The Best All-rounder

Chapter 3432: the Avengers

make money! !

The main purpose of summer now is to make money and make a fuss on the second floor.

With money, he can exchange for more healing pills, and can truly turn the second floor upside down. At that time, the owner of the second floor will definitely send him to the third floor.

here we go! !

The 1,500 people began to take turns entering the fire zone.

All the masters around are guarding there.

The first day was arguably the calmest.

Because the news hasn't gotten out yet.

Those who were beaten by the summer also needed time to gather, and even if they conspired together, they definitely needed to connect with each other.

But when those people come, they will definitely plan.

"How's it going?" Steward Sun came over from outside, and just now he arranged for his subordinates to hand over.

"It's better than expected," Xia Xia said.

"Oh? How many have you come out?" Manager Sun asked again.

"You can see it when you go and see. Although these materials have a lot of burns, the brothers who went in are tough guys, and they all brought out a lot of good things." Xia Xia said.

Manager Sun also took a look.

"Fuck, it's only half a day, so much." Manager Sun said in surprise.

"Yeah!!" Summer nodded.

Needless to say, he also felt a lot.

He has already told these brothers that the more rewards he brings out, the more.

And the people who come out must go to rest, eat and heal, and then the next batch of people will go in.

A total of three groups of people were prepared in the summer, and these people took turns to enter.

The day passed quickly.

Sun Steward's people also counted the materials.

"One million!! Kanu, you posted it!!" Manager Sun's face was full of excitement.

That's right! !

One million is really scary.

One million prison coins is enough to support the army of at least 400,000 to 500,000 in summer without doing anything.

If it is necessary to fight, then he can let the army of 200,000 live a well-off life.

One million, plus 200,000 in the refining field.

In other words, the two sites in the summer can earn a total of 1.2 million prison coins.

1.2 million prison coins.

Xia Tian used 1.2 million prison coins to support 100,000 people. It can be said that even if he gave ten prison coins to one person, he would still have 200,000 left. Of course, Xia Xia would definitely not give them that much. If you don't have a lot of money, you won't be able to give it in the future, and it's impossible for him to suddenly give these people great wealth, otherwise it will make the place completely chaotic.

So the first step in the summer is to prepare two prison coins for the people here every day. Although this food is not very good, it is enough to eat, and the second is to prepare three prison coins for their medicinal pills and healing medicine. , Although these medicines are very expensive, Xia Xia understands that these medicine pills are only used when needed.

It can be said to be a spare.

Secondly, I don't plan to give them to them for the time being in the summer.

Because there is no fight yet, if you give it now, then these people will feel that the money is too easy.

"Before I borrowed 600,000 for meals, 300,000 for medicinal pills, and 100,000 for rewards and encouragement, I still have 200,000 prison coins left today. ." Xia Tian secretly said.

He only had 200,000 left on the first day, so he didn't need to pay back the next few days.

So summer can be said to be completely out of poverty.

However, he will not be greedy for all the money alone, and he will also reward everyone.

All meritorious deeds are absolutely rewarded.

The next day was still very calm.

Since he prepared three days' rations for everyone in the summer, he still had 1.4 million prison coins left.

"1.4 million!! Kanu, how are you going to spend so much money?" Manager Sun came to Xia Xia's side and asked.

"Buy food, buy meat, buy healing medicine!!" Xia Tian said directly.

"Huh?" Manager Sun looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"Buy me 800,000 food, 200,000 meat, and 400,000 healing medicine, all piled up for me in the back." Xia Xia said firmly.

"Okay!!" Manager Sun nodded.

Xia Xia understands that they have been quiet for two days, and something will definitely happen today, so he must give everyone a reassurance before the accident, and let everyone rush to kill with all their strength.

Three hours later! !

All supplies have been shipped back.

"Everyone, listen to me." Xia Xia shouted to the 10,000 people around.

Everyone also turned their attention to the summer.

"You have food worth 800,000 prison coins, 200,000 meat food, and 400,000 prison coins worth of healing medicine behind you. If you step back, I will not only kill you, but these things will also be ruined, tell me , are you willing to spoil these things?" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

"I don't want to!! I don't want to!!" Everyone shouted together.

"Okay! Very good!! If someone dares to find fault, then do it for me, whoever beats more, whoever eats more, who is injured, I have countless medicinal pills for you to use, you can use them however you want. "Summer has completely driven the people here at this time.

"Long live the boss!!"

All cheered together.

"Okay." Xia Xia waved his hand, and everyone fell silent.

"Your kid is really Director Sun finally understands Xia's purpose at this time, and he admires Xia a little now.

It has to be said that summer is indeed a bit of a skill.

This actually works.

"If I don't have the ability at all, how can I go to the ninth floor." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Hahaha, I'm curious now, what is your real identity?" Manager Sun looked at Xia Xia curiously.

"You'll know when I get out of here." Xia Tian said directly.

"Damn!!" Sun Guanshi raised his middle finger.

Whoosh! !

Just at this moment, the fire wind was blowing, and Xia Xia and Manager Sun's eyes turned to the front.

There was a mighty crowd walking by.

Those who were at the head were the same people who were in Simen before.

These people are avengers. They came here for revenge. They raided here last summer and drove them away. It can be said that this hit them very hard. They were used to making a living here before. Suddenly driven away, they no longer know how to make money.

Although there are many small projects to make money here.

But at most, they can only earn one to two prison coins, and they will definitely not bother to earn them.

So they are here for revenge this time.

And they also got help this time.

Helpers from various regions, these are usually invited by them, or they were friends before.

Although they are all scattered factions, the total number is about 30,000.

"Stinky boy, you attacked us, and today we will destroy you!!"

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