The Best All-rounder

Chapter 7722: seamless destruction

At this time, not only those black thorns have become larger, but there are actually many small black thorns on the body of the black fish, but these black thorns were wrapped in the middle by those **** thorns before, so it is difficult to see.

But now.

These black thorns all came out, and the **** thorns became bigger, but there were some gaps in the middle, and these gaps were the positions of the small black thorns.

"How dare you look down on me." Hei Yu thought that the general didn't speak, just looked down on him, which made him even more angry.

Now, he absolutely cannot tolerate such humiliation.


All the black thorns on his body shone brightly.

And they were all ready to attack.

The most important thing is that this is not his only attack. At this time, the little black thorns hidden behind those black thorns are also ready to go, obviously next.

All these attacks will be played out.

These small black thorns are only a little smaller than the **** thorns outside. In fact, these small black thorns are also the size of human spears.

All the black thorns shone brightly.

"My attack has no gaps. Next, I will let you try it. What is an attack of thousands of ways." Hei Yu shouted loudly.


Thousands of attacks.

There are thousands of black thorns on his body.

even more.

The Great General just stood there without saying a word, still looking at Hei Yu like this.

Hei Yu's face was also full of angry expressions.

He thinks that if the other party doesn't speak, he still looks down on him.

call out!

at this time.

He couldn't bear it anymore. He shot out all his attacks. After these attacks flew out, they completely filled this layer.

Really a flawless attack.

Not even a centimeter of gap.

All are the most powerful attacks.

"Go to hell!!" Hei Yu shouted angrily.

These attacks flew in different directions, but after these attacks flew out, they all circled back very quickly.

Incremental attack.

Such attacks have always been incremental.

If the first attack cannot be penetrated, the second, the third, and the fourth.


The general has been completely surrounded by all the black thorns, but the attack of the opponent has not stopped. Those black thorns are still piercing up. Although these black thorns can no longer penetrate the body of the general, these black thorns can Hit the black thorn in front of it, and let the black thorn in front increase the power of the charge again.


The general was completely blown up like a hornet's nest.

There are black thorns all over there.


"Hahaha, go against me, and don't even look at who I am Heiyu!" Heiyu laughed loudly at this time, his huge body is now bare, obviously this trick is not used casually, use it once After that, you need to rest for a while to recover.

However, he believes that if he can kill the human who provoked him, his attack is worth it.

nailed it.

The task given to him above has been completely completed.


Just when he was most excited, a strange sound suddenly came out, and then he saw that his black thorns were actually moving.

And the frequency of this movement is getting bigger and bigger.


All the black thorns scattered.

The general rushed out from inside.

After the general rushed out, his body instantly rushed towards the black fish.


His hand grabbed the black fish directly.

"What?" Hei Yu's face was full of inconceivable expressions. He never dreamed that his attack could not kill this human being, and this human is now holding two black thorns in his hands.

Long black thorns.

It's all his black thorns.

The black thorn pierced directly into his skin, and the opponent's hands were also firmly grasping his torn skin.

Lost gravity.

At this moment, he felt his body turn upside down.


Just when he was thinking about what was going on, he suddenly felt that his body had a violent collision with the surrounding buildings. This collision made him feel as if he had destroyed everything around him.


the second time.

His body smashed around again.

boom! boom! boom!

In this way, his body is constantly smashing around, smashing everything around him.

His huge body is also very powerful when it smashes around. He wants to resist the opponent, but no matter how he tries to break free, it seems that he can't break free from the opponent's hands, even if he abandons the piece of flesh and blood the opponent grabbed. , the other party will immediately go to other places.



Everything around was shattered.

Hearing the loud noise this time, all the flying monsters below also flew up. When they saw the scene here, they were all stunned.

The powerful Lord Heiyu in their eyes was actually bombarded here like a weapon at this time.

"Hurry up and save Lord Heiyu." The vice-captain of the big demon hurriedly shouted.

Then all the big monsters around rushed up.

The general threw the black feather's body directly out, and then he also rushed to the fifteenth floor.

This time.

He is no longer bare-handed.

Instead, he held a weapon in his hands.

Two black thorns.

These two black thorns are extremely sharp.

When he just rushed to the fifteenth floor, the black thorn directly pierced the body of the big monster in the way, and then he started to kill frantically.

With weapons.

The general's destructive power is much stronger than before.

At this time, he kept attacking like this.

And those flying monsters and big monsters are also constantly impacting.

Ninety-ninth day.

"Not good, my lord, Lord Heiyu lost."


When they heard the news, the three kings of the flying clan were all shocked. They thought that if let Heiyu take action, then the battle would be completely won.

But they never dreamed that Heiyu would lose.

Hei Yuhe is an eight-patterned monster.

Such a powerful strength is simply not something that humans can compete with. According to the information they have learned, there is no existence among humans that can compete with the Eight-Striped Demon.

But now.

Their eight-patterned demon subordinates.

actually failed.

defeated by the opponent.

This news is very heavy for them.

"How could this be?" Dapeng Wang's face was full of shock. He really couldn't understand how a human could do it, and why a small human could defeat Heiyu. impossible.


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