The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2486: let you know

"Yes!!" Xia Xia said and walked directly to Baichang's command room.

When he came to Baichang's command room, he saluted directly: "Baichang, look for me."

"Well, your kid has been doing well recently. It just so happens that I plan to expand a new team, and there is a shortage of one. How about it, I'll leave it to you to manage it." Bai Chang said directly.

"Thank you Baichang, but I just want to be a beautiful man quietly, no, I just want to be a soldier quietly." Xia Xia refused. In the eyes of others, it is not easy to become a leader. , First of all, you need the accumulation of military industry, and secondly, you need opportunities. If the senior leaders are demoted or died because of something, you will have a chance to go up.

Now that Baichang gave him an opportunity to expand, he actually refused.

Getting promoted is something everyone dreams of.

"Okay, everyone has their own aspirations. Seven days later will be the time for a new batch of recruits for the selection of the Spikes. Although I am very reluctant to send you out, it should be more suitable for you." Baichang looked at Xia Xia and said. , he gave Xia Xia a choice today. If Xia Xian agrees to be his senior, then Xia Xia's future will be limitless, but if Xia wants to continue to be a soldier, then he will send Xia Xia to the beast who is a soldier. in the camp.

"Thank you Baichang!!" Xia Xia heard that there was a place to recruit new people.

His face suddenly filled with excitement.

"Well, let's go on vacation first, and I'll take you there when you come back. When the time comes, you can practice well, and don't lose the face of our 99 squadron." Baichang patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

"Yes, Baichang!!" Xia Xia said.

"Hey!!" Looking at Xia Xia's disappearing figure, Bai Chang shook his head helplessly: "What a pity, what a good seedling."

"Baichang, don't think too much, who made him so good, otherwise he wouldn't be envied, and if he goes to the Spike Corps, his chances of surviving will be less." The staff officer also looked helpless. , their squadron has not had such good seedlings for a long time. Unfortunately, it is always the army here, and the army cannot avoid intrigue.

Although Baichang is already a small and powerful person in this team, there are countless people with a higher rank than him.

Summer has long been watched.

Now someone ordered him to get the 999th squad out of the summer, because some people don't want him to stay in that squad anymore, because there are too many long-term enemies in that squad.

That's why he proposed to let Xia Xia build a new team, or send it to the Spikes.

Although the Spike Corps sounds very famous.

Like a high-ranking unit.

But the warriors there all have one characteristic, and that is death! !

Out of 10,000 people, less than ten survived in the end, and the people who went there generally offended someone or the elites in the army, and such elites would die. This shows how terrifying it is there.

"It's great, I finally have the opportunity to enter the special forces." Xia Xia said excitedly. After entering the special forces, he will become a super soldier and can better receive training.

on vacation.

It's been half a year, and the hard days that have been tense for half a year are finally over.

In the summer, I plan to go to the city for a good stroll.

Although he was in the city last time, he was too anxious at the time, and he didn't take a good look around the city at all. This time he finally had a chance.

"As expected of a ninth-level city, it is much more developed than the earth." Xia Xia said excitedly.

His eyes looked around, the surrounding environment was very good, and the facilities should be there. Xia Xian walked directly into a shopping mall. After entering the shopping mall, Xia Xia suddenly felt that he had a feeling of returning to the earth. In other cities before, the shopping malls sold either weapons, equipment, or materials and so on.

But now a lot of what is sold in this mall are clothes, pants, shoes and some accessories.

Even the storage gear is varied, many suitable for women.

Such as storage earrings, storage bun and more.

"Beauty, how much does this storage bun cost." Xia Tian felt that this thing was very beautiful, this bun looks very good-looking, and I planned to buy a few to go back in Xia and keep them for Lin Bingbing and the others in the future.

"Fifty high-grade spirit stones!!" the beautiful waiter said directly.

"It's so expensive!!" Xia Xia said in surprise. He didn't expect a storage bun to be so expensive. It can really be said to be ridiculously expensive.

"Sir, please look at our store name!!" said the beautiful waiter.

"Big goose." Xia Tian read.

"Look good, it's a big bird brand. It's one of the most famous brands in the Middle Three Realms. The one you just looked at is also the lowest grade, and the stuff inside is more expensive." The beautiful waiter was obviously too lazy to pay attention to the summer, because She could tell that Summer was definitely from the country, and she wouldn't have much money on her.

"Big bird." Xia Xia's face was black, and for the first time he felt that he was so arrogant.

And there is still a brand here.

"The big bird's brand, it's okay, show me the most expensive storage equipment here." A beautifully dressed man said.

The beautiful waiter ran directly over with a smile on his face: "Sir, do you want to see the most expensive one?"

"Well, of course." The man said directly.

"The most expensive one needs 100,000 high-grade spirit stones." The beautiful waiter said, she was testing, so she said that to test this beautiful man to see if he could afford it, and if he showed it If his expression is the same as that of Summer, it means that he must not be able to afford it.

"It's just 100,000 high-grade spirit stones, which is much cheaper than the Qilin brand." The beautiful man said with a look of disdain.

Upon hearing, the waitress had an excited look on her face.

"Sir, please come in." The waitress said excitedly.

The two walked directly inside, and Xia Xia also planned to go out for a walk. He found that the things here were very expensive, and he could not afford it temporarily. Although he also had some money, it was the hard-earned money of the disciples of Hongjianmen. , summer can not be used to splurge.

"Beauty, have you ever seen something without giving money?" the handsomely dressed man asked.

"No." The beautiful waiter said.

"Then I'll let you see and see!!" The well-dressed man said and ran away with his things.

"Robbery." At this moment, the beautiful waiter responded, and she hurriedly shouted.

This beautiful man ran straight away. His movement was very good, and there was a machete in his right hand. When the people around saw the machete, they all moved aside involuntarily to avoid injury.


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