The Best All-rounder

Chapter 7952: The name of the master of the famous family is Yuan Hao

The master of the famous family, the name Yuanhao! !

A patriarch of a hundred families actually came to the door of the Ding family.

"As I said before, the head of an aristocratic family has a certain right to move freely. You can place a head of an aristocratic family every day. Of course, the door must be fully opened and the guards will follow." Ding Yue explained.


When he heard this, Xia Xia understood what was going on.

"Famous Patriarch, please come in." Ding Yue shouted loudly.


A guard opened the door for him, and those guards followed him in.

And the famous family owner also came in alone, this is the rule.

The rules they have to follow.

"Patriarch Ding, I just heard from my subordinates that you were here." Ming Yuanhao's face was full of smiles.

Obviously a feeling of harmlessness to humans and animals.

The patriarch of the aristocratic family came over to say hello, so naturally he couldn't be neglected.

Ding Yue also got up, and then cupped her hands: "Famous Patriarch, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

Now that you are in the position of the head of the family, you must learn to be polite, whether it is true or false, you must be polite.

"Patriarch Ding is young and promising, but I can often hear the name of Patriarch Ding." Ming Yuanhao is also very good at talking, and it's still the kind of scene, when he opens his mouth, you can't pick out someone who is not polite. .

The guards were not far away.

It's not that they want to monitor the two patriarchs, but the rules here are like this, and unless the patriarch of a noble family talks about sensitive topics, they won't deliberately listen.

Rules are rules.

The rules set by the Baijia themselves, they must abide by.

"Where, my father once told me that there is no other person in the entire Sky Array Continent who has two forks in one hand." Ding Yue also said politely.

The chat between the masters is just to greet each other.

"Patriarch Ding, it seems that there are not many people here this time." Ming Yuanhao asked tentatively.

"Well, just the two of us, but don't ask if there are too many famous patriarchs, or these people will drive you away." Ding Yue reminded that these hundreds of patriarchs knew the rules.

So speak with caution.

Of course, this is also for their own safety.

The more people don't know what's going on here, the safer they will be.

"That's right, that's right." After Ming Yuanhao finished speaking, he glanced at Ding Yue: "Patriarch Ding, how about we go out for a drink?"

"Okay!" Ding Yue nodded.

In fact, any rules are flawed.

For example.

If they go to the forum, who can control the chat content?

The guards here only care about their private communication.

"Ghost face, let's go together." Ding Yue glanced at Xia Xia and said.

"This is Mr. Ghost Face who completely planted the Shen family." Ming Yuanhao naturally saw Xia Xia long ago, but now he also seized the opportunity to say hello to Xia Xia.

Ghost face this person.

He had never heard of it before.

However, it can be seen from the scenes described by his subordinates that this person is definitely a top expert, and his strength is not even worse than his level.

"Famous Patriarch." Xia Xia slightly bowed his hands.

"Sure enough, the momentum is not comparable to ordinary people." Ming Yuanhao praised.

"Famous Patriarch is joking." Xia Xia said politely.

Then the three walked out.


Although this place is also a gathering place for super experts and top experts, it is difficult for them to see 20th-rank emperor-level experts when they are outside, let alone someone like the head of an aristocratic family.

So when the famous family owner and Ding Yue came here, they still attracted a lot of attention.

Plus the ghost face of summer.

It can be said that this three-man team is very concerned.

However, the famous people had been waiting here early, so when they came to the forum, hundreds of famous people surrounded them, preventing people outside from treating them like monkeys.

And the pub was ready early.

This tavern was also filled with famous people at this time.

They naturally understand the rules here, and even if the head of a noble family meets, they can't drive others out, so they wrap up the entire tavern, so that it doesn't count as bullying other people's shops.

"Patriarch Ding, Mr. Ghost Face, please!" Ming Yuanhao made a please gesture at the door of the tavern.

After they went in in the summer, they found that although the place was also full of famous people, their table was the innermost position, and the other famous family tables were placed near the door and windows.

Obviously this is also protecting them.

It also prevents them from chatting and being watched.

"Famous Patriarch has a heart," Ding Yue said.

"Where is Patriarch Ding, isn't this what I asked of Patriarch Ding you!" The famous Patriarch said straight to the point.

Most people first ask for help, talk a lot of nonsense first, and then talk about business, but this famous patriarch also came up directly and said that he wanted.

Obviously, he also knew the temper of a young man like Ding Yue.

The more detours, the more impatient Ding Yue may be.

"Famous Patriarch, please say that they are all children of hundreds of families. If there is anything, I can help as much as I can." Ding Yue said.

"Patriarch Ding, it's not really anything else, that is, I am very worried about this Hundred Families Meeting. This meeting makes me very uneasy, and I always feel that something big will happen, so I hope Patriarch Ding can take care of me." The Lord is really very direct.

It must be inconvenient for him to say such words outside.

And in the courtyard of Ding's house, you can't talk casually either.

But no one is watching here.

The owner of the tavern and the service staff also hid aside very wisely.

They opened their doors to do business, and the famous family owners didn't treat them badly, so they were naturally sensible.

"Famous Patriarch is How can I take care of you, I can't even guarantee myself." Ding Yue smiled slightly.

Hearing Ding Yue's words, the famous patriarch also kept shaking his head: "It seems that I guessed right. In this meeting of the hundred schools, even the top ten of the hundred schools can't protect themselves?"

Ding Yue didn't speak, just quietly looked at the master of the famous family. Although he is young, it does not mean that he is easy to fool. The master of the famous family wants to gain his trust casually, which is not that simple.

"Patriarch Ding, I have inquired about some news at this Hundred Families Meeting." Ming Patriarch saw that Ding Yue refused to say anything, and he was also the first to speak.

At this time, the more secretive he is, the more Ding Yue doesn't believe him, so even if Ding Yue knows anything, he won't tell him anything.

So he must speak first.

He said something that Ding Yue was interested in first, so that Ding Yue could remind him of something.

"Oh? Famous Patriarch, please speak."


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