The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2696: Small changes

At this time, a large number of people in Qiwangcheng also set off.

Because most of the ascended people are staying in Qiwangcheng.

So this time they all set off together.

Everyone was not nervous or uneasy at all. Everything was as usual, and they set off neatly.

This time it's summer to lead the team.

Of course they don't have to worry about any problems.

In their hearts, the summer will always be undefeated.

"Brother Yu Qing, you are here too." Xia Xia slightly cupped his hands.

"Well, we need to report the situation here to the above." Yu Qing said.

"Let's take a look at the situation, brother, you also understand that some things can be reported, and some things we can know ourselves." Xia Xia didn't say it explicitly.

"I understand." Yu Qing nodded.

They are all smart people. Yu Qing already understands what Xia Xia means. This is the lower three realms. Some news cannot be reported to the above, otherwise it will definitely cause a sensation. It just said that Xia Xia made/created a puppet/body here, which can convey some commands, but it didn’t say that this clone/body could switch freely/freely with Xia Xia’s soul, and it didn’t say that Xia Xia had so many points/ body.

"Let's go." In the summer, they came directly to the location of the big pass/send formation.

When they came to the position of the big pass/send array, it was still so quiet here.

Nothing can be seen from the surface.

"There are still three hours before the teleportation/transmission formation will start." Yu Qing said.

"Yeah." Summer nodded.

after an hour.

"Come on." Xia Tian suddenly opened his eyes. Although others couldn't see anything, he could already feel the familiar aura, which was the aura of the Art of Eight Qi.

When I heard that summer was coming, the spirits of those around were tense again.

After all, the last time Xiao Tianli came, it caused a great sensation.

Swish! !

A figure from far to near, kept coming over, he took ten meters in one step, and he was getting closer and closer to here.

When Xia Tian saw this figure, his brows furrowed together.

At this time, the person in front of him was Xiao Tianli.

tread! !

Xiao Tianli stood less than ten meters away from the summer.

The place was very quiet.

"Why?" Summer broke the silence.

It's really too quiet here, and he already knows that Xiao Tianli is here for him, so he can't hide, and what he wants to ask is very simple, that is why Xiao Tianli did this, why did he lead He came out.

"If I exchanged those things for your parents' lives, would you exchange them?" Xiao Tianli looked at the summer coldly.

Xiao Tianli's eyes are very cold. At this time, he seems to want to kill Xia Xia with his eyes. Normally, such eyes should not appear on a child of about ten years old, and now Xiao Tianli's body/ Physical strength is also a bit scary.

"Your parents saved my life, yes, I also promise that I will give you a lifetime of glory. This is all I can do. If I want to revive your parents, I can't do it." Xia Tian's eyes kept staring at Xiao Tianli, he always felt that Xiao Tianli at this time was weird, and there was another familiar feeling. As for what this feeling was, he couldn't think of it for the time being.

When he put Xiao Tianli in the formation, Xiao Tianli was still a child who didn't understand anything. At that time, Xia Xia also promised him a lifetime of glory, to put it bluntly, to make up for this.

"If you hadn't broken into my house, my parents wouldn't have died." Xiao Tianli shouted angrily.

Xiao Tianli's voice was very loud, and the people around them all listened silently, because they could only listen to the current situation. After all, this was a personal grievance between Xia Xia and Xiao Tianli.

"I know that the death of your parents is indeed my fault, but now that it has happened, what do you want me to do?" Xia Xia looked at Xiao Tianli.

"What do I want you to do? Of course I want you to die." A smile appeared on Xiao Tianli's face.

When they heard this, all the people at the scene took a deep breath, Xiao Tianli's thoughts were too extreme.

Double / meditation inside.

The reason why this place is called double/practice vipassana, to put it bluntly, here is to cultivate some beautiful women/women with great talent, and then marry them to those powerful and powerful people outside, and receive a certain return, and in the future, double/practice vipassana When they need help, these people will definitely help.

After all, my daughter-in-law has gone out of Shanmen, and few people are likely to ignore it.

Yun Miao has been practicing dual/contemplation in the past few years.

As soon as she appeared, everyone was stunned by her appearance.

It didn't take long for more and more people to pursue Yun Miao, but what made everyone feel the most incredible was Yun Miao's talent. Increasing, she also became more and more beautiful, even giving a sense of otherworldly.

Like a fairy from the sky.

This immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

All the young talents in the entire Jiudingmen ran over.

Shuang/Xiuguan became famous again because of this. Many people came to Shuang/XiXuan, but instead of marrying Yunmiao, they married other people from Shuang/XiXuan.

This made the masters of double/practice more excited, and they started to use Yunmiao's reputation to spread/spread everywhere, so double/practice became richer and richer, but until now, there is no one person in this position. Yun Miao can be married away, until now, things have developed to the point where they can't control/control.

Because there are too many people who come to propose marriage now, and they are all people they can't afford to offend.

If they don't marry Yun Miao, then these people will definitely make trouble, and they have to speak up.

Once these people get angry, it will be difficult for dual/contemplation to get along.

And these people also spent a lot of money on the dual/ Even they promised that as long as they could marry Yun Miao, they would give them to the dual/practitioners every year. Come to a large amount of wealth, or even directly hand over the family business to the double/practice.

This makes dual/practice more irresistible.

"Third elders, we can't drag it on any longer. Now there are not 10,000 or 8,000 children of the big family who are going to marry Yun Miao. This is still a lot of people who retreat, otherwise there will be more people here. Now these people Things have already started, and if Yun Miao is not allowed to choose, then things will probably happen, and none of us can afford to offend those people." said the spectator who practiced meditation.

"Seven days, Guanzhu, if you give me another seven days, I will definitely be able to convince her," said the third elder.

"No, five days, I only give you five days, after five days she must marry, otherwise don't blame me for using such a thing." The double/practice master said with cold eyes.

In the lower three realms.

When seeing Xiao Tianli's smile, Xia Xia's face also showed a smile: "So you are not Xiao Tianli."


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