The Best All-rounder

Chapter 3935: no sooner said than done

All forces are waiting for news from Lu Fengxian.

Because everyone wanted to see what Lu Fengxian was going to do. After all, he boasted about Haikou and said he wanted to let those sons go.

At this time, those young masters were staying at home one by one, and they deliberately called all the masters to guard them together.

The mansion is also three floors inside and three floors outside, and each of the son's mansion is guarded by tens of thousands of people.

And an all-rounder.

They all have to see what Lu Fengxian wants to do with them.

They did not believe that Lu Fengxian dared to openly lead a large army to attack them.

The night gradually darkened.

Lu Fengxian was also invited to the National Teacher's House.

"Fengxian, why did you declare war on Fourth Young Master?" The national teacher asked inexplicably.

Things during the day were full of uproar and uproar.

Everyone knows about this.

Naturally, the national teacher also wanted to inquire about some words from Lu Fengxian.

After all, he believes that everything is in his own hands, so he does not allow any errors.

"Oh, when Brother Xia went to the Prime Minister's Mansion, I found out that the fourth eldest conspired with the marshal, so I declared war on him as well." Lu Fengxian said very casually, these words were all told by Xia Xia, originally here It is very chaotic, and now Xia Xia and Lu Fengxian obviously want to make this muddy water even more chaotic.

Since the Fourth Young Master thinks that he has everything in his hands.

Then, as soon as Lu Fengxian and Xia Xia studied, let them fight more fiercely.

"Is this true?" The national teacher was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that he had completely controlled the marshal, but now Lu Fengxian actually told him such a heavy news.

"Originally, I thought that the Marshal would support the Ninth Young Master, but what the prime minister said, it should not be wrong." Lu Fengxian's acting was very good.

"Fengxian, the information you provided is very useful. I will definitely handle it. Have you heard any other news?" The news, he did not expect, now Xia Xia really inquired back such useful news.

The national teacher's face was full of anticipation, and obviously he wanted to know more.

"No, they are very cautious and don't dare to go deep in Xia Xian, but they seem to want to kill me and Xia Xian." Lu Fengxian said.

"Presumptuous, they dare to do something to the eldest son and eldest grandson, aren't they impatient?" The national teacher slapped the table and said very angrily. Naturally, he wouldn't care about Xia Xia's life or death, and he even ordered to kill Xia Xia. , but Lu Fengxian is different, he can't let Lu Fengxian die, because he wants to control the entire Lu family, then he needs Lu Fengxian as a puppet.

"Yeah, but there's no way, people have power and power." Lu Fengxian said helplessly.

"Don't worry, no one dares to kill you, and I will definitely make you the head of the Lu family, and no one can stop you from ascending." The national teacher said firmly.

He was very sure of this.

If someone else becomes the head of the family, it will be very difficult to control.

But Lu Fengxian was different.

Lu Fengxian was taught by him, and he thought that he could completely control Lu Fengxian.

"Well, thank you Guo Shi." Lu Fengxian said.

"Fengxian, during the day you said you wanted to let those people out of the city, but now those people haven't left the city, what are you going to do?" The national teacher looked at Lu Fengxian and asked.

"Killed." Lu Fengxian smiled slightly.

"Uh!!" The national teacher was stunned for a moment.

He did not expect such words to come out of Lu Fengxian's mouth.

"I'm coming back this time to be the head of the family. I'll kill anyone who stands in my way, especially those stinky boys. I don't know how high the sky is. They all hurt me in the past, so I can't keep any of them." Lu Fengxian deliberately pretended to be angry.

When the national teacher first saw that Lu Fengxian was so decisive, he was a little stunned, but when he heard what Lu Fengxian said behind him, he was completely relieved.

Looking at Lu Fengxian's appearance, he knew that Lu Fengxian was still immature, so it was too easy for him to deal with Lu Fengxian.

"Well, there should be such a decisive energy, but after all, it is a brother." The national teacher pretended to persuade, even if Lu Feng did not do it first, he would do it, and he would not leave these troubles.

"So I went to inform them today." Lu Fengxian said.

Dark night! !

The dark night tonight was obviously different from usual.

The usual dark night may pass quickly, but tonight everyone felt so slow.

Because everyone is waiting for the news from those young masters.

Just after tonight.

Then Lu Fengxian could not end.

After all, he had said that all these young masters would be moved out today. To put it bluntly, he meant that he would do something to these young masters.

Even the Prime Minister's Mansion and the City Lord's Mansion are waiting for the result.

Ninth Young Master can be said to be proud of the spring breeze at this time.

He didn't know that Lu Cheng had so many ups and downs, and now he thinks that he now has more power than the second son, and more people support, so he is already the head of the family.

excited! !

He is very happy every day.

When he heard that Lu Fengxian was fighting against several other young masters, he also laughed: "Idiot, what if he actually fought against his brothers, even if he won? Could it be that he dared to kill those brothers?"

After he said this, he began to wait.

He also wanted to see how Lu Fengxian would end.

He is ready.

If after dawn, those young masters have nothing to do, then he will ask his subordinates to go out to publicize, saying that Lu Fengxian likes to talk big, and he has no real ability.

But if Lu Fengxian killed those sons, he would also directly attack Lu Fengxian.

At that time, as long as Lu Fengxian dies, no one will be able to compete with him for the position of the head of the family.

As for the fourth son! !

In his The reason why Lu Fengxian didn't let the Fourth Young Master move away was because the Fourth Young Master was usually aloof from the world and could not threaten him at all.

"It's going to be dawn soon." Ninth Young Master's face was full of smiles, and he was waiting silently.

As soon as the sun rises, all action begins immediately.

"Master, everyone has already arranged. No matter whether he kills those sons or not, our people will ridicule him as soon as possible, and spread the word in the city. At that time, Lu Fengxian's popularity will definitely be completely lost." A subordinate said respectfully.

"Che, I thought he was amazing, but he still revealed such a big flaw." Ninth Young Master said with great disdain.

Its daybreak.

At the moment of dawn, there were screams from all the sons' houses.

Missing, all those sons are missing.

Lu Fengxian did what he said.


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