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Chapter 2710: Shameless double break

"What?" Marshal Fei Xiong was taken aback for a moment.

"I said I want to destroy the concept of double rest." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible." Marshal Fei Xiong shook his head.

"Nothing is impossible, I checked it out, the most powerful person in Shuangxiuguan is the eighth-tier ninth-rank, with only a hundred disciples, and I don't like killing women, I only kill a few of the leaders, and I will let go of the rest. ." Xia Xia's expression suddenly became serious, seeing his expression, Marshal Fei Xiong understood that Xia Xia was definitely not joking.

"Have you decided?" Marshal Fei Xiong asked.

"Yeah!!" Summer nodded.

"Then I'll tell you the origin of the double break concept." Marshal Fei Xiong glanced at Xia Xia, then continued: "You should have heard of SS-level mercenaries."

"I heard of it." Xia Tian replied.

"Behind Shuangxiuguan is the support of the SS-level mercenary queen. In other words, this is the power of the queen. The queen uses this power to infiltrate the top of our Jiudingmen and earn a lot of money from Jiudingmen. and resources, if something goes wrong in Shuangxiuguan, the Empress will definitely send a master to kill you." Marshal Fei Xiong said.

"Does Jiudingmen care what the Empress does?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"It's not that it doesn't matter, no one wants to do that. After all, whoever makes the first bird will be retaliated by the empress. The empress is a very dark person." Marshal Fei Xiong said.

"Then I'll make the first bird." Xia Tian stood up.

"You have to think about it, the existence of Shuangxiuguan is very terrifying, and its foundation is intricate. Now in Jiudingmen, they have married at least hundreds of thousands of disciples. These disciples generally have high status. If they heard that it was you who killed Shuangxiuguan, then you would be unable to move an inch in Jiudingmen in the future. Although you know King Yu, no one will believe it, and King Yu will not come out to take care of you, because he has long been Don't ask about the world." The flying marshal reminded again.

"I can't walk an inch? I've been like this for a long time." Xia Xia smiled slightly, took a sip of wine, and then went straight out: "Help me block the mountain, just go out, don't go in."

Destroy the double break concept?

In fact, Xia Xia knew that Feng Xian'er lied to him for a long time, he just wanted to ask for proof, because he saved Yu Meijiao and An Qilin.

Yu Meijiao directly told Xia Xia all the news.

Including Yunmiao.

Because Yu Meijiao was a disciple of Shuangxiuguan before, but she was recently kicked out of Shuangxiuguan by Feng Xianer's design.

In addition to Feijia in the summer, he came directly to a house.

"Have I done everything I told you?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's all done, that one is famous for insurance, and those storage rings are all sealed, so they dare not open it." Yu Meijiao nodded.

The things Yu Meijiao gave her in the summer were exercises.

His current space is five hundred times five hundred.

So he took out almost all the exercises from it.

One hundred thousand fifth-level exercises, 30,000 sixth-level exercises, 5,000 seventh-level exercises, one hundred eighth-level exercises, and several ninth-level exercises. The sect master of Jianmen gave them a few from Juntian.

in the Middle Three Realms.

Exercise resources are scarce.

A seventh-level exercise can change the luck of a mountain gate for ten years.

Xia Xia gave Hong Jianmen so many exercises at one time. To put it bluntly, he wanted Hong Jianmen to cultivate a real mainstay.

And these ninth-level exercises were selected by him to be the most suitable for Jun Tianci and Shang Que.

Now a few of them are training with Weixin. It can be said that the training that Weixin gave them is no less than what Xia Xia received, and it is definitely the level of devil training, which means that Weixin is cultivating their world power.

With the power of the realm, you can truly gain a firm foothold in the middle and three realms.

But the power of the world alone is not enough.

This is like the instructor of the ninth group. His perception of the world is very high, but it won't take long for Lin to surpass him.

"Good exercises must always coexist." That's why Xia Xia sent these exercises to them.

"Is there anything else we can do for you?" An Qilin asked.

"No more, pack up and leave here to go to Kyushu. This is your travel expenses. Jiudingmen will soon be in chaos." Xia Xia threw them two storage necklaces. Xia Xian understood why no one was willing to deal with the double On the one hand, it is because the background of Shuangxiuguan is very hard, and on the other hand, it is too secretive at the beginning, and now they are deeply ingrained. into a period of turmoil.

The hundreds of thousands of disciples who went out of Shuangxiuguan were all the wives of rich and powerful people, and they would definitely find a way to get revenge.

in the flying home.

"No, I'm going to study this matter with the above. This is an excellent opportunity. Maybe I can get rid of the double rest concept in one fell swoop." Marshal Fei Xiong stood up and walked outside.

Summer is a balance-breaker.

And Jiudingmen also needs to do something.

Inside the double break.

A major event has happened here recently. Yun Miao, who is recognized as the number one beauty in Shuangxiuguan, is about to get married. This is a major event.

Yunmiao's beauty will be unforgettable as long as she has seen it.

Moreover, many people come here because of their fame. This time, the marriage recruitment is not a competition to recruit a relative, but to use money to recruit a relative.

It can be said that this is equivalent to selling disciples, rather than recruiting relatives.

The most important thing is that the disciples of the two weekends are also of a high standard.

Since Yun Miao is the best and most beautiful disciple of Shuangxiu Guan, Yun Miao's method of recruiting relatives is not an ordinary method of recruiting relatives with money.

Instead, bid secretly.

Everyone has the money ready, and put it into the storage and then put all the storage equipment in a box, and put their name on it.

Everyone has only one chance to bid, which is a hidden price. No one knows how much other people have paid. In short, no matter how much you pay, it will not be refunded, and Yunmiao will go to the final winner.

mean! ! Shameless! !

Such a method can be said to be shameless.

They bid people as if they were goods during the weekend, and they also used this kind of secret auction method.

"How many people came this time?" asked the watcher of Shuangxiuguan.

"Reporting to the Lord, there are thousands of young talents, tens of thousands of dignitaries, and even some unknown people, but many of them are really old, and even the oldest are over a thousand years old. It's over." A disciple of Shuangxiuguan reported.

"Well, no matter how old he is, as long as he pays the money, he will be notified, and the recruitment will begin!!" The watcher of Shuangxiuguan opened his eyes.


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