The Best All-rounder

Chapter 7168: The man who swallowed all the lightning

Everyone's eyes were turned inside.

They all seemed to want to test their eyesight, to see who the person inside was.

But it's not that simple.

Because that golden light can only be seen by a person with very good eyesight, the distance is really too far.

But fortunately, it was inside the black cloud, so I could see it.

Under normal circumstances, the distance is so far that you can't see anything at all. It is precisely because it is a little golden light in the dark fog that it is so eye-catching.

"Impossible, in such a strong sky thunder, how could there be people? Even the patriarchs of those noble families can't bear the current situation." The people around kept shaking their heads, they thought it must be everyone's guess, or It's a mistake, what kind of treasure should be inside it.

After all, treasures have a little real possibility.

"Will it be..." a high-level executive of the black market suddenly said.

"No, even if he passed that secret realm, he probably wouldn't be able to survive such a big thunder." Another black market executive said.

"That's right, it's impossible. Even the lord of the black market of our previous generation couldn't survive this kind of thunder. This is no longer something that humans can contend with." The high-level executive of the black market nodded. Just now, there was a little bit of hope, but now, this hope has also been dashed.

"Not necessarily, have you forgotten? Tianli said it before, he said that he has an amazing master, and when he talks about his master, his face is full of admiration and respect, maybe, he still has For other secrets, then the person standing in the middle, maybe it's really him, go and call our black market observation team." A steward came up from behind.

Hearing his words, everyone's expressions became solemn.


The black market observation team ran over.

"See everyone."

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. You are the most elite observation team in our intelligence department. Everyone has a vision. Now let me see if the person inside looks like this." A steward Take out the image of Xiao Tianli.


The people in that team hurried forward. After all, the distance here is too far, so although their power is very good, they are still a little unclear.

after awhile.

The people from that team are back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the limit. What we do our best to see is a person. This is already the limit of our ability. I really can't see whether this person is a man or a woman, and what he looks like." Those people were helpless. Shaking their heads, they really used all their best abilities just now, but they would still be useless.

They couldn't see the specific situation in front of them at all.

They just know.

There was a person in front.

"In this situation, it's not bad to be sure that it is a person. As long as it is a person, then we still have a chance. In case it is really Tianli." Those high-level officials in the black market also began to pray.

They can't do anything now.

I wanted to go in and help, but when I went in, it was just looking for death.

I want to confirm my identity, but I can't see the face of the other person clearly.

"Wait, if he is really the future of our black market, then I believe he will be able to survive. If he is not, then our black market has nothing to say."

Inside the wasteland at this time.

Countless flashes of lightning kept falling.

Everyone around was shocked by the sight in front of them.

But soon.

They had something even more shocking.

That is, the little golden man seems to have absorbed all the thunder in the sky.

"Look, this is too terrifying, how could such a thing happen? Not only did the little golden man have nothing in it, but it seemed that all the thunder in the entire wasteland landed on him."

"How is it possible, how can a person be able to withstand the power of Tianlei?

After collecting all the thunder, even the Yu family can't do it. "

"The wasteland is really an eye-opener for us."

These people on the periphery of the wasteland were all stunned by the sight in front of them. No one thought that such a thing would happen.

a human.

Not only can he survive these countless thunders, but he is also able to absorb these thunders.

If this is very true, then who else in the Sky Array Continent can be this person's opponent?

This person is simply an invincible existence on the Sky Array Continent.


In their previous knowledge, the most powerful people on the Heavenly Array Continent were the Patriarchs of aristocratic families.

It can be said that the patriarchs of those aristocratic families are all the most powerful beings.

Then there are those hundred-star sinners, all of them are the most powerful beings.

But they think that even those noble family masters, the sinners of hundreds of stars, absolutely no one can survive in this endless sky thunder.

"All the children of the black market, block this place, and no one is allowed to approach the little golden man until the thunder is over." The high-level executives of the black market directly ordered.

They have to wait until the end of Tianlei, and then go there to see if the little golden man is Tianli.

If it is, it proves that the light of the black market is coming.

If not, then the black market may face fragmentation in the future.

Tianli represents the future of the black market.

It is precisely because of this.

Only those high-level executives in the black market will choose Tianli.

Tianlei keeps falling like Anyone can sense how terrifying the interior of the wasteland is now. Everyone only sees the little golden man in the wasteland, but no one knows Why is the wasteland in such a situation.

Of course.

Many people think that this is a phenomenon in the wasteland.

But at this time.

In the wasteland, this little golden man is not the only one.

In the middle of a mountain that has been flattened, a person is sitting at this time.

Although the wasteland is full of thunder, but around this person, there is no thunder, not even a little dust.

As if.

All the thunders in the entire wasteland are revolving around him.


At this time, the man was sitting there, and all the dark clouds above his head were directly split.

If there is someone here now, they will definitely think that the sky is split, because this man, the sky is split.

The man sitting there cross-legged is none other than others.

It is summer.

And the changes in the entire wasteland are because his realm king will be stronger when he is strong, and he will stand up after being broken, and at the last moment, he will completely suppress the vortex dantian.

"Jie Wang Jue!!" Xia Tian opened his eyes.

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