The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2140: I'm waiting for you


There is nowhere to hide from such a dense attack, and one person is blocking one person, and they have no room to escape at all. At this time, this place is simply a massacre.

"What?" The first-order Wuding masters were all startled, and then they quickly fled backwards.


Whoever blocks their escape route is a kill.

Before the attack arrived, his own people began to kill.


The massacre started the (female supporting) apocalyptic reincarnation.

Hundreds of thousands of attacks directly wiped out everything around them.

Dead bodies fly.

Looking at everything outside the formation, Marven Ye couldn't describe it in words: "All dead, actually all dead."

"There are still a few alive." Xia Xia's hand clapped directly on the ground.


This killing formation was directly resolved.

"Wu Xie, kill those fish that slipped through the net. As long as you guys dare to take things from dead people, the storage equipment on them will be yours." Xia Xia looked at Ye Wen and the others with a smile on his face. people.

Especially those women.

Not everyone dares to pick up storage equipment from the dead.

"If you don't dare, then you can go back, and don't come out in the future, because the outside world is too dangerous and not suitable for you." Xia Xia looked at Suyou's daughters.

"Summer is right, you have to adapt." After Marven Ye finished speaking, he picked up a severed limb and took off the storage bracelet: "Don't be cold, so much storage equipment, the wealth inside There are countless, these are all given to us by Xia Xia, if we don’t want them, our whole life is destined to be mediocre.”

This time, Marven Ye was no longer polite. When he saw that Xia Xia's formation was so powerful, he began to guess that Xia Xia's identity was unusual.

How can a normal person arrange such a strong formation?

"This is an experience that must be faced in life. If there is an elixir in the storage ring on the opposite side that you need to save your life, would you still not take it? My family, friends and future lover." Big Buck Tooth said very touchingly, especially his future lover.

It fully reflects his longing for a lover.

"I'm welcome." After Ye Qiu finished speaking, he started to get the storage equipment on the ground.

Wu Xie glanced at Xia Xia and went straight to kill them. Although the powerful people were not dead, they were covered in bruises and wounds, and they simply couldn't withstand Wu Xie's attack.

"Don't hesitate, there is too much blood here, and a large number of wild beasts will soon be attracted. We must leave here immediately." Xia Xia shouted to Suyou and the girls.

"Okay!" Su You gritted her teeth and grabbed the storage equipment directly on the ground.

The other women saw that the elder sister was moving, and they all started to try to get the storage equipment on the ground.

"In summer, I want to eat barbecued meat, and I've starved to death these days." Wu Xie ran back after beheading the few that slipped through the net.

"Okay, when they're done, let's get out of here first, and then you go grab a few big guys, I'll give you extra food today." Xia Xia said loudly.

The crowd started immediately.

At first, the girls in Suyou were still a little uncomfortable. Later, they put on gloves and ignored their clothes, and started picking up a large number of storage equipment.

After half an hour, they cleaned the storage equipment and changed into new clothes.

Then everyone left.

Although the girls were still a little uncomfortable, they had gotten used to it.

As for the extra meal in the summer, they really don't plan to eat it. Their appetite is very poor now, and if they see meat, they might spit it out.

Xia Tian just smiled, and did not explain the skillful pastoral, the best little pretty woman.


Everyone looked at these wild beasts that Wu Xie had brought back and couldn't speak. Xia Xia could be regarded as asking him to catch a few more. As a result, he caught ten at a time, and each of them was bigger than the other.

"Okay, let's start baking." Wu Xie said expectantly.

Xia Xia didn't hesitate to start the roast directly. He roasted one end at a time, and it only took ten seconds for the other end. Such a barbecue speed is unique in the Lower Three Realms, and Xia Xia is definitely the first person.

Soon, all ten wild beasts were roasted.

Several women before said that they were disgusting and couldn't eat it, but they all came up and scrambled in the end.

Because they really can't control their pursuit of food.

Ten wild beasts, they were all eaten clean in the end. Of course, the main combat power is still innocent. He ate almost all the wild beasts himself. Evil will definitely not let it go.


Wu Xie cried directly.

"Damn, why are you crying as a big man?" Xia Xia said very dissatisfied.

"I've never eaten so full, I'm so happy." Wu Xie said while crying.

"Hey, this child has been abused since he was a child, but with your appetite, everyone has to eat to death." Xia Xia said helplessly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone laughed again.

This trip to Qilin Mountain, it can be said that everyone has gained enough benefits.

Early the next morning, everyone set off again. This time, they could be said to be much more relaxed. They didn't care about treasures anymore, because they had hundreds of thousands of storage equipment on them.

There is a certain amount of wealth in each storage equipment. It can be said that they have made a fortune this time, and the reason why they can make a fortune is all summer.

Because the summer has gradually become the spiritual leader of the team.

The battle at the bridge is also over.

Greedy Wolf originally planned to have an ultimate battle with King Qi, but as a result, there was a fire in his rear, and those people started to make trouble, so he could only be forced to deal with the things there first.

"I remember you, let's have a showdown next time." After the greedy wolf glanced at King Qi, he turned his head and walked towards the middle bridge.

"I'll wait for you." King Qi said expressionlessly.

King Qi ignored the greedy wolf because he wanted to find Xia first. He didn't know that because he didn't kill the greedy wolf this time, he regretted it all his life.

Looking at the back of Greedy Wolf, King Qi always had a special feeling. He didn't know what it was like, so he could only continue to walk forward.

"Forget it, I won't know if it's an enemy or a friend next time we meet." King Qi disappeared immediately after speaking.


At the middle of the bridge, Greedy Wolf's huge body smashed directly onto the bridge. Seeing Greedy Wolf's body more than ten feet tall, the scene immediately became quiet.

No one dared to speak.

"My name is Greedy Wolf. If you want to mess with me, you will make a soul blood oath. If you don't want to mess with me, you will pay the money. I will kill anyone who dares to make trouble."

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