The Best All-rounder

Chapter 3961: have the right to kill you

The death of a person on a top-level aircraft is a major event. It has been a long time since no one dared to kill someone on a top-level aircraft. This is simply too terrifying.

Because this has affected the order on the aircraft.

That's horrible.

This man was actually cut in half.

But what everyone is more curious about now is how Xia Xia did it, because Xia Xia has gone so far just now, and there are still so many pairs of eyes staring at him.


The news quickly spread throughout the craft.

Who is not fun?

Especially this hilarious.

Blatantly killing people on aircraft.

You know, Xia Xia spoke very hard just now, including in front of the guards, he also said that hard.

'Whoever he wants to die must die! ! ’

Such rhetoric is what he said.

soon! ! There were a lot of people running around.

There are fun to watch.

There are also high-ranking guards.

"What's going on?" A brigade leader frowned, someone died, and now things are going to get worse. The aircraft is a symbol of safety, but now that there are dead people on the aircraft, they have to figure it out, and they have to pay blood for blood Otherwise, who would dare to take the aircraft in the future?

The squad leader told what happened, and then everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Xia.

"Look at me?" Xia Tian asked.

"Don't you know the rules on this?" The captain looked at Xia Xia coldly. Although Xia Xia was a top customer, but killing someone here, it doesn't matter who it is.

The rules on the aircraft are very domineering, not to mention killing people, not even hurting people.

"Rules? Does it have anything to do with me?" Xia Xia looked at the captain and asked.

"Did you kill people?" the captain asked.

"Yes!!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly: "Where is the evidence? Even if everyone knows that I killed it, so what? Do you dare to touch me without evidence?"

evidence! !

Summer is right.

Although the person was murdered by homicide, the other party obviously had no evidence.

If summer is to be condemned casually, the reputation of the aircraft will be tarnished.

"Check it out." The captain said blankly.

Strong! !

On the aircraft, summer can be said to be very strong, and it seems that summer is the first one who dares to kill people who are still so rampant.

"Captain, he was cut in half, a very sharp weapon, and he is a blue-level expert. Normally, if you want to kill him, you must use the fastest speed and the greatest strength to do it." said the captain.

"Did he die suddenly?" the captain asked.

"Well, he died suddenly," the team captain said.

"Then you don't need to ask, anyway, he has already admitted it, then arrest him." The captain looked at Xia Xia and said.

"I warn you, I have a bad temper. If you want to arrest me, get some evidence, otherwise I will kill everyone on the aircraft and destroy the aircraft." Xia Xia walked to the captain's side with a very casual expression on his face. smile.

Intimidate! !

Only aircrafts have always threatened others, but now there are people who dare to intimidate aircraft.

"Just based on your words, we have the right to arrest you." The captain said.

"Try it!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly: "Catch me, let's see if you are faster or I am faster."

The captain looked blankly at Xia Xia.

"I said, if you want to arrest me, you must at least have evidence, otherwise don't say that I don't agree, even others will definitely disagree. You can be powerful, but if your power doesn't take care of you, how can you convince others? " Xia Xia turned around after saying that, and then walked to the top box.

Now that the matter here has been resolved, there is no need to stay here in the summer.

Before the summer, he wanted to kill Xiaojun, but he did not intend to kill on the aircraft. After all, killing people here is very troublesome.

But when he heard Xiaojun's words, he made up his mind to kill, and he understood that since Xiaojun dared to talk to him like this on the aircraft, there must be a way to escape.

So summer has to start now.

Otherwise, when the small army escapes, it will be miserable.

If he passed on the matter of summer, then Lu Cheng would never have peace.

"team leader..."

"Don't stop him, inform the elders, we can't solve this kind of thing, we need the elders to come forward." The captain understands that this kind of thing involves too much.

If he doesn't manage the summer, then everyone on the aircraft will be in danger, and even a bad reputation will spread in the future.

But if they govern the summer, there is no evidence at all.

Although Xia Xia admitted it himself, it was useless if they shot directly at Xia Xia.

Does that mean that someone else kills someone in the future, and then let their younger brother take action and say that it was the younger brother who killed them, so they can only deal with the younger brother?

Arresting people without evidence will surely lead to greater dissatisfaction.

So now the matter needs to let the elders come forward in person.

Summer has returned to the top lounge.

Those who watched the lively outside couldn't go in, but everyone was watching from the outside, and they wanted to see how the matter this time was dealt with.

Summer quickly returned to the lounge.

Still so cold.

"It's really cold." Xia Tian also said silently.

Then he took out a bottle of wine and started drinking.

"It's so lively outside." The man looked outside.

The other two women also obviously discovered the situation outside. Although there was no one in the top box, there seemed to be a lot of people around.

Gudong! !

Xia Xia was drinking wine. He understood that if he killed Xiao Jun on the aircraft, then this matter was absolutely no small matter. Although the other party had no evidence, as long as he was not a fool, he would definitely know that he did it.

"Killing him is a relief." Xia Xia didn't regret killing Xiaojun.

Tread! !

There was a series of footsteps outside.

The rest area was surrounded by A figure walked in from the outside, and this figure was the most expensive.

Elder on the aircraft.

Also the manager of this aircraft.

"Trouble is coming." Xia Tian raised his head and drank the wine in his hand.

tread! !

The elder also walked to Xia's side.

"Sir, let's chat!!" The elder looked at Xia Xia expressionlessly.

"Speak." Xia Tian leaned there and said.

"You blatantly killed people on the spaceship and threatened the spaceship guards. We have the right to execute you for these two crimes." The elder said lightly, his voice was very soft, but the content could be said to be full of explosive power.

Even the other three people in the top warehouse were all stunned.


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