The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2091: directly smashed to death


This summer is strong.

Because he did not come forward on his own behalf, but on behalf of the entire King Qi City, not himself, if he loses face today, then the entire King Qi City will lose face.

Although he is only in the realm of the four cauldrons, he is not afraid of those five cauldron masters.

The eight people who were able to come here for a meeting today were all experts, but none of them dared to fight against Xia Xia.

But Dr. Zuo is different.

He is a master of Liuding.

And he also represents one of the five major forces in the human world, the force of Emperor Izanagi.

Today, he made it clear that he wants to push back other forces with a strong attitude and let the Sun Empire return.

Normally, since Dr. Zuo came forward, no one dared to say anything.

It's normal for him to do so.

But the mistake was that he beat Xia's people and caused trouble in King Qi City. If he went to Shuiyuecheng and other forces in private, then those forces would definitely make concessions.

But he was lazy.

He wanted to force everyone to agree to withdraw and restore the status of the Sun Empire at this conference in King Qi City.

How could it be possible to agree this summer!

"Boy, don't think it's great to have Qi Wangcheng behind you. Without Qi Wangcheng and that bow and arrow, you are nothing," said the person who had chased Xia Xia.

"Don't talk so much, I'm going to kill you, are you ready?" As soon as Xia Xia finished speaking, a golden golden rod appeared in his right hand.

"There are also good weapons, you are lucky." The man said when he saw the golden stick in Xia's hand.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to catch one of my moves." Xia Xia said that the whole person disappeared directly in place, and he did not open his own realm.

"Want to make a sneak attack? With your speed and strength, I can stop it with one hand." The man looked contemptuous. He already knew the realm of Xia Xia before, so in his eyes, he casually Can kill summer.

After he finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and an invisible force directly protected him. He wanted to directly catch the golden rod in Xia Xia's hand.

Catching the opponent's weapon is the greatest insult to the opponent.

He just wanted to insult Xia Xia in front of so many people.



When the golden rod hit the man's right hand, the man's face suddenly changed: "What?"



Before he could react, his whole body was smashed to pieces and turned into a lump of flesh.

Ruyi Gold Hoop.

This was a weapon that even King Qi couldn't handle.

Xia Xia didn't have to exert any strength at all, as long as it was placed on the top of the opponent's head, he could directly smash the opponent to death.

Because the Ruyi Golden Hoop is too heavy.

No one can get it except him.


All the people around were stunned.

Most of them have heard that Xia has a bow, which is very domineering, but no one really thinks how powerful Xia is.

The reason why they dare not fight against Xia Xia is mostly because Xia Xia is backed by Qi Wangcheng, and Xia Xia is standing under the banner of righteousness.

So they won't fight against the summer.

But that doesn't mean how strong they think the summer is.

But today, they looked at summer with admiration.

If it is said to use pseudo in summer. If the Sun-shooting God Bow killed that person, no one would think he was so powerful, but this time Xia Xia just took out a more beautiful looking golden rod.

As soon as the stick went down, it directly turned the other party into a mashed meat.

What a terrifying power that summer is now.

Dr. Zuo's subordinate is a master of the fourth-order and seventh-order, and his actual combat power is stronger than that of ordinary masters of the fourth-order and eighth-order.

But he was crushed to death by Summer.

Even Dr. Zuo was stunned.

Before, he knew about Xia's strength, and it was only the first rank of four cauldrons. It's only been a few years, and Xia has changed so much.

"Waste, he said he wanted me to make three moves, but I didn't even catch one move. The ability to brag is stronger than my own strength. What kind of owner really has what kind of dog." Xia Xian Shi said disdainfully.

"Don't force me to kill you now." Doctor Zuo's face was very ugly, he gritted his teeth and spat out these words.

Xia Xian killed his man in front of so many people, which is obviously a slap in the face.

"You come and bite me." Xia Tian said directly.


"Stop your anger, calm your anger, Mr. Zuodafu." Bishop Cao came out from behind again, and every time he was about to get angry, Bishop Cao would step forward and change the subject: "Mr. Zuodafu, I just thought about what you said. Come on, this war was caused by the Empire of the Sun. He attacked three cities at the same time, and he also took the initiative to kill our King Qi City. Now they are doing it for themselves. Why do you think we should pity the Empire of the Sun? It can't be because of you, doctor. The relationship between Mr. and the Empire of the Sun is good, and everyone must surrender the chassis that has been knocked down, so who will compensate for the loss?"

"The Empire of the Sun also suffers losses, so it would be better if they offset each other." Dr. Zuo said directly.

"Mr. Zuo, what you said is wrong. He found his losses for himself, but others did not. The losses of others are all caused by them. If you want them to come back to the Sun Empire, then We can also give you face, after all, your status is noble, but at least he has to pay for everyone's losses." I have to say, Bishop Cao's words gave Dr. Zuo enough face.

This makes Dr. Zuo unable to be angry with How do you want to pay? "Doctor Zuo was held in high esteem by Bishop Cao at this time, if he was still so strong, it would really make people feel that he was bullying others.

"It's simple, we don't have eight major forces in Qiwangcheng here, we don't need Qiwangcheng, but the Sun Empire must pay for the losses of the other eight major forces. I roughly estimated that one force is 100 trillion." Xia Xia directly speak up.

"You're courting death!" Dr. Zuo couldn't control his anger anymore, he instantly killed Xia Xia and grabbed Xia Xia's neck with his right hand.


His speed was so fast that no one on the scene reacted.

Seeing his actions, everyone understood that Dr. Zuo was really angry, so the summer in his hands would be less fortunate now.

"You try to move him, I promise you can't leave Qi Wangcheng alive." At this moment, a majestic voice came into everyone's ears.


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