The Best All-rounder

Chapter 5842: keep track

Xia Xian had been watching their conversations just now. Although Xia Xian heard them, he could see what they were saying based on the changes in the surrounding air and the mouth shape of those people.

When he saw Zhuang Yan said that he was going to blow up the mountain, he was really scolding mother in his heart. He really wanted to rush out and strangle Zhuang Yan to death.

Knowing that Zhuang Yan would be bad, he secretly killed Zhuang Yan.

He understood that this guy must have a grudge against him and the Red Tiger, so he came up with such a vicious idea. Because of this, it is very likely to kill the three of them directly.

Although Tun Peng may also die.

But what he was most afraid of was running away with the Red Tiger.

"Trouble." Xia Xia slowly wrote on the two of them. He wrote slowly and moved very lightly.

"What's the matter?" The two of them also wrote about his method, and began to write on Xia Xia's body.

"The other party is going to blow up the mountain. Although the mountain is very big, their strength is too strong. This mountain won't last long. When they start, the atmosphere outside will be chaotic. I will take the opportunity to dig a hole, let's Escape directly, you must be fast, there is a person with long ears in the other party who can track us, and we must find a way to escape from his pursuit." Xia Xia reminded.

Although the two of them don't know why summer knows so many things.

But they were also tense.

They knew very well that Summer would never joke with them.

Prepare to flee.

They had only rested for two hours, and they were about to continue their escape. Now they finally understand what Xia Xia said before the war. Xia Xian said that once the war begins, there will be no chance to rest.

will always enter a state of flight.

Now that's how they are.

And they have always been unhealthy.

Although two hours allowed them to recover a little, these recoveries were obviously not enough to watch.


At this moment, the other party had already started bombing.

"It's now!" Xia Xia digs directly. He first digs down, and then keeps digging far away. The purpose of this is to prevent the man with long ears from tracking.

Let's run first.


Xia Xia started very fast, because he knew that if he was slow, the three of them would suffer.


In the summer, there was also a sense of vibration above them. Obviously, the other party was also bombarding their mountain.


At this time outside, the twelve people have been bombing rapidly, and Mi is always trying to find a way.


They began to bombard wildly. At this moment, they didn't care so much, they just wanted to destroy everything around them.

"Mi, is there any?" asked solemnly.

"No, continue!" Fan said.


Those people also continued to bomb. At this time, they could only wait. They were bombing on one side, while fans were looking for someone on the other side. As long as fans could find a trace, they could start.

Ten minutes later.

Mi suddenly opened his eyes: "Don't blow up, the mountain on the left, come with me."

Hear the fan's words.

Those people hurried over there.

When they ran over, Mi also began to rummage around the nearby rocks.


He touched the edge of a stone: "Damn, these guys are actually hiding inside the mountain, how did they do it? There is no trace at all, they are directly hidden in the middle of the mountain, and they seem to know that we are outside, In order to avoid exposing their breath, they started to flee when you were bombarding, these guys, why are they so cunning."

Hearing Mi's words, those people were also very surprised.

They also didn't expect that they were hiding in the middle of the mountain in the summer, and they still hadn't discovered the entrance of the cave. What was even more surprising was that they didn't know how they found them in the summer.

especially when running away

machine, so good.

"These three people are weird. They seem to be one step ahead of us every time. We seem to be very passive. We must find a way to chase them, otherwise they will definitely escape next time." Fan said.

"Let's catch up and talk about it first. With experience this time, they will have nowhere to hide next time." said solemnly.

"En!" Mi closed his eyes and started searching.

He just checked the traces of those stones, so he probably knew the direction in which they escaped in the summer, and he was tracking in that direction at this time.


Summer, who was running away, suddenly saw the black line.

"No, the man with long ears found us again, turned and ran in a different direction." This is the new way in summer.

That is to change direction.

As long as the other side tracks them, they will change directions, so that the other side will never know where they are going.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Run ahead.

Chase behind!

Chase for about half an hour.

"It's so weird." Mi frowned.

"What's wrong?" asked solemnly.

"That person seems to know that we are tracking them and when we are tracking them. Every time I spy on them, they will change directions and run away, making us very passive all the time." Fan said.

"Could it be that you were exposed?" asked solemnly.

"Impossible, I'm from the Shunfenger clan. No one can know how our Shunfenger clan tracked them, not even Lord Yi Ye, so no one can find out my tracking," the fan said.

Although he said it very hard, his heart was still very depressed.

Because it turns out that the three people in front must know something, otherwise it would be impossible to react so quickly.

"The three of them are injured. If we keep chasing, they can't be as fast as us. Fan, you have to work hard and keep tracking, so that even if the other party turns, we can find it." One of them said.

"Okay, but I consume a lot in this way. I can last for half an hour at most. After half an hour, I need to recover for a day." The fan said.

"Half an hour is enough. As long as we catch up with the three of them, the three of them will surely die." The man said very confidently.

The strength of the thirteen of them is very powerful.

In addition, the three of them were still seriously injured in the summer. After running for so long in a seriously injured state, they must have lost any combat ability, so as long as they caught up, they would be directly killed.

"Okay." Mi nodded.

At this time, Xia Xia, who was running away, was also gasping for breath.

very tired.

They also felt very tired after turning and running away.

"Well?" At this moment, Xia Xia saw the black line again, and Xia Xia discovered that the black line did not disappear this time, but was always by their side: "I rely on it, I have been following it."

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