The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2890: God

"Your sister? What's wrong with her?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

This request is not excessive. Xia Tian's favorite thing is to draw a knife to help when the road is injustice. Of course, he only draws a knife for women.

"My sister was captured by these people. I fell into their trap to save my sister. Please, save my sister. They are a thousand **** people. I was sent to lewd, upstairs." The woman looked at Xia Xia begging.

"Don't worry, wrap it on me." Xia Xia slapped one of them directly on the head, and then the person suddenly woke up.

puff! !

Before Xia Xian could react, a silver needle was directly inserted into his head.

what! !

A scream came out of his mouth.

Then in the summer, another silver needle was inserted into his face, and his voice instantly lost his voice, and he was completely speechless.

pain! !

And the loss of voice and pain suddenly made his mind fall.

"Remember, I only ask once. If I'm not satisfied with your answer, then I'll ask another person, and you will die." Xia Xia said in a cold tone.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the other party hurriedly nodded.

"Where did you guys catch her sister?" Xia Tian pulled out the two silver needles.

"I was taken to the base." The man said hurriedly, he could feel the icy aura on Xian Xian's body, if he didn't tell the truth, Xia Xia would definitely kill him. The pain is simply that life is better than death, and he is still afraid of death, he really does not want to die.

"Okay, where is the base?" Xia Xia asked again.

"In the manor behind the Thousand Desire Buddha Statue." The man said quickly.

"Congratulations, you are temporarily alive, but if I find out that you lied to me, then you are dead as well." Xia Xia knocked him unconscious again.

Seeing that Xia Xia asked about her sister's whereabouts so easily, the woman hurriedly bowed to Xia Xia: "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, wait for me nearby, and I will rescue your sister in a while." Xia Xia said.

"I'm going to find help," the woman said.

"The helper shouldn't be needed, I'm enough by myself." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Now that the enemy is in the open, he is in the dark. This way of fighting, he will not lose.

He just needs to start destroying from the inside.

"No, I got you involved, I must find someone to help." The woman ran away after saying that. The reason why she begged Xia was because she was worried that she would not be able to find her sister, and she was worried that when she found someone to come back, it was already It's too late. Now that Xia Xia is willing to help, she can't be too selfish.

She's going to find someone to help.

Otherwise, with Xia Xia's strength alone, how could it be possible to fight against the entire thousand prostitution forces.

"Do what you want." Xia Xia said while looking at the woman's back, then he turned and rushed in the direction of the Thousand Despicable Buddha Statue.

Thousands of lustful Buddha statues.

Although I didn't know the exact location in the summer, I found it as soon as I asked.

And it's not far from here, it only took ten minutes to find the manor in the summer.

Qianfu! !

A huge house number hangs there.

Outside the entire mansion is a high wall, all of which are made of medium-grade spirit stones, which look extremely luxurious.

It gives people a sense of wealth and honor, and the city is built behind the Thousand Buddha Statues, giving people a sense of sacredness. As for the Buddha of the Thousand Desires, that is known to everyone nearby.

This Buddha was hyped up by people.

It is said to be a Buddha who breaks the limit and realizes the true meaning of life and death. This Buddha is not limited to human life and death, but also requires human discipline. It can be said that this Buddha is the most perfect Buddha in everyone's heart.

Believing in this Buddha can save your life between life and death.

Because life and death are controlled by the Thousand Desires Buddha, as long as you believe in the Thousand Desires Buddha, at the critical moment, the Thousand Desires Buddha will save your life.

It is precisely because of this sentence that there are really many people here who come to worship.

Because the dead in the ancient battlefields are already commonplace, everyone hopes that they can be protected by the Thousand Desires Buddha between life and death, and can survive.

"What nonsense is a thousand lustful Buddha, it's all used to deceive people." Xia Xia glanced at the thousand lustful Buddha, and then walked towards the back of the manor.

He found a remote place. In order not to destroy the formation, he had to dig a hole. In order not to let the other party find out, he dug for more than 20 minutes. Then he came to the backyard. There is a sound, this place can be divided into thousands of courtyards, and each courtyard contains more than ten women.

Add up to more than 10,000 people.

All of these 10,000 people were abducted or captured, and they were detained here first, and then allocated for training to break the psychological defense of these women.

Hesitating that they can't force the women to make a soul blood oath, because this blood oath is useless if it is not voluntary.

So they have to teach these women one by one, so that they don't dare to resist or make trouble.

There is the most professional training team here. They believe that women who are trained by them will never dare to resist again.

"It's a place full of sin." Xia Xia gritted his teeth, and then rushed directly to the first yard. He didn't care who was the sister of the woman just now. This time, he wanted to save all the people here. Go, whoever blocks him, whoever he kills.

"What?" the guard at the door shouted hastily.

puff! !

As soon as he finished shouting, his body fell to the ground.

boom! !

Xia Xia rushed directly to the first yard. He opened all the chains that locked the women, and then gave them antidote.

"Don't cry, I'm here to save you, these antidote pills, you take them and go with me to save the other victims, can you do it?" Xia Xia stared at the dozen or so women in front of him. , Just now these women only had the strength to cry.

"Yeah!!" When they heard that Xia Xia was here to save them, they all nodded vigorously.

"Okay, follow me." Xia Xia walked directly outside. He has already leaked, because there are surveillance cameras everywhere. When he murdered, the surveillance had already discovered him.

"It has to be fast." Xia Xia attacked the second and third courtyards again, and then he rushed in to lift the chains of those people with golden knives, leaving the rest to the girls behind him.

These girls are all sympathetic.

Naturally, he also wanted to rescue the other sisters.

After they took the antidote, they all followed Xia Xian. After seeing Xia cut those chains, they began to detoxify the other sisters, and then gave them some antidote to help them together.

"catch him!!"

Just when fifteen women in the yard had been rescued in the summer, a large number of masters finally came.

"Today God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha."


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