The Best All-rounder

Chapter 8327: Chopping Dragon

Seeing Xia Xia standing there, everyone around didn't know what to say.


Summer really wins.

At this moment, everyone else is dead, running, and the only one left is Xia, although the altar that Xia created here has been destroyed.

But summer is still standing here.

He really became the last man standing here.

Battle of Sleepy Dragon Canyon.

Summer wins.


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place in an instant, and when he reappeared, there was also a dragon-breaking slash in his hand, and then he slashed directly on Jialong's body.


A painful scream came from the mouth of the dragon.

Ye Long also didn't miss such a good opportunity, he also took the opportunity to seize Ye Long's wound and began to grab the side forcefully.

Xia Xia also grabbed the other side of the Ankylosaurus wound.

"Kill!" The two shouted loudly, and then they both pulled back hard at the same time.

Both of them used up all their strength at this moment.


Ankylosaurus roared in pain.


The two shouted loudly, and they also used their greatest strength to pull the wound of the Ankylosaurus.

Ankylosaurus also kept rolling, and his body kept hitting the ground, but Yelong and Xia Xian just didn't let go, and the two of them kept working hard like this.



Everyone saw it.

Blood splattered the sky.

It is the blood of this dragon.

The Ankylosaurus' body was torn apart by the two of them.

Divine soul!

The spirit of the Ankylosing Dragon wanted to escape at this moment, but Xia Xia would not give him a chance.

His soul was also captured by Xia Xia at this time. Xia Xia sealed the soul of Ankylosaurus in a blue ball, and then handed it to Yelong: "You dispose of it!!!"


At this moment, Jialong was really beheaded completely.

The battle of the dragon race is perfectly resolved.

Although in the battle of the dragon group, Xia Xia let the Ankara run away, but now, he can finally give the Ankara a finishing touch, and he can also be regarded as letting the wild dragon take revenge himself.


This is the final break.

what! ! !

Ye Long knelt on the ground and screamed in the sky! ! !


He finally got his revenge. At the beginning, he even gave up the idea of ​​revenge. It was Xia Xia who brought him back from his downfall, and Xia Xia gave him the opportunity to take revenge.

"Congratulations!!" Summer patted Yelong on the shoulder.


Ye Long nodded his head.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly." Xia Xia hurried to pull Yelong.

"Mr. Xia, you gave me my life, and you paid my revenge for me. Without you, I would be nothing, my wild dragon's wish in this life is gone, even if Mr. Xia lets me go now If I die, I will die too." Ye Long refused to get up.

"What to die for, get up quickly. If you really want to help me, help me protect the village chief in the future. He is the only successor of the Lu family's organ technique. I don't want him to have an accident." Xia Jiang Yelong Pulled up abruptly.

Ye Long followed suit this time.

"Mr. Xia, is it time to end it now?" Ye Long asked.

"Yeah, it's time for the end. Since we won, we have to pursue the victory. I have fog shadows, and I have collected everyone's breath just now. Next, I will kill one after another." Xia Xia He took the opportunity to collect the breath of those people just now, and in the recent war, he also obtained a lot of holy crystals, which can be used for tracking.

His recent loot is quite a lot, but he doesn't have time to sort out those things now, he has to get those people first.

"What can I do?" Wild Dragon asked.

"Your injury is not serious, go to Xiajiacheng, there will be a battle there, although there are Shuizu to help, but I don't want the Shuizu to lose too much, you go to help fight together, after the battle, just recuperate in Xiajiacheng, I No one should leave Xiajiacheng until the cleanup is completed." Xia Xia wanted to clean up these guys thoroughly.

Now Greedy Wolf and the others are still alive, and some masters are still alive, if they leave Xiajiacheng, they may be blocked.

All I have to do this summer is to clean up these guys thoroughly.

Only when these guys can be completely destroyed here will this battle be truly over.

Now the people who are watching the lively around have no idea what to say.

They saw a miracle.

And the person who created this miracle is Summer.

"Everyone, thank you for not falling into trouble just now. I will remember this sentiment in the summer. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will invite everyone to drink. This battle of the Dragon Sleeping Canyon is over, and then please do it yourself, God. Array Continent welcomes everyone to visit here." Xia Xia slightly handed over.

He spoke very politely.

But everyone understands that summer is full of warnings.

But fortunately, they didn't go to the bottom of things before, otherwise they wouldn't have to think about the end.

And Xia Xia also said that if they come to visit Tianzhen Continent, they are welcome, but if they come to Tianzhen Continent with other ideas, then Xia Tian may not be so polite.

The masters around him also surrendered one by one.

Today's battle.

Once again established the summer fame.

And his fame will once again surpass his father's.

Become the first person in the Tianzhen Continent again.

Of course, no matter how they change, they are both father and son.


Everyone looked down on the Sky Array Continent, but after Xia Xia's efforts, the Sky Array Continent began to make everyone jealous, and before everyone thought that the formation method had declined, but the people of Xia Tian relied on the formation method. Hold the opponent's master army.

It can be said.

Formation is not something to be underestimated.

"Everyone, farewell." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place.

"Looks like we won." Hong Feng said excitedly.

" It's not a win now, the other side has a lot of troops and support, they are chasing our people, and the other side still has a lot of masters scattered on the Sky Array Continent, as well as those greedy people from other continents. People, we don't win until these people are cleaned up. I can play Go on earth. Go is like this. Some people think that they have won at the beginning, but at the end of the game Being sloppy will lead to losing the whole game." Xia Xia will never let up at the last minute.

The lion fights the rabbit!

Use as much power as you have, and use as much skill as you have.


It's time to play.

The enemy can rest, he cannot rest, the enemy may have support, but he is fighting alone.

But Xia Xia is not alone, because he has all the hopes of his brothers in him.

"Brothers, I will carry your hopes, let's walk together and fight side by side on the next road!!!"


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