The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2960: not an opponent

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"Huh?" Xia Tian opened the door.

Xiang Pengcheng stood at the door.

"Uh!!" When Xiang Pengcheng came in, he happened to see King Arthur: "You are here too."

"Something happened outside, and I happened to be here to chat." King Arthur stood up. The two of them were old acquaintances. They were also old people here. They also know each other very well. With King Arthur's character, it can be considered that he has given Xiang Pengcheng face several times.

"Oh, is there any wine?" Xiang Pengcheng sat down very rudely.

"Yes." Xia Tian took out a few jars of wine and some food directly from the storage ring.

These delicacies are all made for him by Emperor Yu's royal chef, and they are all stored by him in all kinds of things. They are absolutely fresh. Just now, he deliberately and secretly changed them into the storage ring.

"Hey, it looks good, and it's still hot." Xiang Pengcheng was stunned for a moment.

"Try it!!" Summer smiled slightly.

"Yeah!!" The two of them were not polite and started directly.

Eat in one bite.

"Uh!!" The two were taken aback at the same time: "This taste, this is definitely a dish that can only be made by top chefs."

"Haha!! Otherwise, how can I use it to entertain you? Come, drink and chat." Xia Xia picked up a pot of wine and started drinking. No matter where he went, he had no money, but he couldn't have good wine. vegetable.

Three summer hobbies in life.

Women, wine and food.

"You should already know it, dead people." Xiang Pengcheng said.

"Well, I heard." Summer nodded.

"That" Xiang Pengcheng just wanted to say something, but looked at King Arthur.

"Why don't I leave first!!" King Arthur stood up directly.

"No, it's all my own brothers, just say anything, let's chat while drinking." Xia Xia directly pulled King Arthur down. His words immediately made King Arthur's heart very warm, although he didn't know Xia Xia for a long time, But he found that summer is really a warm-hearted person.

He now feels more and more that it is a wise choice for him to send the medicine pill.

"Well, didn't I tell you before that I was going to go shopping nearby, and then I found a piece of news." Xiang Pengcheng said suddenly and mysteriously.

"What news?" Summer took a sip of wine.

"A large number of Jiuding masters have entered the scope of Justice Academy." Xiang Pengcheng said directly.

When they heard the news, Xia Xia and King Arthur looked at each other. The two of them stopped talking about this topic just now. I didn't expect Xiang Pengcheng to say it when he came.

"Have you heard?" Xiang Pengcheng was stunned when he saw the expressions of the two.

"Well, he just finished talking to me." Xia Tian nodded.

"Okay, I forgot your identity just now. You shouldn't be able to hide your identity from you." Xiang Pengcheng glanced at King Arthur and said.

"Indeed, this kind of thing is not common, because this is the School of Justice, although Jiuding masters usually come here, but they all give things to the students here, even if they are doing business, there will not be so many people here. The city is built around the School of Justice. People who come here cannot do anything without the School of Justice. However, there are too many Jiuding masters who suddenly appear. These people are enough to attack the School of Justice, then What is their purpose?" King Arthur said suddenly.

Hearing this, Xia Xian was stunned for a moment.

A large number of Jiuding masters.

Others don't know what these Jiuding masters are doing, but he is very clear, because these Jiuding masters are here to deal with him.

When he heard a large number of Jiuding masters, his heart tightened.

"Do you know the exact number?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'm still investigating, but the number should be more than 200 people," Xiang Pengcheng said.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by King Arthur: "Five hundred people, when they stepped into the vicinity of the School of Justice, were already targeted by my people. Although these people are very careful, their goals It's too big, their number is five hundred people, no more or no less, and judging from their actions and breath, they are all nine-cauldron masters."

"Five hundred masters of Jiuding." Xia Xia's back was sweating.

Big money.

Although he had heard that Qianyan was a lunatic before, he didn't expect Qianyan to actually go crazy, and he actually dispatched 500 Jiuding masters to kill him.

Now that one has been beheaded by himself, there are still four hundred and ninety-nine people.

Xia Xia is not arrogant enough to really think that he can fight five hundred nine-cauldron masters.

Whoosh! !

Summer let out a long breath.

"Do you know what they are here for?" Xiang Pengcheng looked at King Arthur and asked. Although Xiang Pengcheng has a lot of subordinates nearby, his people are much smaller than those of King Arthur.

"I don't know, I'm investigating, these people are too strong, my people dare not approach them, let alone follow them, and these people don't ask others any questions, obviously they have a purpose, plus The master of Jiuding who died in the school today, so I guess their target is our justice school, or someone in the school." King Arthur guessed.

I have to say that besides being afraid of death, King Arthur has a lot of other things.

His conjecture was absolutely correct.

Because the goal of these people is the summer in the Justice Academy.

"It seems that we have to be careful during this time, but the Palace Master will never allow these people to be arrogant here. After all, the School of Justice is not easy to mess with, and as long as the School of Justice raises its arm, let alone five There are hundreds of Jiuding masters, even 5,000 Jiuding masters can be called." Xiang Pengcheng said.

"Yeah, although these people are powerful, they definitely don't have the guts to attack the Justice Academy, but we should be careful recently, it will be bad if we are accidentally injured." King Arthur nodded.

call! !

Summer sighed again.

He was just going to check the number, strength, etc. of the other party, but now he has already checked it.

It was Xiang Pengcheng and King Arthur who told him the details of these people, plus what he knew, he has now understood some of the other party's situation, but after understanding, he has no way to take action for the time being.

Five hundred Jiuding masters.

Even a sneak attack has no chance of success.

And there are definitely peerless masters among these people.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, there was a loud noise on Xia Xia's door, apparently the door had been hit hard.

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