The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2930: Capture the dragon and destroy the sky

One hundred thousand corpses! !

When he heard this number, Xia Xia was also taken aback.

Most importantly, what is a corpse?

Kaka! !

Just then, the ground began to crack.

dead body! !

Countless corpses climbed up from the ground, and the appearance of these soldiers was terrifying.

"Yu Xin, I know that you are the seventh-level expert in the power of the world. Normally, even an ordinary Jiuding expert can't kill you, but what if one hundred thousand corpses surrounded you?" Hua Shao's face was full of disdain. , he wanted to kill Yu Xin, so he was surprised to find out all Yu Xin's information.

Yu Xin's realm power is seventh.

It is impossible for ordinary masters to defeat Yu Xin.

So he chose to kill Yu Xin with poison, and hired some experts, just to prevent the poison from killing Yu Xin immediately.

But he didn't expect that this would not kill Yu Xin.

All his plans were dashed.

So now he has to take action and kill Yu Xin himself.

"Wait!!" Summer stopped again.

"What other last words?" Hua Shao looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"Do you really have 100,000 tendon-refining pills?" Xia Xia is most concerned about tendon-refining pills now.

"100,000 tendon refining pills? If I have 100,000 tendon refining pills, then I don't have to do it myself. Only an idiot would think that I really have it." Hua Shao looked at Linglong with contempt.

"Impossible, you are one of the Ten Great Sages, the illegitimate son of Lord Tianhua, how could you not be able to come up with 100,000 Tendon Refining Pills?" Linglong's face was full of confusion, she was willing to help Hua at that time It was because of these 100,000 Tendon Refining Pills, but now Hua Shao actually told her that the reward for those 100,000 Tendon Refining Pills was all a lie to her.

This suddenly made her feel like a fool.

"You also said that I'm just an illegitimate child, so how can I get 100,000 Ten Thousand Tendon Refining Pills? All my wealth was earned by my own efforts, and I exchanged all my wealth for With these 100,000 corpse soldiers, today I will show you the power of corpse soldiers." Hua Shao's words were very clear.

He was just the illegitimate son of the Master Tianhua.

He has suffered very much in his life.

Since childhood, he has been spurned by others and bullied everywhere.

So he made up his mind at a very young age that he must become the commander of the Human World. Only in this way can he not be bullied by others and make others fear him.

Back then, he saw his mother die in front of him with his own eyes.

So he went to extremes when he was cultivating.

He practiced the way of Asura.

It is precisely because of the way of Shura that he can become the first place on the land list in the capital of justice.

During that time he was brilliant.

Because of his reputation as number one on the Earth List, he was respected and admired wherever he went. At that time, he felt that it was the most glorious time in his life, and he enjoyed the prosperity of the world.

But the good times didn't last long, and his father came to the door.

He originally thought that his father came to recognize him, but his father ordered him to break through the eight cauldrons and quit the land ranking.

a bolt from the blue.

This request was a bolt from the blue for him.

But he had to agree.

Because his father moved his finger and he would die.

When he became number one on the land list, someone dug up his identity, so his father, Venerable Tianhua, thought it was a shame.

In order to survive, he withdrew from the Earth Ranking and broke through the realm to the first order of the Eight Tripods.

After exiting the list.

All the halo on his head has disappeared, no one knows him anymore, and where he goes to do things has become particularly troublesome, those wealth, those glory and wealth are all gone.

He hates! !

So he will destroy everything.

He practiced the way of Asura, and with his own ability, he once again made a name for himself.

But some time ago, his father came to see him again.

This time his father gave him a chance, a chance to return to the family to compete with his brothers for status, and this chance was to kill Yu Xin.

"I must let you die." Hua Shao's eyes were bloodshot.

For him, this is the last chance. He must return to the family. Only after returning to the family will he have the opportunity to inherit everything from his father, and then he will be qualified to reach the highest peak in this world.

"What should I do? These corpse soldiers are poisonous, and there are too many." Linglong's face was full of fear.

"Hey!!!" Xia Xia sighed again: "It seems that you are also a miserable person. Although your ambitions are great, have you ever thought about it? In fact, you are also a pawn."

"No, I'm not a chess piece, I'm a chess player, and you are all chess pieces that I play with." Hua Shao shouted frantically.

"If my guess is correct, someone must have given you a promise behind you, right? But have you ever thought about it, even your own promise is worthless, so what can the other party's promise do to you? "Xia Xia can already see from Hua Shao's expression that this Hua Shao is also a miserable person.

Because there is anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

It was as if he could achieve something after killing himself.

"You don't need to know so much, you are already a dead person anyway." Hua Shao looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"You better look at your wrist." Xia Xia looked at Hua Shao and said.

"Huh?" Hua Shao looked down at his wrist.

At this time, there was a sunflower shape on his wrist.

Seeing so many sunflowers, Hua Shao's face showed panic: "No, no, this is impossible, you promised me that as long as I kill Yu Xin, you will let me go back to the family."

Boo! !

The power of the sunflower burst out directly from his arm.

"You want to go back to the family just because you are a bastard? Impossible, your existence is a shame to me, so I must wipe you out of this world." A majestic voice appeared on the sunflower~www.wuxiaspot .com~ No, you can't do this, I can kill Yu Xin right now, you promised me to let me go back to the family. "Hua Shao kept shaking his head.

"Hmph, you're just a piece of shit, even killing a Yu Xin would waste so much effort, just like you, it's impossible to return to the family, now I'll deprive you of your body and control your corpse, Killed Yu Xin." After that voice finished, Sunflower's power entered directly into Hua Shao's mind.

at the same time.

Hua Shao's entire body stopped there, and then a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Yu Xin, today is your day of death, and Emperor Yu will definitely regret it. Back then, when I proposed marriage to my son, he dared to refuse. What my Master Tianhua can't get, neither can anyone else."

"What a ruthless father, your plan is also perfect, but unfortunately, I'm not Yu Xin." Xia Xia's right hand made a very strange gesture.

Capture the dragon and destroy the sky! !


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