The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2125: rogue

There are four men in this team.

Big Buck Tooth and Marven Ye have finished expressing their opinions, only Xia Xia and Wu Xie are left.

The two of them showed their masculine ideas, so Xia Xia and Wu Xie should behave normally.

"I don't want anything but food." Wu Xie said directly.

Hearing Wu Xie's words, several people were almost amused. Everyone came here for treasures and materials, but he actually came here saying that they don't want anything but food.

Wu Xie has also finished speaking, and now there is only summer left.

"Except for women, everything else can be given to you." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone at the scene completely collapsed.

No wonder Xia Xia and Wu Xie are together, one of them is greedy and the other is lecherous.

This is an adventure, a treasure hunt, but the two of them actually said that one wanted nothing but food, and the other said nothing but women.

These two made it clear that they were going to kill people.

"Uh, the two brothers really love to joke around. It seems that they are both gentlemen. Now that we have stabilized, let's get ready to go." Marven Ye was stunned for a moment, and then revealed the matter with a smile.

"By the way, I know that you are all masters, but we must obey one person, so as to avoid disagreements, I suggest that everyone listen to Brother Ye, I have gone all the way with him, and he has Take good care of me." Big Buck Tooth suggested.

Every time he opened his mouth, the two big buck teeth seemed to bite the air, and the mouthful of spit stars flew out at least three meters away.

"Okay, I agree, you just need to spray me." Xia Xia hid away.

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Big Buck Tooth didn't mean to be angry at all, and laughed.

Then the team set off straight ahead.

What I have to admire about Big Buck Tooth is that these people he is looking for are all good-natured, not the kind of people who like to intrigue and scheming.

These people were all found by him, and when he was looking for people, he must have been optimistic about them.

"Big buck teeth, why did you find me and Wu Xie at that time?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"I look for people to look at their faces. Those with a good face are destined to not be too bad, but on the other hand, those with a bad face and a stiff face are different. Their faces are formed after a long period of accumulation. For example, if you are calculating people all year round, your eyes will easily become bigger and smaller, the corners of your mouth will easily turn to the left, and your face will show a sinister smile from time to time, which is unconscious and uncontrollable." Bucktooth explained.

"Damn, you can still see pictures? It's a coincidence, I can see pictures too, but I will only show pictures to women." Xia Xia said.

"Hahahaha." Big Bucktooth laughed loudly.

"You still show women pictures, so show me." Ye Qiu said directly with a smile on his face.

There are Big Buck Tooth and Xia Xia in this team, and they are full of laughter and laughter at any time, without a little restraint, so that they will not feel too boring when moving forward.

"Okay, stretch out your hand," Xia Xia said.

"You still have to reach out, you're not trying to take advantage of me, are you?" Ye Qiu looked at Xia Xia vigilantly.

"What can I do with your hand? I can't have a baby." Xia Xia said and pulled Ye Qiu's hand over.

The practitioner's hand lines are very regular.

"Hey, you are a person. It's ups and downs to cultivate, but you have resources; you have treasures, but you are lucky; love is even more difficult to meet Ruyi Langjun, lack of truth; to sum up, in one sentence, You are missing me in your life." Xia Xia said solemnly.

When I heard Xia Xia talk about the front, everyone listened attentively, and felt that Xia Xia said it as if it was serious, but when they heard Xia Xia's last sentence, everyone laughed.

"Rogue, rogue." Ye Qiu blushed and ran away.

Summer found that he hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

Since he came to the spiritual world, he has been forced to move forward step by step, and the whole person is very tired. He does not dare to relax, because once he relaxes, his enemy may kill him.

It's different now. Now there are fewer things to worry about in the summer, and there will be no life-threatening.

His relatives and loved ones were also safely protected.

And this team is very cheerful, so Xia Xia also completely relaxed.

"Haha!" Summer also laughed.

"Okay, brothers, we're about to enter the wild beast area, so cheer up and don't get attacked." Marven Ye reminded.

Ye Qiu also knew that Xia Xia was not malicious, just joking, so he ran to Xia Xia's side again after a while: "You really know how to look at pictures?"

"En." Summer nodded.

"I also think you will, because what you said is right." Ye Qiu found that what Xia Xia said was the same as her personal experience, and she was indeed quite rough.

"Of course, believe it or not, I'll look at your palmistry, and I'll know what color you're wearing inside..." Xia Tian pointed at Ye Qiu's top and bottom when he said this.

"Sister Ye Qiu, ignore him, he is taking advantage of you." Su You reminded.

"It's alright, let him touch it, it won't do anything." Ye Qiu said very aggressively.

"Alright, sister Ye Qiu, let him touch him, and let him say, if he is right, then he is powerful, if he is wrong, then our sisters won't let him go." Su You kneaded He rubbed his pink fist, as if warning against summer.

The other girls also learned to look like Suyou.

In the summer, I can see that this battle seems to be repairing myself.

"Okay, what if I'm right?" Xia Tian asked directly.

"Whoever is right is right. It can only be considered that you are lucky enough to let you touch Sister Ye Qiu's hand. What are you not satisfied with?" Su You said directly.

Marven Ye and the others also stood there looking like they were watching a good show.

They all wanted to see how Summer had guessed.

You must know that Ye Qiu is wearing a very conservative Looking at it from the outside, it is absolutely impossible to see what color is inside.

"Okay, then I'll be at a loss." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he rubbed his hand directly on Ye Qiu's hand, touching the left, the right, the front and the back.

Touch this.

I have to say, this summer is really fun to touch.

"Hey, can you tell me?" Su You said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, then I'll say it now." Xia Tian revealed a mysterious smile.

Perspective eye.

Just as it was summer, his perspective eyes opened, and he looked directly at Ye Qiu's upper body.

ps: Brothers, I don’t ask for monthly passes, no recommendations, no rewards, but only book reviews. The readers of this book are brothers who have been with me for a long time. Bao, formerly known as Ni Haitao, is also a book friend. One of the administrators, he got married on the sixth day of the first year. Huadu is here to ask everyone to help and send blessings. Thank you. Mobile users, please visit //

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