The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2452: can not stay

"What? Do you have a problem?" The head of the Sun Mercenary Group frowned.

The head of the Sun Mercenary Corps is obviously very sensitive to this kind of thing. Seeing his sensitive appearance, Yuan Dan and the others will understand that there must be something important here.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, we do have something to hide from you." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"Oh? What's the matter?" asked the leader of the Sun Mercenary Group.

"It's like this. We formed a mercenary group in private at that time. It was just the most common F-rank mercenary group, so we couldn't join your mercenary group for the time being." Xia Xia said very embarrassedly, and everyone saw Xia Xia's mercenary group. For his acting skills, he silently gave Xia Xia thirty-two likes.

"Oh, this kind of thing, it's simple, you just need to go to the mercenary union to retire the mercenary group, and then join my mercenary group." Said the head of the Sun Mercenary Group.

"Okay, then I will let my people retire our mercenary group, and then join your mercenary group." Xia Xia said.

"Well, let's go!!" The head of the Sun Mercenary Group waved to a person beside him and whispered a word in his ear.

"I'll go." Shang Que said directly.

"I'll go with you." Weiyue stood up and gave him a look in Xia Xia just now. Although he didn't speak, he already knew what the look meant.

"You two hurry up and come back. It's hard to have such a big backer. Of course we want to join in." Xia Xia said.

Then Weiyue and Shang Que went out.

After the two walked out, Shang Que looked at Weiyue and asked, "Why did you follow me?"

"The head of the regiment gave me a task." Weiyue said.

"What task?" Shang Que asked inexplicably, she didn't see when Xia Xia gave Xia Xia a task.

"The mission the head of the regiment gave me just now is not to stay!!" Weiyue said mysteriously.

"What do you mean by not staying?" Shang Que was even more puzzled.

"It's just that the former D-level mercenary must be killed, because only he knows that we are D-level mercenaries. If he is allowed to live, it will be revealed. Kill him, and the identity will be real." Weiyue explained.

"Oh, that's what it meant." Shang Que nodded.

"The head of the group suspects that this person may have some conspiracy, or to do something unfavorable to Hunyuan City. He also understands that Yuan Dan must be worried about this matter, so he wants to help Yuan Dan solve this matter." Yue understood what Xia Xia meant. If he used his temper before Xia Xia, then these people would have been kicked out by him long ago, but he didn't do it, and he also concealed his identity, obviously just wanting to see what the other party's conspiracy was.

This will help Yuan Dan solve his worries.

Xia Xia is such a person, who can stick a knife in both sides for his brother.

"Okay, then I'll do it now." Shang Que said, she understands that if someone else does this kind of thing, it's almost impossible, but it's much easier for them to do it, because Elder Lin is one of them. Friends, Elder Lin needs performance, so he will definitely not offend them, so this matter is easy to handle.

After they left, the person who was called by the head of the Sun Mercenary Group also left. He went to check the identity of Heijian Tiankui.

After a few of them left.

Xia Xia and the leader of the Sun Mercenary Corps were chatting there.

"Captain, I wonder if you can help us improve our level after we are here. After all, it's embarrassing for you to see that our level is too low." Xia Xia deliberately pretended that he really wanted to improve the level, because he Understand that the more you care about the level, the more the other party will believe him.

"Haha, it's easy to handle, this is easy to handle. Our Sun Mercenary Group has a lot of ready-made materials. Once you join the group, I will take you to complete the task tomorrow and let you become E-level mercenaries directly. As for the future To improve, it depends on your ability to do things." When the head of the Sun Mercenary Group saw that Xia Xia cared so much about improving the level, his guard was greatly reduced.

And he deliberately said that it depends on your ability to do things.

This means that he hopes to let them be obedient in the summer and do things for themselves.

"Is that so? Thank you so much for the head of the group. You really have made progress following the head of the group." Xia Xia pretended to be very excited.

Yuan Dan frowned, and when he heard this, he was even more sure that this group of people definitely had bad intentions.

"It's all trivial things, I think you are all talents, and you are also the masters of Hongjianmen. If you can bring in more masters of Hongjianmen recently, then I promise, I will make you into D soon. A level mercenary, even a C-level mercenary, and if you perform well in the future, then I will even make you a B-level mercenary, of course, it depends on how you behave at that time." Sun Mercenary The head of the regiment pretended to be mysterious.

"Oh? Head, when are you talking about?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked, obviously the head of the Sun Mercenary Group was already excited.

"The time is right." The head of the Sun Mercenary Corps hurriedly smiled when he said this: " drink, drink."

Summer is also drinking, and you didn't ask again, because he was worried that asking again would arouse suspicion from the other party.

There must be something wrong! !

At this time, Xia Xia and others have all decided in their hearts that there is definitely something wrong with this person, and this matter is definitely a major event.

"Head of the regiment, don't worry about recruiting people. We have a lot of senior brothers and sisters in Hunyuan City. As long as I use the reputation of my junior brother, I will be able to recruit a large number of people soon, and Our brothers and sisters all want experience points, because when we went down the mountain, the master gave us tasks to improve our mercenary level. As long as we let them level up, they will do anything, even if it is murder and arson It's alright." Xia Tian assured, clapping his chest.

When he heard Xia Xia's words, the head of the Sun Mercenary Corps was obviously happy.

"We're back." Shang Que and Weiyue walked back from outside.

Weiyue nodded slightly to Xia Xia, meaning it was done.

"Captain, this is our mercenary badge, but if you join a mercenary group here, everyone will have to get an extra thousand pieces of mid-grade spirit stones, or let's go to the mercenary union." Shang Que said.

"No, it's only a few thousand middle-grade spirit stones, which is a drop in the bucket for our Sun Mercenary Corps." The head of the Sun Mercenary Corps said very proudly.

Soon, he directly went through the formalities for joining the group for Xia Xia and others.

Seeing the F-rank badges of Xia Xia et al., he trusts Xia Xia et al.

At this moment, the person who went out to inquire about the news just now ran back.

"Head of the regiment." The man whispered a few words in the ear of the regiment leader. Hearing his words, the regiment leader's face suddenly changed again.

"What did you say." Although his eyes turned to Tianque! !

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