announced its withdrawal, and all the people in their country withdrew to the forest behind. Since then, the Empire of the Sun has withdrawn from the stage of the Lower Three Realms.

This is the last order given by the Emperor of the Sun Empire in the Lower Three Realms.

War is like this, once the general trend is gone, it is a defeat, an irreversible defeat.

keep losing!

At the beginning, the Sun Empire had an absolute advantage with one enemy and three, but the rear kept on fire, the treasure house was constantly attacked, and finally even the imperial capital was bombed.

This made the Empire of the Sun a complete failure.

In particular, all the elites who attacked Qiwangcheng died in battle, which hit the morale even more seriously.

"King Qi, summer, you wait for me, sooner or later our Sun Empire must avenge this." The emperor shouted angrily, and then the Sun Empire officially began to withdraw.

At this time, Xia Xia and others were not in a hurry to go They were hiding under the city wall of the Sun Empire.

"Third, when are we going to hide?" King Qi asked inexplicably.

"I guess it will be almost in a day or two. Now they are still catching the murderer. If we go out, we will definitely be killed by those crazy hungry wolves." Xia Xia knew that this group of people in the Imperial Capital of the Sun Empire would be killed. How much people hate them.

three days later.

"Okay, let's go." Xia Xia opened the passage outside directly, and the three of them swaggered out.

"Where are we going?" Jiujiang asked curiously.

"Beauty, the mountains don't turn the road, the road doesn't turn the water, we will have a future." Xia Xia directly surrendered.

He made it clear that it was an expulsion order.

"It's alright, don't change, where are you going to fry next, I'll go with you." Jiu Jiang said very excitedly.


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