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Chapter 2133: 5 tripod 8th order collision

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"En?" Greedy Wolf frowned, he was so angry now that someone dared to beat him.


His figure disappeared directly in place, and his men rushed towards Zhongqiao.

"Who moved me!" Greedy Wolf shouted loudly while standing on the bridge.

The others ran away in fright.

"Me." King Qi said very casually.

When the greedy wolf appeared, King Qi knew that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person. As for how powerful it was, King Qi didn't know, but he believed that the other party should be a master.

The moment Greedy Wolf saw King Qi, he was certain that the other party was a master.

The two stood there without speaking for a long time, but the momentum between the two was undergoing a strong collision, a crazy collision.

The people around were also quietly watching the scene here.

"Your strength is good." Greedy Wolf said slowly.

There is appreciation in his words, as if the superiors praised their juniors.

"Yours is a little worse." King Qi fought back very rudely.

He is the King of Qi, who almost wiped out the King of Qi in the entire Upper Three Realms thousands of years ago, will he actually lose?

The greedy wolf is a ferocious hungry wolf.

King Qi is the tiger of the jungle king.

There is still a certain gap in momentum between the two.

Although Greedy Wolf's strength is good, his aura is limited after all, but King Qi is different. Thousands of years ago, he would only fight with millions, tens of millions of people, and destroy the Daxing Empire. He is a well-deserved king.

So his aura was real.

It's not pretending.

"Humph!" Greedy Wolf snorted coldly, and he would not admit defeat in terms of his aura. Five small cauldrons and eight small cauldrons appeared directly on his head.

A master of the fifth and eighth order.


Everyone around them opened their mouths wide. They were five-tiered and eighth-tier. They never dreamed that they would one day see a master of five-tiered and eighth-tier. This is too terrifying.

"So strong, no wonder he has so many powerful subordinates, he is actually a master of the fifth and eighth order."

"I was hesitant to join him before, but now I have decided, I want to join."

"It's too strong, I can actually see such a powerful person with my own eyes one day."

The people around said with great excitement, the fifth-order eighth-order is a legend, a myth, and a dream that has never been fulfilled for them.

Now those who have not joined the greedy wolf's command are all ready to join the greedy wolf's command, and those who have joined are even more excited.

Now all the people here are looking at the greedy wolf with admiration.

It was like looking at a symbol, a statue.

The greedy wolf standing here is enough to drive those people crazy.

Usually a master of the first rank of the five cauldrons can make them crazy, but now a master of the fifth rank and the eighth rank suddenly appears, how can this make them not excited.

This is already the most powerful person in the Lower Three Realms.

Some people even began to worship Greedy Wolf. As long as Greedy Wolf gave an order, they could die immediately, which is better than the singer Michael. Jackson is also fascinating.

As soon as I heard that there are five-level and eight-level masters here.

All the people nearby gathered. Originally there were more than 100,000 people around, but now there are more and more people, and the number has begun to become hundreds of thousands, millions.

Everyone wants to see what the masters of the fifth and eighth tiers look like?

Is it three heads, six arms and eight feet?

Or step on the clouds under your feet, you can fly through the clouds.

No one knows how strong the masters of the fifth-order and eighth-order are.

"Humph!" When Greedy Wolf first revealed his strength, a smug smile appeared on his face. Although he was also at the bottom of the interface in the Demon Realm, there were also quite a few Liuding masters there.

But in the Lower Three Realms, where he has never seen a master of six cauldrons, his fifth cauldron and eighth rank are already the limit.

He thought that King Qi would probably fall to his knees and worship him when he saw his strength.

Of course, this was just what he thought.

"Five cauldrons and eighth tiers, not bad." King Qi nodded.

There was not the slightest panic on his face, nor any fear.

Greedy Wolf was very dissatisfied with his performance: "Is it just good?"

"Humph!" King Qi didn't speak, but snorted coldly. His aura was stronger than that of the greedy wolf, and his realm would not be lower than that of the greedy wolf.

Five small cauldrons and eight small cauldrons appeared on his head in an instant.

Five tripods and eight levels.

King Qi is also a master of the fifth cauldron and the eighth rank.

The moment they saw that King Qi was also a master of the fifth tier and the eighth rank, all the people on the scene went crazy and boiled. They were completely shocked by King Qi's ability.

This time, even King Qi's subordinates were all shocked. At first, they just thought King Qi was an ordinary master, but at this time, they could see clearly, the fifth cauldron and the eighth rank, King Qi actually Like greedy wolves, they are all five cauldrons and eighth tiers.

"Two five-tiered and eight-tiered, I'm not mistaken, is this the roller blind that God has given me? Even if I die now, it's worth it." The people around shouted frantically.

They were all shocked by the momentum of these two fifth-order eighth-order masters.

A five-tier eight-level master makes them envious, and UU reading worship, two five-tier eight-tier masters are enough to make them crazy, crazy, crazy.

"En?" Greedy Wolf frowned, he didn't expect that King Qi was also a master of the fifth and eighth order.

This time it was a collision between two fifth-order eighth-order masters.

"Five cauldrons and eighth tiers, not bad." The corner of Greedy Wolf's mouth slanted slightly. At this moment, a strong fighting spirit emerged from his body. He is from the Demon Race, and people from the Demon Race are born to be fighting mad, especially when they encounter This kind of opponent who is similar to himself, then he wants to fight even more.

"It's all fur." ​​King Qi said very casually.

"I remember that you seemed to be the one who hit me just now, right?" Greedy Wolf looked at King Qi with cold eyes, his eyes were like a hungry wolf from hell.

"It seems that you haven't completely Alzheimer's yet." After King Qi and Xia Xia got to know each other well, they also learned some words to hide people.

Hearing King Qi's words, Greedy Wolf became even more angry: "You said that I don't like you, and you don't like me, so what should I do next?"

"What else can I do?" King Qi looked at the greedy wolf with a smile and continued: "Beat it."

Hit it!

After King Qi said these words, he and Greedy Lang smiled at the same time. The two of them really wanted to go together. They were in the same realm, and their momentum was not too different.

Such opponents are not always encountered.

Whether it is Greedy Wolf or King Qi, the only thought now is to defeat the other party.

"Okay, let's fight then." An excited look appeared on Greedy Wolf's face.

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