The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2970: heavy casualties

"Run." Lion Madness said anxiously in his heart.

He wants to run out of here, he believes that those Jiuding masters who rushed upstairs must have killed Xia Xia.

Then his revenge was avenged.

Although I couldn't see Xia Xia die with my own eyes, my revenge was considered revenge.

"Tianxia, ​​this is what happens when you go against me." Lion Mania said with great excitement in his heart.

Whoosh! !

His speed is very fast, he is going to that secret passage.

Then he secretly ran out of the School of Justice, unknowingly, and even if the School of Justice checked him, he would definitely not be able to find him.

"It's close!!"

The secret path was getting closer and closer to him.

There was a smile on his face.

At this point he felt very proud.

What a school of justice, what five hundred masters of Jiuding, all played by him in a team battle, and now only he is the biggest winner.

"Hahaha, this kind of life is the real life." Lion said angrily, at this time he had already seen the exit of the secret passage.

Swish! !

Just when he was about to rush to the location of the secret passage, a figure suddenly blocked in front of him, when he saw this figure, his heart suddenly tightened, and then an incredible expression appeared on his face: "How is this possible? ? Why are you here?"

"Nothing is impossible. When you plot against me, your death is doomed." Xia Xia looked at the lion mad with expressionless face. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????

Last time he didn't kill the lion maniac, because this is the justice school, this time the lion maniac came to the door by himself, so how could he let the lion maniac go.

For the arrogant and sinister villain like the lion mania, Xia Xia has never been soft-hearted.

"Hmph, although I don't know how you escaped the disaster, your luck has come to an end. If the palace lord didn't suddenly appear last time, I would have killed you." Lion Crazy always thought that he You can easily kill Xia Xia, after all, he is a master of Jiuding, no matter Xia Xia is a double perfect score or whatever, it is impossible to compete with him.

And the reason why he didn't do it last time was because the palace lord suddenly appeared and stopped him from doing it.

Now there are only the two of them and no one else.

And those guys were fighting, so no one would bother the two of them, and no one could stop him from killing Xia.

"Really? As I said, it depends on whether you have that ability." Xia Xia looked at Lion Crazy with a smile on his face, and his face was full of calmness.

Lion crazy.

His mentor, who never taught him once, was always looking for trouble for him.

Likes to bring down others to elevate themselves.

This is the nature of lion mania.

From the moment he said he was going to kill Xia Xia, the two of them had been an endless scene.

A Jiuding master.

Are you afraid of summer?

Of course not.

Before entering this place, he could already kill Jiuding masters. Now that he has come to the ancient battlefield, all the injuries of his clone have been healed. In addition, his punching speed has become faster, although it is only 0.01 seconds faster, but in the summer For a master of their level, 0.01 seconds is already a very big gap.

Plus the ring! !

So the combat effectiveness of the summer has now doubled.

"You really don't cry without seeing the coffin. Well, then today I'm going to show you what a master of Jiuding is, and you, a genius with double perfect scores, will be strangled in the cradle by me." The lion's mad face was full of Excited.

Just now he regretted not being able to watch Xia Xia die with his own eyes.

As a result, now he has the opportunity to do it himself.

This time he will completely kill Xia Xia.

"Use it if you have the ability." Xia Xia said very casually.

snort! !

The lion snorted madly, and then his body disappeared in place.

The force of nature, Collapsing Tiger Fist! !

The lion mad shot instantly.

Swish! !

With a flash of silver light, Xia Xia's body disappeared directly in place.

"What?" Lion Mad's target disappeared, and he was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, he felt as if his body stopped for a while, but it was less than 0.01 seconds, but a pair of fingers also appeared at the same time. In his heart, he wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

Natural armor! !

The lion mad directly used the armor of the power of nature.

The power of thunder and lightning, a consonant finger!

break! !

puff! !

A powerful force of destruction instantly pierced the lion's heart.

"Why?" The lion's mouth opened wide, and he never dreamed that he would die at Xia Xia's hands, and it was still so simple to kill.

Dead restless.

"Because you rely too much on the power of nature and trust your own eyes too much." After Xia Xia killed the lion mania, he took away the storage equipment on his body, and then returned to the battlefield.

All kinds of things! receive! !


In the summer, the surrounding things are kept in everything.

This time he can be said to have made a small fortune.

Because everyone here is a master.

Although the guards of the Justice Academy are not too rich, they are masters of the Eight Ding Ninth Rank after all, and they still have some capital, and the subordinates of Qian Yin are even They But they are all masters of Jiuding, and they are all the most elite troops under Qian Yin's hands.

Boom! !

The battle began to simmer.

Although the five masters of Justice Academy are very powerful, there are too many masters of Jiuding under Qian Yin.

So both sides, you and I are hurting each other.

"The masters of the city guards are here, destroy the enemy!!" At this moment, the palace master shouted loudly.

That's right, City Guard! !

Although the city where the Justice Academy is located is not very large, there are also city guards here, and this city exists to protect the Justice Academy. At this time, when they heard that the Justice Academy was attacked, they naturally could not sit idly by.

"Breakthrough!!" Lord Qianhu shouted loudly.

escape! !

Qian Yin's subordinates no longer dare to fight, because there are too many enemies, and their strength is also terrifying.

The battle lasted for more than five hours.

Countless casualties.

In the end, the city guards were killed and wounded as high as 100,000 people, and the justice school was killed and wounded about 70,000 people.

The reason why the city guards suffered so many casualties is that their strength is not as strong as that of the guards of the Justice Academy.

However, Qian Yin's subordinates were also very miserable. When they came, there were 500 people. When they left, there were more than 420 people left. A total of more than 70 Jiuding masters died. I have to say that this number is very terrifying. You must know that these are all Jiuding masters. When they are outside, these masters are all high above.

But now they are all dead.

"Palace Master, this is the death and injury report, but..."

"Let's not talk about it, call Tianxia and Xiang Pengcheng to me."

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