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Chapter 2099: Undercurrent

"Brother, where exactly is Qilin Cave?" Xia Xia asked curiously. Although he had asked King Qi before, he didn't quite understand what King Qi said.

"The Qilin Cave of Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains is known as the most beautiful place in the Lower Three Realms, but I know that there are many hermits there. If these hermits are still alive, their strength should not be low now." King Qi also yearned endlessly.

"Oh!" Summer nodded.

He likes to listen to King Qi explaining things about the Lower Three Realms.

The first thing he heard from the words of King Qi just now was that there are experts there;

The second thing is that there may be powerful wild beasts there.

Because if you want a place with a very good environment, there is only one way, that is, no one will go there, and no one will be allowed to approach. If there is no one, there will be no damage.

"By the way, the third, you have to get ready, I've been restless recently, once something happens, you just remember, run, run as fast as you can, don't worry about me, you know My strength, as long as you run away, no one can keep me." King Qi instructed.

Although he told Xia Xia before that there would not be too many experts participating in treasure accidents, but this time it was not an ordinary treasure.

Kirin Cave.

One of the most mysterious places in the Lower Three Realms is also the most dangerous place.

"Well, don't worry, big brother, you should know me too. It's definitely not that easy to kill me." Xia Xia nodded.

"Why are you two big men mother-in-law?" Jiujiang said dissatisfiedly.

"Jiujian, you also remembered it for me, once danger occurs, you are not allowed to resist. In the Lower Three Realms, those who dare to take action against me will definitely have the strength to kill you, so you must escape for me, as far as you can escape. Far away." King Qi said, holding Jiujiang's shoulders with both hands.

Jiujiang had never seen King Qi treat her so seriously, and she was stunned for a while.

"Hey!" Xia Xia sighed helplessly, he could see that his eldest brother might be really pregnant.

"Remember?" King Qi looked at Jiujiang again and asked.

"Oh, remember." Jiujiang nodded.

At the same time, the highest place in the Lower Three Realms is also the location of the five top forces.

"Since the Qilin Cave is open, let the disciples join in the fun." Yu Qing of Jiudingmen said slowly.

The other leaders also nodded silently.

The power of Emperor Izanagi.

"Remember the few of you. If you see Qi Wangcheng, kill me. If you see Xia, you will kill me desperately. Do you understand?" Dr. Zuo said coldly.


"The guy from King Qi may also join in the fun. If you see them together, then quietly follow me. Don't worry, I will go over in a few days and catch them all." Doctor Zuo's eyes were full of murderous look.


In the lower three worlds a large forest.

"This time is a good opportunity. Maybe our Sun Empire can make a comeback. Come on, all the masters will be dispatched to me. No matter what treasures are, they will be taken back by me, and those who see Qiwangcheng will be killed. Especially their Deputy City Lord Xia." The Emperor shouted angrily.

He hated Qi Wangcheng, and he hated summer even more.

It was he who begged his father and hoped that Dr. Zuo would come forward to help them get back the lost land, but it was also destroyed by Xia Xia in the end, so he hated Xia Xia very much.

If there is no summer, then the other forces will never dare to disobey the doctor.

Then he can return to his homeland. Although they are very poor now, as long as they return to their homeland, it will not take long for them to develop.

But all this was ruined by summer.

The Lower Three Realms hope that many people in Qi Wangcheng will suffer, and more people will die in Xia Xia.

For a time, the entire Lower Three Realms was surging.

At this time, Greedy Wolf and others were very leisurely.

"His Royal Highness Greed Wolf, aren't we going to look for Princess Jiujiang? Now that we have arrived in the human world, the guide talisman can be used." A master of the fourth cauldron and the ninth rank asked respectfully.

"No need, she is willing to be wild, let her go wild, she won't die anyway, let's take a good walk in this human world first." Greedy Wolf said very casually, he just came to the human world, right Everything here is very curious.

The city here did not shout and kill.

When entering the city gate, he needs to pay for the spirit stone. He also paid it all, and even gave a lot more. It also costs money to enter the city in the demon world, and it is much more expensive than the human world.

"Yes! Your Majesty, where do you want to go?"

"First find a place to eat, let me taste the food of the human world, it should be better than our demon world." Greedy Wolf doesn't like the food of the demon world very much.

He came from the earth, and he liked the food on earth very much, but after he went to the demon world, the food there was really unpalatable.

"Yes." After the subordinate finished speaking, he pulled someone directly by the roadside: "Where is the best hotel here?"

That person was suddenly was stunned for a moment, just when he was about to scold someone, the other party threw a middle-grade spirit stone, and his face was suddenly filled with smiles: "Sir, let's All kinds of delicious places here are different, what do you want to eat, I can show you one by one."

The subordinate looked back at Greedy Wolf.

"En!" Greedy Wolf nodded.

Then the subordinate threw a middle-grade spirit stone to the man: "Let's lead the way."

When the man saw that he had obtained two middle-grade spirit stones so easily, he almost lost his excitement. He saw that this was a rich man. As long as he entertained him well, he might still be there for a while. So he bowed to Greedy Wolf: "You can call Xiao Sanzi, Xiao Sanzi, and Xiao Xiao will take you around the gourmet restaurant in Narrow Road City."

Greed did not speak, but closed on the sedan chair and rested.

Five minutes later, the sedan chair stopped, and Greedy Wolf slowly opened his eyes. At this time, there was also a sedan chair opposite them, eight large sedan chairs.

"Are you blind? Don't let me go, this is Young Master Qin, the second son of the city lord." A servant reported himself directly.

Seeing that things were not good, the little three hurriedly ran to Greedy Wolf's side: "Sir, the other party is the son of the City Lord's Mansion. He is usually domineering. We can't afford to offend him, so let's let it go."

Greedy Wolf did not speak.

"I said you are t, d deaf, don't hurry to get out of the way." The servant of the city lord's mansion scolded loudly.

At this time, the second son in the sedan chair of the city lord's mansion also sat up, and then said in a cold tone: "Where's the pariah who dares to see me and refuse to let go? It's really courting death."

Greedy Wolf slowly raised his head: "He is too noisy."

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