The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2721: SHKP No. 1

Number one on the list! !

Xia Xia's eyes were fixed on the list of the land rankings.

Yun Miao's face was also full of curiosity.

the last page! !

The first place in the new version of the list.

Little brother! ! !

At this time, Xia Xia's face was full of excitement.

Little brother has news.

After so many things, Xia finally got the news from Xiao Ma.

Pony, No. 1, Sin City in Free/Free Land.

Strength: Qi Ding and ninth order;

Martial arts: ultimate physique;

Hazard index: 10 stars.

The city of sin, a place full of sin, is full of wicked people, but because there are so many masters in it, even the people of the Five Emperors dare not go there to arrest people. In the city of sin, sin is the root cause, you may do whatever you want. Then offend one person, that is the S-level wanted criminal within the five emperors.

The introduction to the list is over! !

Bai Xiaosheng added a sentence at the back of the land list.

"The strongest land ranking, the great era of genius / opening, the entire spiritual world will set off the era of great genius."

The era of great genius / open! !

Bai Xiaosheng never talks indiscriminately, but as long as he speaks, it will set off an era.

It can be seen from the changes in the rankings that Xia is not the only one growing. In fact, everyone is working hard and improving. As long as you relax, it will not take long for you to be surpassed by others.

Times wait for no one.

"It seems that the spiritual world is about to change." Xia Xia said lightly.

Bishop Cao's place.

Bishop Cao successfully seduced a living old monster with food.

"Okay, let's talk about who you are first, and do you have any good things and skills? Anyway, you can't get out if you are locked here, and it's useless to keep your skills, why don't you teach me, and then wait for me After I can get out of here, I will go to my brother to save you." Bishop Cao was seduced at this moment.

"Save me? How could it be possible? The pipa bone on my body was pierced. The chain here weighs more than 100,000 kilograms. Even if I am strong, I can't get out of here." The man said while looking at the strength in Bishop Cao's hands. .

"Here!!" Bishop Cao threw the food directly to the man, and then continued: "No, there is nothing my brother can't do anywhere."

"Oh? Your brother is so powerful?" the man asked.

"That's natural. Although he is not at a high level right now, I can guarantee my head that my brother can do it." Bishop Cao said confidently.

That man devoured all the meat in his hand directly.

"Okay, then I'll give you all my abilities, but you must swear a soul blood oath to bring your brother back to save me." That person was also a conscientious person.

But if you compare your heart with Bishop Cao, it's not enough.

Bishop Cao's brain, computing ability and ability to do things are not exaggerated.

Otherwise, how could he have been able to control the Qiwangcheng when it was at its most chaotic, and develop the Qiwangcheng to the current level.

"It's a deal, I can swear now, and the food I have here is enough for you to eat for a few years. After I have the ability to defeat the big guy at the door, I can go outside and catch those animals for you to eat. "Bishop Cao understands that if you want foodies to teach themselves, they must seduce/ seduce them with food.

"It's a deal, get the food," the man said excitedly.

"No, I can only give you some in one day." Bishop Cao understood that he had to be controlled. There were too many things, and he didn't know how to cherish them.

The seat of the East Weng and the North Army.

The place where the two were transported was a place like an ice cave, and there were icebergs everywhere. Just when the two were talking about the hottest/hottest, the iceberg collapsed, and then the two began to escape.

"Old Bingtou!! You have to think of a way. If it goes on like this, the two of us will be dead." Dong Weng shouted hurriedly. .

Boom! !

The iceberg behind him has begun to shatter completely.

"Are you sure let me figure out a way?" Beijun asked.

"Nonsense, you are of the ice attribute, and I won't let you think of a way to make anyone think." Dongweng scolded.

"Okay!!" After the Beijun finished speaking, he pulled up Dong Weng's body and ran back.

"You're crazy, old Bingtou." Dongweng shouted hurriedly when he saw the North Army running back.

"Shut up." After Bei Jun finished speaking, ice armor appeared on both of them, and in the end, the two of them were also directly blocked by ice.

boom! !

The entire iceberg collapsed directly, a giant hole appeared under the iceberg, and the ice that the Beijun and Dongweng had turned into also fell directly into the giant hole.

boom! !

The ice was shattered, and the ice armor was also shattered.

"Old Bingtou, I, Sun, Mom, Mom!" Dong Weng's body slammed to the ground.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although he has ice armor and ice cubes for double protection, he didn't fall lightly.

"You still scold me, at least you are not dead now." Bei Jun also fell hard.

"This time is over, the two of us fell into the ice hole. We are now at least tens of thousands of meters from the ground. We are going to be trapped here this time." Dong Weng said depressedly.

"It doesn't matter. Before going out anyway, I reminded us in the summer that each of us should bring a few years' worth of food. The two of us won't die in at least a few years." got up.

Seeing the North Army's heartless appearance, Dong Weng was completely speechless: "You and your grandson-in-law are more and more alike."

The grandson-in-law of the Northern Army is Summer.

"What are you worried about? You only looked up, so you ignored a lot of things. Look around carefully." Bei Jun finished it and ate it with relish.

Before they came out, these foods were all dishes prepared by Magic Immortal Chef and his disciples. It can be said that every dish was very refreshing.

"Huh?" Dong Weng His eyes looked around, and then an incredible expression appeared on his face: "This is the underground palace!!"

"Yes, this is an underground palace, a dynasty of ice. Although there are no people here, it used to be a very remarkable existence. If I guess correctly, this time we two will send it." Bei Jun began to gulp. ate.

Dong Weng also quickly took out something to eat. The two of them were replenishing their stamina, and then took a good look around the underground palace.

The Forbidden City, where summer is.

"Waiter, check the news about Sin City for me." Xia Xia threw a storage ring to the waiter.

Now that he finally found out about Brother Ma's news, how could he not be in a hurry.

"Beauty, my name is Xia Xia, can I treat you to a glass of wine?" At this moment, a very gentleman walked over.

His name is Summer?


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