The Best All-rounder

Chapter 804: Demon Respect Building

This cool feeling instantly nourished his whole body.

"It's so comfortable." Xia Xia looked at his chest, "Meteor tears, it turned out to be meteor tears."

He didn't expect that the meteor tears that entered his body would actually play a role. Now he feels an indescribable feeling of comfort all over his body. This feeling makes him just want to have a good night's sleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept this time, all he knew was that he slept soundly.

Inside a hotel in Shenzhen.

"The leader ordered you to go back immediately. You are not allowed to be involved in the matter of the White Tiger Ring, and the person who won you is Xia Xia. We have already reported this matter to the leader, and the leader is very disappointed." The two men in black looked at Chen Qing said that they were the ones who rescued Chen Qing just last night.

"Well, it was my fault. I sat on the well and watched the sky too much. I told the master that I will practice hard when I go back. Next time I come out, I will definitely kill Xia Xia." Chen Qing clenched his fists. Shame to him.

He lost so badly, and he actually lost to Xia Xia, one of his must-kill list.

Xia Xia was Yin Nie's apprentice. Yin Nie and his master had fought for so many years, but his apprentice actually lost to the opponent's apprentice.

The Yulong Villa at this time.

"Villager, what should we do? Although Yulong Villa has a strong defense, there are too many people on the other side, and there are many experts. They formed a Dragon Slayer League. don't live with them."

"Hey, hand over the Yuxiaolong and the White Tiger Ring, our Yulong Villa can't fight anymore." The owner of the Yulong Villa sighed and said.

Just then, someone walked in from outside the door, "I'm sorry, eldest brother, it's me who implicated Yulong Villa."

This person is Yu Xiaolong.

"Hey, you created the goods yourself, solve it yourself. This is the White Tiger Ring. Regardless of life or death, you will never go back to Yulong Villa." The owner of Yulong Villa threw the White Tiger Ring to Yu Xiaolong.

"I'm sorry big brother."

bang bang bang

After Yu Xiaolong kowtowed three times, he stood up and walked outside.


The people from Jade Dragon Villa are fighting with the people from the Dragon Slayer League.

"Yu Xiaolong, you finally came out." When the ten elders of Jiangnan saw Yu Xiaolong, his face was filled with joy.

"Being friends with Mo Zun Lou is my own business, and has nothing to do with Yulong Villa. I will do things by myself. If you quit, I will go with you, and the white tiger ring is on me. If any of you dare to step forward. If so, I will destroy the White Tiger Ring." Yu Xiaolong shouted loudly.

Although everyone didn't know whether he could destroy the white tiger, no one dared to try it.

"Retreat" Qingshui Sword Sage Wang Lang waved his hand.

Everyone backed away, leaving the Jade Dragon Villa little by little.

Soon, they left the Jade Dragon Villa.

"I, Yu Xiaolong, do things by myself, don't you want to do things for the heavens? I will fulfill you." A dagger appeared in Yu Xiaolong's hand, and he stabbed it directly into his chest.


Just when the dagger in his hand was about to pierce his chest, a stone hit his dagger.

The dagger fell to the ground.

"I don't allow you to die" came a loud shout, and a man in black appeared in front of everyone.

This man is very white, but his eyes are all black, he has no white eyes, his lips are black, even his fingernails are black, and there is black gas around his body.

Demon Respect Building

Although they have never met, at this time they can all confirm that the person in front of them is the Demon Zunlou.

"What are you doing here, hurry up?" Yu Xiaolong said anxiously.

"I only have a friend like you left in this world, and I don't allow you to die." Mo Zun Lou looked at Yu Xiaolong and said.

"I beg you, hurry up, there are too many of them, you can't beat them." Yu Xiaolong pushed Mo Zun Lou's body hard, but no matter how much he pushed, he couldn't push it.

"You are the Demon Respect Building" Wang Lang, the swordsman of Qingshui, looked at it

He glanced at the Demon Respect Building.

"I am your father!" Mo Zunlou shouted loudly.

"Hmph, courting death" Sword Saint Qingshui snorted coldly, and pointed out the long sword in his right hand.


A sword qi shot directly at the Demon Respect Building.

Inner force out


A cloud of black energy appeared in Mo Zunlou's hands, hitting the sword energy directly.


He actually broke the inner strength of the earth-level masters.

"En" Sword Saint Qingshui was slightly taken aback. He had heard that this Demon Respect Building was just a Xuan-level person. How could a Xuan-level person break his sword qi?

The people around were also slightly taken aback.

They had always thought that the invincible master at the prefecture level actually missed it again.

I had missed dealing with a seriously injured person before, but now I have missed dealing with the Demon Respect Building.

"The Earth-level masters are just like that." Mo Zunlou glanced at the Sword Saint Qingshui with disdain.

"All the masters in the late stage of the Xuan class will join me to encircle and suppress the demons and respect the building. There is no need to say anything about the morality of the rivers and lakes to deal with such people. If you let him escape, you may not even be able to sleep well in the future." Wang Lang shouted, "Other people go to catch Yuxiaolong and want to live!"

"Hmph, this is the so-called honorable family." Mo Zunlou shook his head in disappointment.

"Hurry up, or it will be too late." Yu Xiaolong shouted anxiously.

The other party has already killed them, and thousands of masters will deal with the two of them.

All the masters of the late Xuan level and above encircled and suppressed the Demon Respect Building together.

Demon kill

A mass of black gas appeared in Mo Zunlou's body, and the black gas enveloped his whole body. At this time, everyone could only see a cloud of black gas, and even no one could see.


The Sword Saint Qingshui took the lead, and the others followed at the same time.

The first round of collision between the two sides.

The Demon Respect Building kept retreating.

"Damn, you can't fight recklessly!" After Mo Zun Lou scolded angrily, he quickly rushed towards those who were at the late stage of Xuan level.


The head of a person at the late stage of Xuan level flew high

The Sword Saint Qingshui followed behind, but just as his sword was about to pierce into the body of the Demon Respect Building, the Demon Respect Building disappeared again, and when it reappeared, it was a late Xuan class. The master was killed by him

"Mo Zunlou, stop me, or we'll kill him." At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

It is the two warriors of Wudang.

It turned out that they succeeded, and at this time Yu Xiaolong had already been caught by them.


When Mo Zun respected Lou Lengshen, he was successfully attacked by the Sword Saint Qingshui, which pierced his shoulder.

"Don't worry about me" Yu Xiaolong saw that Mo Zunlou was injured, he turned around, and his neck fell on Zhuo Shaoxia's sword.


Yu Xiaolong's body fell down.

"I'm going to kill you"

"White Tiger Ring"

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