The Best All-rounder

Chapter 7713: hit up


His body directly hit the Great General's body, but he didn't have the feeling of knocking people out. Anyway, it was his head that seemed to be caught by something.



He felt that his head was very painful, and at this moment, his head box was about to be crushed.

call out!

A scream came out of his mouth.


Blood was flying, and the head of the seven-patterned monster was crushed by the general.


The general didn't know what anger was, he only knew that if he killed these Xia Xia enemies, he wanted to destroy those who destroyed Xia Family City, and he wanted to kill them all for Xia Xia.

"Summer!" shouted the general.

The general at this time really shocked these big monsters. None of them thought that a human being could be so powerful, it was so strong that they couldn't imagine it.

"He's not a human, he's a devil." The body of a five-striped monster trembled.

"Go, give it to me, if we don't kill him, Lord Dapeng King will not let us go." A seven-patterned monster shouted loudly.

Lord Dapeng!

When they heard this, they all seemed to have been beaten with blood.

rushed straight up.

Although they are afraid of the general, but in the same way, they are even more afraid of Lord Dapeng King.

The task this time was given to them by Lord Dapeng King. If they can't complete it, they will be very miserable in the end. It is absolutely impossible for Lord Dapeng King to let them go.


Their bodies rushed straight up.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the big monsters kept rushing towards the general. After they finished rushing, they quickly descended. The second rushed up immediately, and then the third, without any gap at all.

They did this in order not to give the general any chance to rest, and they wanted to completely kill the general here.

For attacks like theirs, the power effect will be superimposed.

Because the general had no chance to rest at all, he was constantly being attacked by them like this.

The body is being attacked wave after wave.

This kind of superimposed attack cannot be carried by any expert. Even if their bodies are not harmed, their internal organs may have been shattered long ago. Even Emperor Huojia would not dare to carry such an attack.

But the general just stood there quietly, and he seemed to be looking for an opportunity.

Just when a huge flying monster rushed up.


His hands suddenly grabbed the eyes of the flying monster, and then swung it up.


at this time.

This huge flying monster seemed to have directly become the weapon of the general, and he used this huge flying monster to smash the surrounding monsters fiercely.

call out!

The mouth of the flying monster was full of screams of pain.


At this time, the surrounding big monsters also all hit the flying monster with their own attacks.

"Help you free!!"

By doing this, they are helping the flying monster to free themselves, and at the same time they are resolving the attack of the flying monster. Otherwise, the general will keep attacking with his body, and all these people around can't bear it. live.

The generals with weapons are obviously more capable of destruction.

Although the general did not have the wisdom of Xia Xia, he also seemed to see that his attack became stronger, so his eyes turned to the other big monster, and he rushed over directly.


When he grabbed his right hand, he also directly grabbed the big monster in his hand.

This big monster has also become his weapon.

The monster is resisting.

He kept tossing his body, but no matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of the general's palm.

He even wanted to shred his own flesh and blood and break through the shackles of the general, but the general's hand was once again caught in other places.

at this time.

His body was directly swung up by the general, and he slammed into the surrounding monsters fiercely.


boom! boom!

One after another, the body of the big demon was smashed and flew out by him.

But the general did not stop his movements, he kept smashing like this, not only the body of these big monsters, but also the heart line of defense of these big monsters. At this time, these big monsters all began to be afraid .

They had never seen such an opponent.

Especially a human.

It's just horrible.

Totally unimaginable horror.

A human being can be so strong that they don't even have the chance to resist.

Just wait to die.



I don't know which big demon ran first, and then all the other big demons followed.

The monsters all fled.

The teams of those flying monsters also dispersed.


The scene at this time was very chaotic.

call out! call out! call out!

Countless flying monsters fly in disorder in the air.

Many collided and died in the end, and many were also killed by other flying monsters.

The scene was extremely chaotic.


The general did not stop his actions, and he did not care about the flying monsters below, but focused on those monsters. Of course, he knew that these monsters were stronger, so now, he is going to kill these monsters.


The general went after him.

And those big monsters are constantly summoning their subordinates, and their subordinates are dying for them.

Block the general.

This trick is indeed very useful.


The general's body was blocked, and he was surrounded by flying monsters in all directions.


at this time.

The general directly grabbed a flying monster, and then slammed it fiercely, directly smashing all the surrounding flying monsters to death, and then he chased after it again.

He didn't know where he was going to chase, and he didn't know when he was going to chase it.

But that's it.


"Mo Lin, why are you here?" Tian Houye asked.

" A friend of the boss rushed up." Mo Lin said anxiously.

"Is that the stunned one?" Tian Zhen asked.

"It's him. He heard me saying that the boss had an accident and rushed up." Mo Lin said very anxiously.

"Something happened in the summer?" Tian Zhen's expression suddenly changed.

"The boss was devoured by the explosion in order to protect me." Mo Lin said very sadly.

Tianzhen frowned, and then said: "Go up."

when they go up.

At this time, there are flying monsters all over the place. The bodies of these flying monsters are constantly colliding, and dead corpses are constantly falling around: "What happened here?"

"Old guy, look, there is the corpse of the big demon here, and it is also the corpse of the seven-striped demon, there is still there."


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