The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2105: level 10 wild beast

When Greedy Wolf saw Xia Xia's avatar, Zuo Hufa also said Xia Xia's name.

at the same time.

Greedy Wolf's expression also changed at the same time, hideous, resentful, murderous and excited. His expression changed very exaggeratedly.

The reason why Guardian Zuo described Xia Xia so powerfully was to make the arrogance of the greedy wolf appear.

It's a small trick.

If you praise another person for being strong in front of a person who thinks he is a peerless powerhouse, then this person is a peerless powerhouse and will definitely brag.

He just wanted Greedy Wolf to help deal with the summer.

But when he saw Greedy Wolf's expression, his heart tightened. What he was most worried about was that Greedy Wolf knew Xia Xia and still had friendship, so it would be broken.

Then he didn't bring it to the door by himself.

"Senior, you!!!" Zuo Hufa hurriedly asked tentatively, at this time his feet were ready to escape, and he wanted to escape.

"You said just now, what is his status now?" Greedy Wolf hurriedly asked.

"The deputy city lord of Qiwangcheng, does the senior know him before? The junior really has eyesight and does not know Mount Tai, and offended the senior's friend.

"Are you wrong? No, you're right, tell me about this person's current identity, and I will avenge this revenge for you." Greedy Wolf's eyes are full of light. For him, Xia Xia is the person he will kill, no matter what For whatever reason, Xia Xia cannot live, and he must humiliate Xia Xia severely.

As for when to kill Xia Xia, he hadn't thought about it yet. He even wanted to bring Xia Xia back to the Demon Realm so that Xia Xia knew how powerful he was.

"Okay, senior, I'll tell you slowly." When Protector Zuo heard that Greedy Wolf and Xia Xia were enemies, he was naturally very excited.

"This person is now the deputy city lord of Qiwangcheng. It can be said that the reason why Qiwangcheng has the current strength is that he has a lot of credit. He is a strong and domineering person. As long as anyone dares to offend him, he will The other party is forced to death, he is an out-and-out villain." Zuo Hufa said resentfully.

"Well, it's his character, continue." Greedy Wolf nodded.

"However, he is a very mysterious person. According to the information we collected, he suddenly appeared in the Lower Three Realms. The information we got is that his strength was less than Sanding at the beginning, but his cultivation speed was very fast. In four or five years, he actually has the strength of the first-order Si Ding, and the last time we collected the information was about three or four months ago, and his strength is the first-order of the Si Ding." Zuo Hufa explained.

"Four cauldrons, first rank!" A look of contempt appeared on Greedy Wolf's face.

It can be said that this growth rate is terrifying to others, very terrifying, but to him, it means nothing.

Because his current strength can easily crush Xia Xia.

"That's right, it is the first rank of the four cauldrons, but his actual combat power is quite different from his rank. He often challenges by leapfrog, but we already know why he can challenge by leaps and bounds. He has a divine bow in his hand. , The power of this divine bow is very great, even if it is a fourth-order seventh-order, an eighth-order master can't hold his divine bow, and he seems to have a mysterious power, which is also very powerful. However, this kind of external force has restrictions on its use, such as the divine bow, our people have also counted it, and he will vomit blood the second time he uses it." Zuo Hufa is most afraid of Xia Xia's divine bow and that mysterious Power, most of their information came back from Dr. Zuo.

"This is in line with his character. He just likes to fight with his trump cards, because he is so capable." Greedy Wolf remembers when he fought against him in the summer. His strength has always been stronger than that in the summer. The means made him dazzled.

He was also defeated by those means in the summer.

Xia Tian can usually play beyond his realm.

If you hold the realm and fight against Xia Xia, the end will be very miserable.

"Senior, and he has a very terrifying backer, that is King Qi." Zuo Hufa found that the greedy wolf seemed to automatically ignore King Qi, so he said the name again.

"Who is King Qi?" Greedy Wolf asked in confusion.

As soon as he heard Greedy Wolf's words, Guardian Zuo understood. It turned out that these people were master hermits, and they didn't know King Qi at all.

"King Qi is a legend for thousands of years. It is said that he almost wiped out the entire Lower Three Realms a thousand years ago." Zuo Hufa deliberately exaggerated King Qi's words. He had already seen it. Greedy Wolf has a grudge against Xia Xia, so no matter how he scares Greedy Wolf , the greedy wolf will not back down.

So he deliberately exaggerated King Qi, just to see if Greedy Wolf had the confidence.

"Sounds good, what's your strength?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"This is not clear, no one knows his realm, but it must be less than Liu Ding." Zuo Hufa explained.

"Cut, how powerful I thought it was." Greedy Wolf said very casually.

As soon as he saw the attitude of the greedy wolf, the Fa Zuo became even more excited: "The younger generation will definitely follow your lead."

"Can you find Summer?" Greedy Wolf asked.

"He must have come to Qilin Cave. We inquired just now. He seems to have entered the forest from this route. As long as we catch up all the way, we will catch up with him sooner or later." Zuo Hufa pointed to the one on the left. avenue.

"Okay, then let's go now." Greedy Wolf is very excited now, he has waited for so long, and finally it is about to meet the summer, and the summer has not let him down.

In the human world, he has also created a certain reputation.

This made him look forward to seeing the moment of summer even more.

At this time, he was thinking about what kind of attitude he should take to see Xia Xia, whether to rule the world or the king to come.


At this moment, a figure shot at the greedy wolf. When they saw this figure, all the masters around the greedy wolf knelt down on one knee: "See the county master."

As soon as he saw the masters around the greedy wolf, they all knelt Zuo Hufa also knelt down: "See the county master."

All the men of the Left Protector also knelt down: "See the county master."

"You still know if you're coming back." Greedy Wolf said very dissatisfiedly when he came up.

At the same time, in the big forest.

At this time, Xia Xia stopped, not because he didn't want to move forward, but because a tenth-level wild beast appeared in front of him, and a team of hundreds of people fought against this tenth-level wild beast, and they were all wiped out.

When Xia Xia arrived here, the tenth-level wild beast also looked at Xia Xia.


There was a loud roar from the mouth of the tenth-level wild beast.

"Be careful, the third one, it is a tenth-level wild beast, a mountain forest ape, and his strength is at least equivalent to the fourth-order eighth-order. The most important thing is that his defense is strong, powerful, and big, even if it is a five-cauldron. Experts will have a very headache when they touch it." King Qi said in a low voice.


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