The Best All-rounder

Chapter 7001: ancient text

The entrance is!


Airflow, summer uses air to push the wall, and the wall instantly **** him and the air in.

"Sure enough." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face. This time, he really succeeded.

And now, he has appeared in the secret room.



He found the treasure so easily. If the bones outside knew about it, even if he survived, he would be **** to death.

Of course.

It also depends on Xia Xia's eyes and the knowledge he has always had.

So we can really find this treasure.

Chamber of Secrets!

When he first entered the secret room, Xia Xia saw that the entire wall was covered with words.

Words are everywhere.

"Damn, hey hey, remnant soul, I don't know these words." Xia Xia saw so many words, and he didn't know any of them, so he could only ask for remnant souls, because he suspected that these words were ancient The words of the period, otherwise he could not even know one of them.

The remnant also appeared instantly.

"Boss, it's written in ancient times," said the remnant soul.


When Xia Xia heard the word "Shigu", a smile appeared on his face. This is what he wanted to hear the most, because Tian Zhen told him one thing before, that is: as long as it is related to the ancient times, then All good things for sure.

The representative of the tall.

"Can you recognize it all?" Xia Tian asked.

"Master, I have to translate bit by bit, so let's first copy all the words here into your sea of ​​knowledge, and then I will translate it for you bit by bit, and then hand it over to you." After all, he has lived for a long time, although he can still remember some, but some still need a little memory and calculation to know what these words are read.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Xia Xia said.

Xia Xia's Sea of ​​Consciousness opened instantly. When his Sea of ​​Consciousness opened, everything around him was shrouded in it, not just on the walls, but everything in the entire secret room was copied by him.

They were all in his sea of ​​knowledge, and then Xia Xia searched here for a while, as if to find out if there was anything special, but he searched for a long time and found nothing in the end.

"At the beginning, I thought it was some kind of treasure, but now it seems that there is no treasure at all, only some words left in the ancient times. If the old man sees these things, he will definitely be very happy, but unfortunately I don't have any. What's the use?" Xia Tian shook his head helplessly.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered: "By the way, since these words are handed down from ancient times, how did the words here survive? After so many years, these words have not been damaged, and Still so clear."

When thinking of this place, Xia Xia thought again of when he first came in, and the walls were weird.

Put these two things together.

Xia Tian suddenly had a smile on his face: "The stone walls here are not necessarily weird, but the things that control the stone walls here must be very interesting."


Xia Xia's eyes began to constantly search around, and he searched inch by inch.

This time, he didn't know how long he had been searching, but he still found nothing.

"It doesn't make sense. Since something is controlling this mountain, what exactly is controlling this mountain?" Xia Xia frowned, and then waved his right hand.

The golden knife appeared directly in his hand.

He has searched all over, and there must be nothing around, so he will dig, even if the mountain is dug up, he will still find it, even if it is 100 feet of ground, he will dig out the things here.


At the moment when the golden knife touches the wall.

The walls suddenly found odd.

The wall seemed to feel pain and shrank back. When he saw this, Xia Xia's golden knife penetrated again, and then a golden yellow bead flew out directly from the wall.


Although I don't know what this thing is, Xia Xia grabbed the bead directly in an instant.

"Give it to me!" Hongfeng's voice appeared in Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.


Xia Xia didn't know what this thing was, but Hong Feng asked for it, but for Xia Xia, if Hong Feng opened his mouth, he would never refuse, and then threw the golden beads directly to Hong Feng.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

When the golden beads flew out, Xia Xia saw that the characters on the surrounding walls also fell down piece by piece, as if they were damaged when they came into contact with the air.

Seeing this, summer will understand.

The reason why the writing on these walls is so strong and has not been damaged is because of the golden beads.

Now that the beads have left the wall, the writing on the wall is starting to break.

"I feel that this thing is not simple, although I don't know what it is yet, but there are two inlaid holes on my body, the first one gives space for goldfish, and the second one, just give it, wait for him When it is inlaid on me, I can know what it is and what it does." Hongfeng said.

There are two things in his body.

It can be said that once it is inlaid, it cannot be removed.

And when Hongfeng saw this thing, she also spoke directly in an instant, as if in the dark, Hongfeng felt that this thing should belong to him.


Now that the things have arrived, summer also wants to leave.

But when he wanted to leave, he suddenly found that he couldn't get out. Before, he used the air shock to enter the wall, but now, after the golden bead was taken out, no matter how hard he tried, the wall did not disappear. any feeling.

"Hey, forget it, we can only dig it out." Xia Xia sighed, he had no other way but to use the dirtiest way, which was to dig a hole.

Although this method is very crude, it is indeed very He just kept digging towards it.

He didn't know how long he had been digging, but he finally appeared on the ground.

"It's finally out, and now it's time to go back and do business. This trip is really worth it. People outside have always said that as long as you are lucky in the wasteland, there will often be surprises, but I didn't expect that, The surprise came so quickly." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

He was obviously very satisfied with this surprise.

Although he didn't know what those words were, it must have something to do with ancient times. After the remnant soul was translated, he found it useless, so he kept it for Tian Zhen.

As for the golden beads.

After the red phoenix is ​​fused, then you can know.

"Master, Master!!! I found it, it's ancient alchemy!!" The voice of the remnant soul appeared in Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.


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