The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8301: you really don't deserve it


This is the real superior. In her eyes, human life is worthless at all. It is his casual attitude. Under his order, both sides will be killed and injured countless times, but he doesn't care at all.

"My men have trained a group of dogs. The code name of these dogs is 'Rejectors'. I have raised more than 1,000 Rejectors. They are all over the battlefield. My orders will be spread by them within a second. Every corner, as long as I point now, the army will instantly sweep where I am, where do you think it is better for me to point now?" King Yunling looked at Xia Xia like this.

Summer did not speak.

Just look at him quietly.

However, the ghost gun on the side had already begun to communicate to Wang Lin and the others.

Wang Lin's team was there to deal with the sudden situation.

Now King Yunling has spoken about the 'rejector'.

Then these thousand or so 'rejectors' must die, and the sooner they die, the better, so that this Cloud Spirit King can't be so fast if he wants to only fight.

"Here, you have a team hidden here, more than 100 people, this team should be elites in terms of number, then kill them first." Yun Lingwang's hand directly touched the screen.

Originally, a pair of jade hands were extremely delicate and beautiful, but now, they are indeed the hands of death.

When his hand clicked down, it also heralded the coming of death.

"I once had a friend who was called the prehistoric clan by the dragon clan, but in fact, they were the Lu clan, they were a force known as the unpredictable mechanism, and he once gave me something, it was the seventh level of the Lu clan. The treasure is called the wheel of death. This thing can only be used once, but it is a non-discriminatory, seamless attack, with a total of seven attack methods. I once asked my friend how powerful this thing is, and how large is the lethality range, he Tell me, the top masters are not alive, and if the scope is to throw them into a city, then all the living people and buildings in the city will cease to exist." Xia Xia also simulated King Yun Ling in his hands. The exact same map in front of him, of course, his map is just a copy of King Yun Ling's.

Unpredictable tricks!

Lu family.

Roulette of death.

When they heard these words, the faces of those who looked at them all had doubts on their faces.

And dragons.

Prehistoric family.

These words make them feel not simple.


A puzzled look appeared on the Yunling King's face.

Xia Xia's hand also clicked on the map: "When you showed me the map just now, I had asked my brother to take the wheel of death and go to the place where your subordinates are densest, which is here."

His hand touched the place with the most green dots.

If the two of them are playing chess, then the two of them are now commanding the battle.

"Have you forgotten that I have a 'rejector'?" King Yunling shook his head contemptuously. From her point of view, if Xia Xia said such a thing now, she could already tell her subordinates to leave.

And in fact.

She has done that.

"So you have to hurry up. If the notification is slow, all your people may be wiped out, which would be boring." Xia Tian smiled slightly.


King Yunling always felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell.

It is said that a woman's sixth sense is the strongest, and her feeling is right.


Xia Xia really made people wear the wheel of death, but now the other party is on the way to the Xia family army, that is to say, only if the other party rushes to the Xia family army quickly and disperses, that person has the opportunity to release the death wheel. If If the other party is still together, then his people will not even have the chance to release the death roulette.

So Xia Xia said those words not to remind the other party, but to let the other party go according to his wishes.

It's a game of time and a psychological tactic.

The opponent has an army of two million, and the overall strength is above the fifteenth rank of the emperor.

If the roulette of death is thrown into ordinary people, it is still believed to kill all Xia Xia, but if it is thrown into such an army, it will cost a lot, and there are so many masters, if they insist on destroying death With roulette, it's not that difficult.

Therefore, the wheel of death can only play its best role if the opponent is allowed to disperse and mess up.

No matter what kind of treasure it is, it has its value only when it is used. If it cannot be used, it has no value at all.

"Do you want to play with me? Do you think you are qualified for that?" King Yunling's expression also turned cold. She didn't like the attitude of the summer, and she liked the feeling that she had everything in her own hands.

Summer is obviously giving her a very uncomfortable feeling now.

in her eyes.

Xia Xia is not equal to her. She should have seen Xia Xia crawling in front of her and begged her for mercy.

"Playing with you? Playing with you? Playing with you? You are really unworthy!!" Xia Xia said very casually.


After Xia Tian finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

"Presumptuous, do you know who you are talking to?" King Huli Tribulation shouted angrily.

"I only know that I only talk to people, and you are just her dog, so you are not even qualified to talk to me." Xia Xia said very rudely.


This is called the real momentum.

Although there are so many masters in front of him now, he is still so domineering.

Although the people around don't know if summer is pretending, they think that the momentum of summer is worthy of respect. If it was them, they would never be as tough as summer.

In the face of so many masters, the tiger power robbery king is likened to a dog.

This kind of thing can be done in summer.

"I think you've lived A terrifying force erupted from the body of the Tiger Power Tribulation King.

After the robbery.

This is the power of the late tribulation.


Once the practice reaches the Tribulation Transcendence Period, the change in strength is very obvious. After the Tribulation Transcendence Period, at each stage, the control and mastery of the power of immortals are not at the same level. The current Tiger Power Tribulation King, It is the top existence, the previous king of Tianya, just hope that a robbery king will come forward.

It can be seen from this.

Just how big is the robbery king.

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, it seems that you are going to attack me? You are a dog like you, without your master's order, would you dare to attack me?" Xia Tian sat there with Erlang's legs crossed, his face calm color.

His words also cooled down the moment of King Tiger Power Tribulation.


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