The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2749: Tiaohu Lishan

The ancestor of the famous family in Qiulin Mountain! !

The famous family was personally destroyed in the hands of Xia Xia.

Not only did the master of the famous family die, but also two sons died, and the rest of the people died and fled.

It can be said that a brilliant family has fallen.

Former Qiulin Mountain famous.

Although there is no one on it, in the entire Qiulin Mountain, both the security team and the law enforcement team must give them face. As long as they stomp their feet, the entire Qiulin Mountain will tremble.

It can be said that they are the emperors of the earth in Qiulin Mountain.

But the advent of summer shattered all that.

Now the famous family is very miserable. Although everyone in the family lives in the friend of the ancestor of Qiulin Mountain, his friend only recognizes money.

"As long as you lead him to the place I have prepared outside the city, then I can easily kill him," said the ancestor of the famous Qiulin Mountain family.

The rules of the spirit world.

Any master of Jiuding can't do it in the city, otherwise he will be punished by the force he is in, and if the circumstances are serious, he will be killed directly.

Although he is a master of Jiuding.

Combat is extremely powerful! !

But as long as he starts in the city inside Jiuding Sect, he will be discovered by the masters inside Jiuding Sect, and then the masters of Jiuding Sect will rush over immediately.

So he can only do it in the city outside Jiudingmen.

"Okay!!" As soon as they heard the words of the ancestor of the famous family in Qiulin Mountain, those people at the scene clenched their fists one by one.

If a Jiuding master personally takes action, then there is a guarantee.

"Do you really want to kill Xia Xia?" A woman in the corner asked in a low voice.

"Xian'er, don't you understand yet?" Wen Ya looked at Feng Xian'er and said.

"Sister Shui Nu, but I really like him." Feng Xian'er said, although the means she used were despicable, but to put it bluntly, everything was because she liked summer. If he didn't like summer, then he would also Don't do those things.

Her love is possession.

is scramble.

Otherwise, she would not have poisoned Yun Miao herself.

"Xian'er, if you look at the people here, you should be able to think of your future fate. As long as you are related to Xia Xia, your fate will be very miserable in the end. Xia Xia humiliated you during the weekend, don't you want to? Revenge?" Wen Ya looked at Feng Xian'er and said.

"But I..."

"It's nothing, you should know Xia Xia's temper better than me. Do you think you still have a chance? Will he forgive you? Since you can't get him, do you want to destroy him yourself?" Wen Ya's face There was a strange smile on his face.

"That's right, what I can't get, nobody else can get it." Feng Xian'er also showed an angry look on her face.

Hate trick! !

She also practiced the Hatred Art, which Wenya taught her. After she practiced the Hatred Art, her thoughts had already quietly changed.

Her hatred is easier to spark.

Seeing Feng Xian'er's appearance, the corners of Wen Ya's mouth twitched slightly.

Closer, closer.

She could finally see Xia Xia die with her own eyes.

At this time, the summer did not know that a conspiracy was quietly approaching.

He was walking with Yun Miao on the streets of Jiudingmen. There were various wonders everywhere in Jiudingmen, and the two seemed to be traveling.

"Brother Tian, ​​when will the other sisters come to the Middle Three Realms?" Yun Miao asked Xia Xia.

"For the time being, I don't want them to come to the Middle Three Realms, because I have too many enemies. If they come to the Middle Three Realms, they may be targeted, and they will be in danger of dying at any time." Xia Xia is most worried What matters is the safety of Lin Bingbing and others.

"Oh, in fact, I also really want to help Brother Tian." Yun Miao has always hoped that she can help Xia one day.

rather than under the shelter of summer.

"I am your man, and it is my duty to protect you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Whoosh! !

Just then, a familiar figure flashed past him.

"Huh?" Summer's brows suddenly wrinkled.

The figure stopped less than fifty meters away from him. At this time, the man was looking at Xia Xia with a smile on his face.

"Flowing wind!!" Xia Xia frowned.

He did not expect Liu Feng to appear here.

Liu Feng was a person under the influence of Emperor Izanagi, and he was an expert on the spot.

However, after the new land rankings appeared, Liu Feng had been completely squeezed out.

And when I was in Kyushu.

In the summer, I also played against the wind.

At that time, Liu Feng relied on the power of boundedness. It can be said that he was unable to fight back against Xia Xia, and Xia Xia didn't even have the ability to escape. For Xia Xia at that time, Liu Feng was an invincible opponent, but Xia Xia believed that As long as you give yourself enough time, you will definitely be able to defeat the wind.

one year! !

Summer only took a year.

His strength has already surpassed Liu Feng.

Although he has not fought against Liu Feng, the Dibang is the most authoritative existence.

Of course, even on the Earth Ranking, as long as the battle is careless, he will die.

"What's wrong? Brother Tian?" Yun Miao asked in confusion.

"I'm going to kill someone, you wait for me for a while." Xia Xia rushed out after saying that.

And Liu Feng is also running forward quickly, this is the city, it is definitely not the place to do it, so the purpose of Liu Feng is outside the city.

Just as Xia Xia chased forward, his face suddenly changed: "No!!"

Swish! !

Then he started to turn around quickly.

When he turned back, more than ten attacks appeared behind him.

"Get out of the way!!" Xia Xia waved his hand and directly sent the dozen or so attacks into the air, and then there were more and more attacks around him.

None of these people were fighting Xia Xia head-on, as if they were deliberately delaying time.

Whoosh! !

A figure appeared in front of Summer.

Flowing wind! !

The attack of these people is to buy time for Liu Feng, otherwise it is impossible to catch up with Xia Xia at the speed of Liu Feng.

"What? Want to run?" Liu Feng looked at Xia Xia sarcastically.

"Go away!!" Summer's mouth spit out a roll word.

Then he shot directly He didn't want to waste time here, because he had already guessed what the other party was going to do.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain.

Those people are going to attack Yun Miao.

boom! !

Liu Feng also attacked directly. His purpose was not to defeat Xia Xia, but to delay time.

Even if Xia Xia wanted to defeat Liu Feng in a short period of time, it was impossible because Liu Feng didn't fight him at all, but just delayed time there.

Although Liu Feng has not entered the Earth Ranking now, he is a master of the Local Ranking after all, and his strength is also very powerful.

"No!! I can't delay any longer." Xia Xia's brows furrowed. If he delays a little more time, Yun Miao's danger will increase by one point.

Summer's body jumped up directly.

Hades! !


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