The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2149: suicide

Others described the attack as a hail of bullets, but at this time, fresh meat was flying all over the sky, and it was all roasted, and the food they threw was their own rations.

But soon, an incredible scene appeared. Originally the python was going to rush towards the meat, but the python didn't know the reason, and instead of rushing to the formation, it went straight to the food and started to eat, its body He actually stood up and caught those barbecued meats.

And the barbecue that fell into the formation was not wasted.

Innocent will naturally not live up to the other party's good intentions.

Eat, eat it all.


There was a feeling of vibration on the ground. The python that was catching the barbecue suddenly stopped its movements, and then fled away in a daze, as if it sensed that something terrible was about to happen.

"The python didn't attack us!!" Feiyan was a little surprised.

"I told you to relax." Su You smiled slightly.

"No, the python seems to have escaped just now, that is to say, there may be creatures it fears appearing here." Guo Mei, who rarely speaks, said suddenly.

When she said this, her face changed.

A desolate beast that is more terrifying than a python, it must be difficult to deal with.

However, she soon discovered that at this time, the people in their team were still not nervous at all, and they were playing their own games there.

"Aren't you worried at all?" Guo Mei looked at everyone in confusion and asked.

"You guys were worried just now, but what's the result? Let's put it on the air, and you'll understand later that this team of ours is here to travel." Marven Ye said very casually.

to travel.

Hearing Marven Ye's words, Guo Mei had black lines all over her forehead.

"Come on, wild beast, come quickly." Song Yunshao shouted loudly over there, he was really looking forward to the arrival of the wild beast, because he was very confident in his fans, no matter what wild beast came. , they are not afraid, and as long as the wild beast finds Xia Xia and them, they will definitely die in that Xia Xia.

Sure enough.

The huge noise they made attracted the wild beast.


A wolf howl came.

Then the ground began to shake violently.

Wolves, they attract wolves.

"Oops, it's a pack of wolves, it's a pack of wolves. We will definitely not be spared this time. The pack of wolves runs in packs. Even if they can't see us, they will definitely not bypass us when they run." Yan hurriedly stood up, this time she couldn't sit still anymore.

"It's really a pack of wolves, let's escape!" Guo Mei suggested.

"Calm, calm." Marven Ye shook his head helplessly.

"Calm down, do you still have any way to deal with the wolves? Or is this formation able to avoid the wolves?" Guo Mei asked inexplicably.

"I don't know." Marven Ye naturally didn't know what formation Xia Tian set up this time, nor what the power of the formation was.

"You don't know!!" Guo Mei was completely speechless this time, she was really going crazy, she originally saw Ye Wenxiu's complete appearance, thinking that he knew this formation very well, so she would So calm, he actually said he didn't know.

"Yeah, I don't know." Marven Ye said calmly.

"What about you guys?" Guo Mei asked, looking at Suyou and the others.

"I don't know." Su You shook her head.

This time Guo Mei was insane, and Feiyan on the side was completely speechless. Seeing that these people were so calm, they thought they all knew this formation very well, but none of them actually understood the formation.

"It's over, this time is dead." Guo Mei could already hear the sound of the wolves running over, so it was definitely too late for her to choose to escape.

"Calm down, calm down." Marven Ye advised, they all came here like this, so they were all used to it. He was even more exaggerated than Guo Mei's actions at this time.

"Hahaha, it's the wolves. Our desert fans can avoid the wolves, but what about you? The wolves rush over, and everything will be trampled to a flat bottom." Song Yunshao laughed excitedly. : "Yanyan, come here quickly, they will soon turn into ruins."

"Even if I die, I won't pass." Feiyan responded.

Feiyan has already decided that she wants to be here, because yesterday the people here were very loyal, and she saw this with her own eyes. No matter what the result is today, she will face these people together.

"What to die for, sit down and rest, you have to learn to be calm." Marven Ye shook his head helplessly. Now that he saw Feiyan and Guo Mei's actions, he remembered how ridiculous he was at that time.

Because the current Feiyan and Guo Mei are the original him.

"Okay, since we're on the same team, then you all sit, and I'll sit too." Feiyan also wanted to understand, she didn't believe that these people in front of her were fools, sitting here waiting to die, so she wanted to see How would these people react to a pack of wolves?

"You... okay." Guo Mei also sat down.

"Xiamen, do you want to eat wolf meat tonight?" Wu Xie looked at Xia Xia expectantly and asked.

"Didn't you just finish eating?" Xia Xia looked at Wu Xie in confusion. UU Reading

"I'm hungry again." Wu Xie said pitifully.

"Then wait for a while, I will let you out in a while, you go out again, grab a few heads and come in, but you are not allowed to eat alone." Xia Xia reminded.

"Okay." Wu Xie said excitedly.

"Hahahaha, you people who don't know how to live or die, then I will appreciate your death, Yanyan, if you don't come back, don't blame me, even if you die, I won't let you go Yes." Song Yun Shaoyan shouted evilly, his words were very perverted.

Don't let me die.

"Song Yunshao, you have to die." Feiyan shouted angrily.

"Hahahaha, let's see who the two of us have to die. I can't get the woman Song Yunshao wants to get." Song Yunshao laughed excitedly.

"Hey." Xia Tian sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"You plan to let them die?" Wu Xie asked.

"En." Summer nodded.

"Would you use me to kill them?" Wu Xie asked, now he also felt that Song Yunshao was really disgusting.

"No need, they are looking for their own way." Xia Xia continued to drink the wine in his hand.

"Brothers, go and grab the body for me. I only want Yanyan's, and the rest will belong to you." Song Yunshao will still die.

Ow! !

When they came, the wolves rushed over directly. They rushed from the direction of the Xiaxia formation, while Song Yunshao and the others were behind the Xiaxia formation, which meant that the wolves had to pass through Xiaxia first.

Feiyan and the others were all sweaty in their palms.

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