The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2173: Summer VS Earthquake

The eleventh-level wild beast is here.

For normal people, the tenth-level wild beast is the super wild beast in their eyes, and the ultimate combat power can already be compared with the masters of the fourth and ninth orders.

But now when everyone heard that it was an eleventh-level wild beast, they were all very surprised.

There was even a hint of concern.


The eleventh-level wild beast seems to be showing off its authority. It is the king, and its arrival is the arrival of glory.

It seems to be saying: Look at me, I can fly this formation in one fell swoop.


The surrounding wild beasts began to cheer.

They are all looking forward to the attack of the 11th-level wild beast Zhentianniu.

The people in the formation are all very nervous. After all, the next level to attack them is the eleventh-level wild beast, a legendary existence.

They are also not sure whether this formation can stop the attack of the eleventh-level wild beast.

The eleventh-level wild beasts are equivalent to the masters of the fifth-order five cauldrons, and they are large, and it is difficult for ordinary masters of the fifth-order cauldron to defeat them.


One hoof of the eleventh-level wild beast Zhentian Niu stepped on the ground hard, and the ground shook, and then its other hoof also swayed on the ground.


The ground shook again.

"It's so terrifying, this time our formation will definitely not be able to keep it." Those in the formation understand that they may not be able to keep the formation this time, even if they launch an attack on the formation, it is useless.

Because their attacks are simply not enough to tickle people.


The Zhentian Niu let out a huge roar, and then its huge body rushed directly to the formation, it wanted to smash the formation directly.


The surrounding wild beasts seemed to be cheering for it, and the scene was very lively for a while. Whether it was people or wild beasts, their eyes were all focused on Zhentian Niu.

"Defense!" A general ordered directly, and then he personally led the master there to prepare to attack.

Although he knew that he might be directly killed by Zhentian Niu, he was a general, and he would die on the way to charge, on the battlefield, and he would never back down.

A soldier will counsel one, and a general will counsel a nest.

If he is cowardly, then all the people behind him will be cowardly, and if he goes up, then the people behind him will also be swayed by his morale.

For a time, the general and the masters behind him were all ready to have a life-and-death shock with Zhentian Niu there.


Zhentian Niu rushed directly to the formation, the ground began to vibrate violently, and even some people with low strength jumped.


The Shocking Bull just wanted to make such a might, as if it wanted to shock everyone with its might.

Its speed is very fast, and it has already killed in front of the formation in a blink of an eye.


Zhentian Niu slammed into the formation directly.

The power of this blow is so powerful that the air seems to be torn apart by it.

"Brothers, kill!" The general and his men directly attacked Zhentian Niu.

Seeing that the general and his subordinates were about to be completely wiped out under the attack of Zhentianniu, at this moment a silver figure appeared directly in front of Zhentianniu.

Ruyi gold hoop stick, hit me.


A huge golden light smashed directly on Zhentian Niu's head, and at the same time, Zhentian Niu and the silver figure retreated at the same time.


Zhentian Niu's body smashed the trees and boulders behind him.

"What?" All the people on the scene were stunned. The 11th-level wild beast Zhentian Niu was actually beaten up. This is too incredible.


Zhentian Niu let out a loud roar, there was a blood mark on its body, and the fur there was gone, obviously it was hit by the golden light just now.


Zhentian Niu was very angry at this time, it glared at the formation.


With a flash of silver light, Xia Xia's body fell directly in front of the formation. Just now, he was also knocked away by the powerful force of Zhentian Niu, but fortunately, the force on the Ruyi golden hoop was too great, and Now the bones of the summer are the bones of the ape king, so it relieves the summer a lot.

Otherwise, the impact of this one will break the bones of the summer.

"It's the leader!" Everyone could see clearly that the person who smashed the eleventh-level wild beast into the air was their leader Xia Xia.

Just now everyone was still worried that this formation would not be able to withstand it.

Their allies took action.

In the past, although everyone knew that their leader was a legend, no one knew the true strength of Xia Xia, but now everyone can see it clearly.

What kind of terrifying strength is this capable of knocking out the shocking bull at full speed.

"Thank you for saving your life." The general said respectfully, and the guards behind him also knelt down on one knee.

"What's your name?" Xia Xia asked, looking at the general.

"Wang Lei!!" said the general.

"Good job, would you like to follow me in the future?" Xia Xia admired this general very much. His courage just now shocked Xia Xia. With such a general, what team could not win?

"Thank you for the cultivation of the leader, but the subordinates have their own hometown, and the subordinates have to protect their hometown." Wang Lei said respectfully.

"Good job, I really didn't see you wrong. This is my token. If you need it in the future, you can send someone to take the token to Qiwangcheng to find me." Xia Tian threw a token to Wang Lei, and then He threw a few things to the other people: "These are low-quality treasures. Although they are not precious things, I appreciate your backbone."

"Thank you, Alliance Leader!" Several people started to kowtow directly.

They thought they were dead just now, but now they not only didn't die, but they all received Xia's reward and Xia's attention.

Seeing that several of them had obtained treasures, the people at the scene looked at them with admiration.

At the same time, the people on the scene were even more excited, because they had an incomparably powerful backer, their leader Xia Xia, and they also saw Xia Xia's personality.

I have to say that the summer reward has greatly improved the morale of these people on the scene.

"Long live the leader!" the general shouted loudly.

Then everyone shouted in unison.

"Long live the leader!!"

"Long live the leader!!"

Everyone shouted together so strong, worthy of being our leader. "Xiaoyang looked at Xia Xia with admiration on his face. For him, Xia Xia was his idol.

"As expected of the three city masters of King Qi City, it's too powerful, too powerful." Hu Ben also shouted very excitedly.

The ten masters with more than five cauldrons also looked at Xia Xia in complete surprise. They understood that they would definitely not be able to catch the shock just now.

If it was hard-attached, the bones would even be completely broken, but Xia Xia not only received the all-out blow of Zhentian Niu, but also was not injured, which is the most terrifying.

"So perverted." Wu Xie shook his head helplessly.


The shocking bull on the opposite side was angry.


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