The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2396: Start getting rich

"Master!!" Everyone instantly gave the old man a master hat.

"A master, what a master, if he is not stupid, he should be considered a master. Unfortunately, he is stupid. I checked his body and brain, and he should be in a state of obsession." Xia Xia said helplessly, the path of cultivation is against the sky. Okay, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape the punishment.

Infatuation is one of those states.

He's all right now, at least he's not burned everywhere.

"The real endless magic forest is ahead, brothers, go ahead." Weiyue shouted excitedly.

supply point.

At this time, thousands of people wearing the same clothes gathered here.

"People who dare to kill us are really impatient to live." The leader said with cold eyes.

"My lord, I have already checked. That person is called Xia Xia. It is said that he is the boss of Jun Tianci. He also said that Emperor Xiang Yu is nothing." A subordinate reported.

Snapped! !

A crisp slap.

"This sentence shouldn't come out of your mouth." The man in the lead said viciously.

"Yes, Xiao Zhi was wrong."

"I dare to ignore Emperor Yu, I will make him smashed to pieces and smashed to ashes." The leader said.

"My lord, after cross-examination by the people here, I heard that they seem to be going to the death boundary."

"Okay, now that you know, then find it for me. The opponent's strength is not weak, and it has already made it clear that they want to oppose us, then directly shrink the team, and the people from the sixth and ninth order will lead the team, each team has a hundred people, see Send a signal to the enemy directly and kill the opponent for me." The leader said with a grim look.


"Xia Tian, ​​I don't care what your background or identity is, if you offend Emperor Yu, you must die." The leader clenched his fists.

Yudi! !

One of the five emperors of the spiritual world, one of the five most powerful people in the spiritual world.

His strength is incomparably formidable.

At this time, Xia Xia and others have come to the real endless magic forest.

Xia Xia never worried about Emperor Yu from beginning to end.

As if he never worried about Emperor Izanagi.

Because of their superiority, it is impossible for them to come to kill Xia Xia in person. As for the men they sent, Xia Xia believes that as long as they work hard, these people can definitely defeat them.

In the Lower Three Realms, Emperor Yu, King Yu, Emperor Yingzheng, and Emperor Yandan all gave him tokens.

But to put it bluntly, this token is a decoration.

Things in the Lower Three Realms are the least valuable.

Moreover, Emperor Yu's power is so large, there are hundreds of thousands of branches under his hands, and the token he holds may only be a branch inside, so even if you take it out, it will be useless, but will be exposed. With his own identity, if the other party knows where Xia Xia is in the Lower Three Realms, then it will be troublesome for them to send a large number of masters to attack the Lower Three Realms.

However, Xia Xia underestimated the token in his hand.

Because, that is the token of No. 1 Lower Three Realms.

"Brothers, let's use this location as our base to kill around. We will gather here before dark. How much we can kill is up to us. It's time to practice. It just so happens that we can familiarize ourselves with the attack methods of monsters here." Weiyue looked at a few people and said that he already understood the strength of the people in this team.

It shouldn't be a problem for each person to deal with a few second-level Warcraft alone, so he doesn't worry about any danger.

"Yeah!!" Several people nodded.

"This is a signal symbol. If you encounter a group of monsters, don't be stubborn and send a signal symbol directly. We will arrive at the first time, and if you are lost, you can also send it out, so that we will not be scattered." Yue took out a few signal suits for everyone to share.

Scatter! !

Five people rushed in five directions.

"Lingshi, experience." Xia Xia looked at the monster in front of him.

He has already calculated that all the materials on a first-class monster can be returned to the quest to exchange for 40,000 middle-grade spirit stones, which is 40,000 experience points, then as long as he kills twenty-five first-class monsters, Then he can become an E-level mercenary, and the materials on the second-level Warcraft can add up to 70,000 middle-grade spirit stones, which is 70,000 experience points.

As long as he has fourteen first and second-level monsters, he can also be upgraded to an E-level mercenary.

"At first I thought how difficult this mercenary level is, but now it seems very easy." Xia Xia said very casually.

Before, he really felt that the mercenary task was too difficult.

When will this million experience points go up?

Looking at it now, it doesn't seem that difficult.

In fact, what Xia Xia didn't know was that it was just simple for him.

First, it is not so easy for others to kill a first-level monster, especially a second-level monster, it is even more difficult, usually a team of people kills, and there is nothing left in the last point, especially Those people on the periphery, after a few months of mixing, they may not even encounter a first-class Warcraft.

Of course, there are also powerful people coming in.

But their storage equipment is not as big as in summer, and the general storage ring can no longer fit the body of a large monster.

Not to mention dozens or hundreds of heads.

"Hey, there are still a lot of people here." Xia Xia found that there were not only a lot of people here, but they seemed to be more numerous than those outside. He even saw E-level mercenaries and D-level mercenaries here.

Outside, he has never seen an E-rank mercenary, let alone a D-rank mercenary.

"It seems that the real masters are here, too, it's more difficult to upgrade to an E-level mercenary in a place like the outside, even if you kill for decades, you probably won't be able to become an E-level mercenary. I can't blame others for this, I can only blame them for being too timid, if they were more daring and went inside to hunt monsters, they would have a chance." Xia Xia only understood what it means to be in real wealth and danger at this time. beg.

If you don't dare to fight with your life, you can only be a small minion in your life.

But those who dare to fight for their lives will eventually have the opportunity to become E-class mercenaries.

Of course, the odds of death have also become greater.

"The level of monsters here is too If you want to kill, you must kill the second-level monsters." Xia Xia's body quickly shuttled forward.

The emperor pays off.

After running for more than two hours in the summer, he finally found a large number of monsters. There were more than 40 second-level monsters in total. At this time, these monsters were attacking a mercenary group, a mercenary group of 100 people, this mercenary The group has completely collapsed.

"You escape first, the cadres stay with me, and the number of people who can escape is counted." The head of the mercenary regiment shouted loudly.


Those cadres all looked like they were going to guard to the death. Just when they were fighting the most intense battle with the more than forty second-level monsters, a cadre suddenly inserted a knife into the waist of the head of the mercenary regiment. Time: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die with you, your storage equipment belongs to me, and I will make good use of your treasures."

go to hell! ! !

Then the man stabbed the head of the mercenary regiment directly in the back with the second knife.


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