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Chapter 2175: maddening bull

Maddening the Heavenly Bull!

Officially advanced to level 12 wild beast.

"This is also possible, the probability of a wild beast becoming mad is less than 1 in 100,000,000, and as a result, it can still become mad. Before the madness, she was already an eleventh-level wild beast. After the madness, it completely became A twelfth-level wild beast, how could such a terrifying wild beast be able to be resisted by human power." The faces of those masters above five cauldrons were full of inconceivable.

Everyone looked at the maddening bull in disbelief.

Twelfth-level wild beast.

The eleventh-level wild beast is already a very remarkable existence, the symbol of invincibility, the twelve-level wild beast, I am afraid that only Liuding masters can deal with it.

Now there is a twelfth-level wild beast in front of them.

A full five feet high.

fifteen meters.

This is completely comparable to a building. It can trample others to death with any hoof. This height and strength are no longer comparable to human beings.


Its body staggered and stood up from the pit, and then walked out of the pit step by step. The 20-meter pit is very deep for others, and for it, it took a few feet to walk out.


With every step it took, the ground around it shook.

"Damn it, it has become so big all of a sudden." Xia Xia was also surprised to look at the maddening bull, which is now comparable to a high-rise on earth.

"Xiamen, can you do it?" Wu Xie shouted loudly from a distance.

"I'm a man, do you think I can do it?" Xia Xia shouted at Wu Xie.

"Then come on, I'll just ask casually." Wu Xie said very rudely.

Hearing his words, the people around also collapsed. Everyone knew that he and Xia Xia were friends, but everyone also understood that he was joking.

"Come on, cheer me up, I want to see what's so great about this big guy." Xia Xia was also very excited. Since his strength breakthrough, the strongest opponent he has ever encountered is the old man in white. Five The master of the fifth-order tripod.

His battle with others is to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

So he used his unexpected means to directly defeat the white-robed old man, and beheaded him. The white-robed old man didn't even use his full strength, and was killed by Xia Xia.

Now the maddening shocking bull he is facing is equivalent to the master of the fifth-order sixth-order, and even the master of the fifth-order and sixth-order cannot easily defeat it.

All summer has to do now is to defeat it, defeat it, and kill it.

If he can't even defeat the maddening bull in front of him, then how can he defeat the greedy wolf, defeat Dr. Zuo, and steal the Qilin blood from the Qilin Cave.


Mad Hua Zhentian Niu directly attacked Xia Tian. This time, it did not show off, nor did it go on a show. It directly attacked Xia Xia, and its last trace of wisdom had disappeared.

It has only one thought now, and that is to kill the summer.

Wash away the shame.


The maddening Earthquake slammed into Xia Tian's body directly, and its speed became even faster.


When it immediately hit Xia Xia's body, Xia Xia's body turned into a silver light and disappeared.

"It's so dangerous!" Xia Xian's back was also covered in cold sweat. If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he might have been knocked flying by the maddening bull. In that case, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.


The Shocking Bull's reaction and speed have all increased, and its attacks have become extremely fast.


With a flash of silver light, Xia Xia dodged again. This Xia Xia did not have the slightest righteousness. His body began to dodge quickly. He knew that if he didn't dodge, then Zhentianniu would definitely not let him go.

Since he has lost the first opportunity, he will simply hide and look for opportunities again.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The scene was full of silver lights, and everyone looked at the summer in disbelief.

"So fast!"

Everyone can only see the silver light, and nothing else can be seen. No one knows how fast Summer is, they only know that the speed of Summer has exceeded the reaction speed of their eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

The maddening hornet is also constantly attacking, it will not get tired, because now it is in a state of madness, its only thought is to destroy the summer, and destroy the summer at all costs.

Never die.


After Xia Xia and Kuanghua Zhentianniu distanced themselves, a bow and arrow appeared in his right hand.

Pseudo, shoot the sun bow.

Then he directly opened the fake sun-shooting bow.

call out!

A light arrow shot out directly.


Hit directly on the body of the mad Hua Zhentian Niu, and the left abdomen of the mad Hua Zhentian Niu was directly shot through by Xia Xia.

"It's so strong!" Everyone looked at Xia Xia in disbelief, but they could see that the terrifying defensive power of the maddening bull, but Xia Xia could still hurt it.

This is too perverted.


Summer's body disappeared again in place.

Then another arrow was fired.


The light arrow directly penetrated the right abdomen of the maddening hornet, and then Xia Xia directly put away the fake sun-shooting bow. It was his limit to use it twice in a row. If he used it again, he would suffer internal injuries.

At this time, everyone looked at Xia Xia in They didn't expect Xia Xia to be able to be so relaxed when he was fighting against the twelfth-level wild beast.


The maddening bull roared, and then it rushed towards Xia Xia again. Although its body was still bleeding, it could not feel any pain at all. It only knew to kill, to kill Xia Xia.

Even if only his last breath was left, he would let Xia Xia die.


Xia Xia had just landed behind a hill, and the whole hill was directly smashed into pieces by the maddening Zhentian Niu, and Xia Xia's body was only directly knocked out.


A mouthful of donated blood spewed out of Xia Xia's mouth.

Injured, summer was actually injured.

This was the first time he was injured today in the summer, and everyone looked at him worriedly.


Summer's body disappeared directly in place.

"n, n, d, I don't show power, you treat me as a sick cat." Xia Xian wiped off the blood from his mouth, and then looked at the maddening bull.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The maddening Heavenly Bull made a loud roar.

It will crush the summer directly this time, and it will make the summer not even the dregs left.


The maddening shocking bull rushed directly to the summer.

This time, Xia Xian didn't dodge, but stood in place, slapped his hands hard, and then made two strange movements with his hands.

Immortal art, the nine orifices are connected.

Five fingers and make three.

The third form of the Dragon Catcher!


Burn a trillion spirit stones.

An incomparably pure force entered Xia Xia's hands directly. This time, the final battle between him and the maddening bullock finally came. Previous Back to Contents Next

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