The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2138: died

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"Forget it, don't disturb him, let's sit down and have a good rest. +," Marven Ye also relaxed at this time, he found that he seemed to be too nervous here.

Take a closer look at Xia Xia and Wu Xie, both of them have the demeanor of a master, and they are not chaotic in the face of danger.

They were in a hurry.

"Yeah, let's relax too, anyway, these people are still innocent." Suyou also waved to the other junior sisters, and everyone sat down.

Marven Ye directly picked up a pot of wine and started drinking it.

"Hey, it tastes good."

At this time, it can be said that there were stormy waves outside the formation, and the death of the formation mage made them fear, only the unknown is the most fearful.

No one knew how the Array Mage died just now.

They were obviously going to go up and break the formation, but they fell silently like this.


Death is silent.

"What the **** is going on here? How did they die?" the first-order Wuding Array Mage asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, what kind of formation is this formation, it's too mysterious." Another master of the first-order Wuding said.

"No, we have to find a way." The last Wuding first-order master said.

At this time, they were all stumped by this formation, and they were in a dilemma, and they didn't know what to do.

At the bridge!

The battle between the greedy wolf and the king of Qi can be said to have entered a real white-hot.

Greedy Wolf uses the suit.

God Wolf suit.

King Qi just crossed his hands on his chest, a suit of armor and a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared on his body. His weapons and equipment were not suits, but they were also majestic, as if the gods descended to earth.

"Hmph, I'll show you the gap between me and you next." Greedy Wolf snorted coldly. He had the disadvantage in the fight just now, but now it's different. Now he's wearing the Divine Wolf suit.

Although King Qi's equipment looks very good, it is definitely not as overbearing as his suit.

He will rely on the power of the suit to defeat King Qi.

"You are not my opponent." King Qi said very casually, his tone was calm and his attitude was very casual.

"I haven't fought yet, how can you know if I am?" A look of disdain appeared on Greedy Wolf's face.


Just then there was a loud explosion behind them.

The forest in front of the left bridge.

Xia Xia has slept here for two days and two nights. From time to time, people outside come to try the power of the formation, but in the end, they all returned with disappointment.

They want to break the formation, but they simply don't have the ability to break the formation, so they can only watch.

If they leave, they will not be reconciled.

Because Xia Xia stole their Tianzhu grass, but they found it after a lot of hard work. Later, they fought against the five tenth-level wild beasts, Yunxi, for several days.

But in the end, the summer came to take advantage of the fisherman.

Marven Ye and others in the formation were also used to it, no matter what the people outside were doing, they only needed to watch the play, because the people outside couldn't break the formation.

This formation is unbreakable.

"I can really sleep in the summer, but I've slept for so long." Ye Qiu said curiously, since he said he was going to sleep last summer, he hadn't woken up.

"There seems to be another Array Master outside, this time the Array Master seems to be more powerful." Suyou said very relaxedly lying there.

"Yeah, this person is old, and he seems to be very powerful." Su Jing said.

"This kind of person might have real skills." Marven Ye nodded, but no matter whether he had real skills or not, the few of them remained motionless. They had already learned that they just sat here and didn't move.

"How long are we going to sit here? I want to eat." Wu Xie couldn't wait any longer.

If he wasn't worried about offending Xia Xian and then Xian Xian wouldn't give him barbecue, he would go and wake Xia Xian up.

"Look, the magician outside seems to be studying something with those masters." Ye Qiu suddenly shouted. At this time, you can see the outside of the formation, but you can't see the inside of the formation from the outside. .

Those people seem to be secretly studying something, and there are obviously some excited expressions on the faces of those people.

"Either a traitor or a thief." Su You said lightly.

"Look, anyway, Xia Tian said that the formation can't be broken." Marven Ye said.

"Look, the situation doesn't seem right. Those people seem to be telling the people around them. They won't make a big move this time, right?" Big Buck Tooth suddenly found that the atmosphere outside didn't seem right.

The other party seemed to be planning something.

"Well, it seems that it is." Marven Ye also frowned.

They are all looking out nervously, they want to see what tricks those people outside are playing. In recent days, those people outside have tried a lot, but there is still no problem with the formation.

An hour later, there seemed to be some commotion outside.

Two hours later, it was calm outside.

" They want everyone to attack this formation together." Marven Ye stood up suddenly, if he could keep calm before, then now he can't keep calm anymore. There are hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions, and so many people attack this formation together, so what will be the end of this formation?

Needless to say or guess.


This formation must not be able to withstand so many people attacking together.

After all, people are powerful.

"Well, the people outside are planning to attack this formation together, this time it's troublesome." Su You also stood up.

Marven Ye turned to look at Xia Xia, but Xia Xia was still sleeping.

slept very deadly.

"What can I do?" Marven Ye asked nervously.

With such a powerful attack, not only will the formation be destroyed, but even the ones inside will be instantly killed.

"Didn't he say it's all right?" Wu Xie said very casually.

"However, it's too scary here. After all, there are so many people on the other side. This attack is no joke." Marven Ye still didn't believe that this formation could resist the attack of so many people.

At this time, the people outside were already preparing, and they planned to carry out a big attack, a big attack of attack together.

A strange look appeared on Su Jing's face, and then she walked directly to Xia Xia.

"What's the matter, Junior Sister?" Su You asked in confusion.

Su Jing's brows tightened, as if she had encountered some difficulty.

"What's the matter?" Marven Ye also stepped forward and asked.

"There is no breath of life." Su Jing said.

"What did you say?" Su You asked again.

Su Jing put her hand directly on Xian Xia's nose, and then her face changed greatly: "No breathing, no life breath, Xia Xian he died."

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