The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2745: again

This voice appeared beside Long Bao.

Just as Long Bao's body was about to move, he was caught.

"Don't move, or you will die." Xia Xia's voice appeared in Long Bao's ear.

Long Bao's body froze in place.

Only then did he sense that his neck was bleeding. If Xia Xia hadn't pulled him, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

Shock! !

The instructors of the nine groups and others were all shocked by what was happening in front of them.

They didn't expect Xia Xia to defeat Long Bao so easily.

The battle between the two lasted less than five minutes.

In their minds, the battle between Longbao and Xia Xia would last at least three days and three nights. The two showed the power of the world perfectly, but the battle ended so quickly.

"Why?" Long Bao's face was full of confusion.

"Because your strength is too strong, you are too confident in yourself." Xia Xia pulled his right hand, and the golden knife returned to his hand.

"What do you mean?" Long Bao asked in confusion.

"Your combat effectiveness is too destructive, so once you suppress me, you want to use the most violent method to continuously suppress me, thus leaving me the opportunity to quietly bury the crisis in you around." Xia Xia has been designed from the first step, and all the positions he takes are purposeful, to put it bluntly, to introduce Longbao into the golden thread.

"Impossible, my attack power is very strong, no matter what ambush you leave behind, it will be knocked away by my attack." Long Bao frowned, when he attacked just now, the airflow around him could reach nine Grade wind, normally, this kind of thin gold thread will be swept away by the strong air current.

But now things told him that he failed, and the air flow failed to fly the golden thread.

"That's why I said that your strength is too strong, you are too confident in yourself, if you don't use all your strength to attack, but leave a part to look around, then the two of us want to decide the winner. It takes at least two or three hours." Xia Xia said that he did not use Hades.

As long as he uses Pluto, he has absolute confidence.

"I lost!!" Long Bao shook his head helplessly.

At this time, he finally understood why Xia Xia was able to become the second place on the Earth Ranking, because his battles were based on brains and methods.

When someone else fights, they use their strongest ability to attack the opponent.

In the summer, he showed his weakest side, so that the other party was careless, so as to carry out a sneak attack.

have to say.

Few people can do this.

The most important thing is that Xia Xia is the second master of the land ranking. If others see that he can suppress the second man on the land ranking, he will definitely be very excited, and that person will continue to use all his strength to fight against Xia Xia. Attacking, trying to keep the summer down and winning.

Even a person who has the power of the world, after using all the power, the body's ability to respond will decline.

Won! !

The moment he saw Xia Xia win, a smile appeared on the face of the nine instructors. At this moment, he seemed to understand how big a wish was.

He understood that he could never be Longbao's opponent.

Then he secretly swears that he must cultivate a person who can defeat Long Bao.

Now he has succeeded. He cultivated Xia Xia with his own hands, but Xia Xia did not live up to his expectations and successfully defeated Long Bao.

"Good." Lin Dong said with great excitement.

If he wins in the summer, then the goal in his heart will not change.

"Sister Violence, you should go and check your brother's wound. My weapon has corrosion and tearing effects. Although his strength is strong, if he doesn't heal for too long, he will die." Xia Xia reminded.

"Ah!" Hearing Xia Xia's words, Sister Violence hurried up, and then she began to treat Long Bao's wound.

Long Bao was very convinced that he lost. He understood that although Xia Xia didn't win by his true ability, if it was a real life-and-death battle, who would care if you used your true ability? Only remember the one who survived.

As for those who have already died, they will be overwhelmed by history.

"Instructor, what have you been doing recently? Why haven't I been able to contact you." Xia Xia said to the instructors of the nine groups and others.

"It's all your fault that we are going to do the mission. You destroy the Shuangxiuguan, which will give the senior officials of the Jiudingmen a good excuse. When the double rest is immortal, the senior officials of the Jiudingmen naturally dare not be casual. Families related to Shuangxiu Guan were moved, but as soon as Shuangxiu Guan was destroyed, those clans suffered. Anyone who dared to act inappropriately was destroyed. The scene was very bloody. Of the 100,000 families, only a small number of families expressed their allegiance to Jiudingmen and survived proudly." The instructor of the nine group explained.

At first they didn't know what was going on, because the news was blocked too dead.

But then they found out.

It turned out that these families were considered the forces of the Empress lurking in Jiudingmen, and they were more or less related to the Empress.

Later, they heard that the massacre was triggered by the summer, and they were even more helpless.

In their eyes, as long as they do things in summer, they are vigorous.

Now he has jumped directly to become the second man on the list.

"It's so cruel." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"There is nothing to be cruel. If you don't kill them, more people will die in Jiudingmen. We are just exchanging the lives of hundreds of millions of people for the lives of tens of billions." The instructor of the nine group explained.

"Hey!! Yes!! Sometimes it's wrong no matter what you do, it depends on how you choose." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, he understood that this kind of massacre was a massacre of genocide.

As long as the genocide is up and down, no matter the old man or the child, there can be no one left.

Because there is only one left, and that is a tumor.

For example, the king of Qi.

He escaped alone, and the other party didn't care at all, but King Qi forcibly overthrew the most powerful empire at the time and swept the Lower Three Realms.

Another example is Tian Lin.

At that time, the largest family in Qiulin Mountain destroyed Tian Lin's family, leaving only Tian Lin. They originally wanted to see how miserable Tian Lin was, but in the end it ended up like this. The patriarch and the two sons of the family died. And the whole family is over, only the most core people escaped, and they don't know where they escaped.

"Summer, how about the two of us walking together?" Long Bao's wound has been treated.

"Going together? What are you going to do?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Go to Jinghua Shuiyue!!"


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