The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2881: Nominated Chief Instructor

When they heard this voice, all the people on the scene were stunned.

Then everyone hurriedly bowed and bowed.

Emperor Yu.

It was Emperor Yu who stepped down from the sedan chair.

"See His Royal Highness Emperor Yu."

Everyone said respectfully.

Xia Xia was still lying there, with such an arrogant attitude. At this time, everyone realized that Xia Xia was not only arrogant towards them, but also had such an arrogant attitude towards King Yu.

"Yu Lang, I don't know if I can protect him!!" Emperor Yu stared at Yu Lang.

He was full of majesty.

Yu wolf! !

I just said that no matter who it is, they can't keep summer.

But now Emperor Yu appeared in person.

"Your Highness..."

"I asked if you could." Emperor Yu's voice was very loud.

"Yes, yes!!" Yu Lang hurriedly said, his back was covered in cold sweat at this time.

"It's not as good as people, and it's shameful to come out. If all the Nine Dingmen are like you, what will happen to the Nine Dingmen in the future? It will be replaced soon." Emperor Yu said loudly.

All heard clearly.

No one dared to speak.

"Okay, the person who wants to teach you a lesson will teach you after I'm gone. I'm hungry now, do you have anything to eat?" Xia Tian stretched and stood up directly.

"Come here, bring the delicious food and wine prepared for Mr. Xia," said Emperor Yu.

"There is nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief." Xia Xia pouted.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the people around were completely stunned. Xia Xia dared to talk to King Yu like that.

They finally understand now.

If Xia Xia dared to take this attitude towards King Yu, it would prove that his current status was almost at the same level as King Yu.

Being at the same level as Emperor Yu, it would be no problem for them to have such an attitude.

"Eh!!" Emperor Yu was also stunned, but his face still had no expression, the wind didn't move, and the rain didn't shake: "There is indeed something."

"Speak." Summer said.

"Jiudingmen has always lacked a chief instructor. Originally, I planned to transfer a master from there, but I found that you are more suitable to be the chief instructor." Yu Huang said straight to the point.

He did not have the slightest dissatisfaction with Xia's attitude.

Hearing what Emperor Yu said, Xia Xia really couldn't refuse. Although he didn't want to be the chief instructor at all, he was short-handed and short-handed. Jiudingmen took care of Hongjianmen and their Hades mercenary group. There are quite a few. If he refuses directly, it will be too disrespectful to Jiudingmen.

And it was clear that it was his fault.

And when those people around heard the position of chief instructor, they were all confused. This position is very good, because the first chief instructor was King Yu, after King Yu; the second chief instructor was Martial God, but then the Martial God disappeared, so no one came to inherit the position of the chief instructor.

However, when there is a chief instructor, the combat effectiveness of Jiudingmen's people is also the strongest.

There are a total of 100 instructors from the three sects of Jiudingmen. These 100 people are all masters with rich combat experience, and they are people who are proficient in training all year round.

Their goal is to one day take the position of chief instructor.

But now this seat has been taken away by the summer.

A boy of the seventh order and the ninth order.

But the people here didn't dare to say anything, because Xia Xia's strength was indeed very strong, and Emperor Yu's words were orders, not discussions.

"I don't have time." Summer said helplessly.

"King Yu and Wushen were very busy back then, I just need you to be here, and help teach them a few times when you have the chance in the future, they will definitely benefit a lot, and when you become the chief instructor After that, we will announce the world, and neither Emperor Yu nor the top ten SS-level mercenaries will easily move you, at least, on the bright side." King Yu can be said to have solved it. All the worries of summer.

He not only agreed with Xia Xia's name, but also used the reputation of Jiudingmen to cover the Hades mercenary group.

Let Emperor Yu and SS-level mercenaries, the biggest enemy of the Hades mercenary group, dare not touch them easily.

To know.

Whether it's Emperor Yu or SS-level mercenary, if they really get angry, they will break the rules at any time, because the rules are made by them. The Emperor will never fight with Emperor Yu because of this trivial matter.

After all, when it comes to their strength and identity, it is no longer possible to fight casually.

Five gates of life and death.

That was five walks between life and death.

Even if they are invincible, they can't pass all five doors, but they are already the most passed among the new humans.

"Okay!!" Xia Xia nodded, he had no reason to refuse.

"Well, I'm going to trouble you to walk around these three gates twice in the next two days." Emperor Yu said slowly, then he turned around and left, and suddenly turned around when he was halfway there: "Yu Lang, I will punish you. You are not allowed to receive any salary within ten years."

"Yes!!" Yu Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

His spirit had been tense just now.

Because Emperor Yu hadn't dealt with him yet.

He was not afraid that Emperor Yu would deal with him. What he was most afraid of was that Emperor Yu would just leave, and he would be worried every day from now on.

As soon as he heard that Emperor Yu had only given him a symbolic punishment, he was completely relieved.

"By the way, everyone has heard me clearly. If anyone offends Instructor Xia, I will expel him from Jiudingmen. Even if your surname is Yu, I will expel you." Yu Huang said very rudely. , Hearing what Emperor Yu said, everyone also understood that this time Emperor Yu really didn't seem to be joking.

"Yes!!" Everyone said together.

"Hey!!" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. He originally thought he could relax for a few days, but he didn't expect Emperor Yu to find him such a big job.

The next two days were completely busy in the summer.

Since he has promised to be the chief instructor, he can't really do nothing, after all, Jiudingmen really takes care of Hongjianmen and Hades mercenary group.

He didn't teach the three disciples how to, but taught them the skills of fighting for life and death, and the skills of grasping each other's hearts. Of course, different people have to use different methods.

After these few days of contact, all the people in Jiudingmen admire Xia Xia very much.

Those in the first and second doors also took it for granted that they lost.

Even Crazy Shui and Yu Lang have begun to call Xia Xia brothers.

There is no precedence in learning, and the master is the teacher.

As for the twenty who fought against Xia Xia, Xia Xian also used the power of Bodhi to help them recover.

It can be said that although there are only two days, the atmosphere of the entire Jiudingmen has been completely renewed, all of them are full of fighting spirit, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

Day three.

"Instructor Xia, it's time to go." Yu Li said standing outside the door.


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