The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2894: run hard

Victory is in sight.

As a result, Xia Xia was kicked back by someone.


Qian Yin's subordinates were blinded, and so were the women behind Xia Xia.

"Follow me to save people." At this moment, a loud shout came from the door.

is a woman's voice.

Then everyone saw a large group of people behind a woman. These people had Yudi's logo on their bodies. Obviously, they were people under Yudi's influence, and the person who took the lead was none other than Xiang Yu. Last time It was also the one she kicked Xia Tian, ​​and this time she also kicked Xia Xia.

When Xiang Yu came in, she was also blinded.

After confirming that the person was here just now, she brought them to kill them directly. She didn't close that much, and she just kicked the door open. At this moment, the door opened.

She thought that the people inside the door must also be a group of scum, so she didn't stop.

When she saw the person who was kicked, she suddenly froze: "It's you..."

She recognized Xia Xia at a glance, because Xia Xia had impressed her too deeply. At that time, at the entrance of Jiudingmen, she was corrupted by Xia Xia for 10 million high-grade spirit stones.

The reason why she took the money at that time was because she saw that Xia Xia really seemed to be useless for the rest of her life.

But now Xia Xia actually appeared in front of him, and she was kicked again.

Here is prostitution, the power of the floor, and the summer appears here.

She immediately thought that Xia Xia was with these people.

"Damn, how dare you lie to me, and you're actually with them, you're really courting death." Xiang Yu shouted angrily, and she was about to rush up to kill Xia Xia.

But at this moment, she was pulled by someone.

"Sister Yu, you made a mistake, he saved me." The woman who was saved by Xia Xia hurriedly said, and she also found Xiang Yu, because she was a member of the Xiang family.

"Huh? He saved you?" Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then when she turned to look at Xia Xia, she found that Xia Xia had been protected by those women, and those women were all watching her with vigilance .

There was even anger in his eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Done! !

She kicked the wrong person again.

"Why did you kick our savior?" The women all looked at Xiang Yu angrily.

Hearing those women's words, Xiang Yu was even more speechless.

At this moment, Xian Xia shouted loudly: "Don't mind me, run out, run out and you will live."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the women immediately ran outside.

"I can't let them escape, kill them, kill them for me, and I can't let them escape." The owner of the village is also completely crazy, he can't tolerate these women escaping from him, because once these women escape, then The matter is exposed, and even his master Qianyan will be implicated.

You know, for so many years, although everyone has known about the business Qianyan made, but because there is no evidence, and Qianyan is an SS-level mercenary, there is no way for everyone to do anything.

But now if there is evidence, then things are going to get bigger.

kill! !

The tens of thousands of masters around them directly killed them.

Swish! !

Xia Xia also attacked in an instant, killing those people directly. He had to kill them, and he couldn't stop. If he took a second at night, then maybe how many people would be killed by these women.

Buddha asked Kalan! !

Xia Xia used this move to defend the women in an instant. Although using this move on a large scale would greatly reduce the power of this move, it could already save the women's lives.

"Run!! Run!!" Summer shouted loudly.

puff! puff!

At this time, someone has already attacked, and their attack hit Xia Xia.

Since Xia Xia was protecting those women, his own body was no longer able to defend, and he did not dare to interrupt at this time, because once interrupted, there would be a large number of casualties.

"Ben Gong!!" The women around shouted anxiously.

"Run!!" Summer shouted.


Xiang Yu was completely stunned. She originally came to save people, because their Xiang family members were arrested, so she had to come to ask for someone.

But she didn't expect that she would actually see Xia Xia here. The moment she saw Xia Xia, it proved that Xia Xia and Yu Xin were cheating on her together, but what she didn't expect was that Xia Xia actually came to save people, and Xia Xia was actually here to save people. At this time, he was so heroic.

In this way, he blocked the attack of tens of thousands of people with his own strength.

But at this time she also saw that there were hundreds of more wounds on Xia Xia's body in an instant.

Tough guy! !

Summer is a real tough guy.

At this moment, even she admires Summer.

"Sister Yu, we have to get out. Not only can we not help here, but we also delay the people inside to escape." A member of the Xiang family said hurriedly.

"Back!!" Xiang Yu said through gritted teeth.

Seeing Xia Xia struggling to resist there, and she could only lead people back, it was really shameless.

"Follow me, none of them can be allowed to run away, even if they are chased down the street, they must not be left behind." The owner of the village has already prepared for the worst, he must kill these people, because once these people run away If it is, then it will be broken. As long as his people can kill all these women, then at most he will plead guilty and take over everything by himself.

He absolutely did not allow things to spread to Qian Yin's body.

Because Qianyan is the person he admires the most, he can give his life for Qianyan.

The power of Bodhi, open to me! !

The power of Bodhi in Xia Xia's body continued to emerge.

Buddha asked Kalan! !

A huge defensive barrier shrouded all the tens of thousands of women.

puff! puff! puff!

Hundreds of wounds appeared on Xia Xia's body again, but he just couldn't dodge. With the Buddha asking Jia Lan, he shouldn't die even if he was injured, but it was inevitable that he would lose his appearance.

"Run!!" Summer shouted again.

The women were all in tears, seeing such a man for the first time.

In their hearts, this is the real The people of the Xiang family obeyed the orders. After all the women ran out, they stopped me here and came out to kill one. "Xiang Yu shouted loudly.

"Yes!!" The Xiang family responded.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large number of women ran out.

call! !

Xia Xian breathed a sigh of relief. With this relief, his body almost fell to the ground. At this time, he was obviously bleeding too much, and the wounds on his body were very painful.

run! !

Summer is also a turn around and run outside!

Die! !

At this moment, a Jiuding master slashed directly with a knife. This knife was cut into Xia Xia's back, and this time Xia Xian was unavoidable.


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