The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2905: did you

real strength?

There are a lot of trump cards in the summer, and those trump cards are his real strength.

These are exactly what he doesn't want to use.

Now his three trump cards are Tathagata's Palm, Pluto's Transformation and Thor's Arm.

Among them, the Tathagata Palm is suitable for group attack, but the most fearful thing is that the opponent has a hole card and will directly attack Xia Xia, or the opponent's realm power is very high and will directly kill Xia Xia.

As for the transformation of Hades, it can improve Xia's overall strength, and can fly, which is the greatest ability to save lives.

Thor's Arm is the most powerful killing move.

As long as the Thor arm is used, Xia Tian is equivalent to possessing absolute killing ability.

But again, this is a trick.

If it is used for sneak attack, the effect of this move will be very good, but if it is attacked from the front, it still depends on the opponent's ability.

Once the opponent has mastered his true ability and the power of the world is higher than him, then this move will not have much effect, and Xia Xia can't really control Thor's arm now.

As long as the Thor arm attacks, it can kill him.

So the biggest taboo in summer is to expose one's own strength.

As for his second-class abilities, the strongest right now is the bow and arrow field of the pseudo-Sun-shooting bow, whose body law is Meng Xianyu.

There are other abilities, but they will not be used directly in the summer, but are looking for opportunities.

Now that he wants to use his trump card, even if he is desperate, he must kill all the people here, and none of them are allowed to run away.

"It's just you, a kid?" Azuchi said disdainfully.

He never even put summer in his eyes.

Kaka! !

Xia Xian clenched his fist, and the sound of thunder and lightning had already appeared on his arm.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, there was a great movement in the jungle.

"Wait for me to stop." A shouting voice appeared.

"Kill, don't stop." Anzu frowned, then shouted directly.

"Kill to kill," the voice shouted.

Then hundreds of figures were killed directly.

At the same time, a cold dagger appeared on Azuchi's neck: "Tell them to stop."

"An Tushou hurriedly said: "Xiang Yu, don't mess around. "

"Missing? As long as you don't obey, then I don't care about killing you." Xiang Yu said.

That's right, it was none other than Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu has been observing Yu Xin's movements recently. After she heard that Yu Xin had left, she also set off, but she was not the same as Yu Xin. No guards.

Although she also knew that there would normally be no danger on this road, even if there was, they could easily resolve it with their strength.

But it's her habit, she likes to be safe.

When she heard the big bang, she knew it was broken.

So she hurriedly sent a signal to ask the subordinates of the new human city, and asked them if Yu Xin was okay. If something happened to Yu Xin, it would definitely become big news immediately.

When she heard that Yu Xin was all right, she sent someone over to support her.

"Stop it, stop it all for me." Azuchi shouted loudly.

Hearing his order, his subordinates all stopped, and they all returned to Azuchi's side, looking at Xiang Yu with vigilance.

And Xiang Yu also let go of the dagger: "You can go."

"Hmph, Xiang Yu, this time is not over." Azuchi said with a cold snort, they are both celebrities, so they all know each other.

Although Xiang Yu saved Yu Xin, she also didn't want to have a bad relationship with An Tuxi. After all, An Tuxi's identity is not simple.

Whoosh! !

Xia Xia was also relieved, this time he could finally continue to hide his strength.

I saw Azuchi leave.

Xiang Yu came up: "No matter what conflicts we had before, I should have paid them off both times."

"Yeah!" Yu Xin nodded.

Xiang Yu rescued Jiudingmen last time, and this time he led so many masters to rescue them, so this is a big favor.

Although it was true that Xiangyu was wrong a few times before, this should also be paid off.

"From now on, our grievances will be written off." Xiang Yu said blankly, she is usually very cold, and the reason why she helped Yu Xin twice is because she is unwilling to owe others. , so it will start.

"One write off." Yu Xin said.

"And you, it's best not to let me see it in the future." Yu Xiangyu glanced at Xia Xia, but she hated Xia Xia very much, because last Xia Xia deliberately lied to her, and even partnered with Yu Xin to cheat her out of money .

In addition, when she went to the rescue last time, she was scolded in the face again.

She thought that as long as she saw summer, it would definitely be bad.

If it wasn't for her being a little manly in summer, she would have groomed summer long ago.

You know, she's not easy to mess with.

Her nickname is Xiao Xiang Yu.

Very hot temper.

"Then it's fine as long as you don't appear in front of me." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Huh?" Xiang Yu's eyes widened: "Do you want to find fault?"

"It's not that I want to find fault, but you are finding fault. Since you don't want to see me so much, then you should just stay away from me. I didn't let you get close to me. It seems that the entire ancient battlefield is your home. The site is the same, but also don't let me appear in front of you." Xia Xia's temper is not good, he is someone who even dares to scold Yu Emperor, so how can he care about Yu Emperor's descendant Xiang Yu.

Although Xiang Yu's identity is also very high, Xia Xia is half a lunatic.

He was so mad that he was scared.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?" Xiang Yu said with cold eyes.

" Then you can try it out. Did you kill me first, or I cao you first." Xia Xia started cursing directly.

He has always had a great temper, and now he is so provoked by Xiang Yu, and his anger has also risen. Although he does not want to reveal his true strength, and there are many masters here in Xiang Yu, what he is most afraid of is that the enemy is strong and there are many enemies.

Over the years, he has been fighting like this, each time the opponent looks invincible.

"Presumptuous!!" Before Xiang Yu could get angry, the people behind her were already angry.

Xiang Yu is very sacred in their hearts, but now there are people who dare to scold Xiang Yu in front of them, and how can they tolerate such rude words?

"What kind of green onion are you? Your master hasn't spoken yet, and you started barking. What? Showing loyalty?"

"You're courting death!!" The people around Xiang Yu all came up.


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