The Best All-rounder

Chapter 807: between life and death

"En" Xia Tian was sitting in his seat when he saw that familiar figure.

It's that beauty.

"Handsome guy, my ticket is your seat." The beauty looked at Xia Xia and smiled.

"I was a man when I picked up the ticket." Xia Xia looked at the beautiful woman suspiciously.

"I changed with him." The beauty said very casually.

"You're really a follower." After Xia Xia finished speaking, she stood up and gave her a place.

The beauty walked in directly, "Your name is Xia, my name is Wang Ziqiong."

"The prince is poor and I am also poor as the princess." Xia Xia said lazily.

"Uh, okay, you can call it whatever you like. You are so good at being my master, can you be my master?" Wang Ziqiong looked at Xia Tian with anticipation, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Are you sick?" Xia Xia closed her eyes after saying that.

He didn't have time to talk to this woman here. His sister Lin was taken away, and it was her unscrupulous father Lin Xiaotian who did not recognize his six relatives.

"You have medicine?" Wang Ziqiong said very dissatisfied, she couldn't understand, is she not attractive? Why is this guy ignoring her so much.

Xia Xia didn't pay attention to Wang Ziqiong anymore, but closed his eyes and rested. He wanted to rest to the best possible state.

Lin Xiaotian is a ruthless character. Back then, he killed his wife, that is, Lin Bingbing's mother. Now that Lin Bingbing is taken away by him, I'm afraid it won't be much better.

Along the way, the beauty kept talking to Xia Xia, but Xia Xia ignored her at all.

After getting off the plane, Mr. Xu was already waiting for him at the airport.

"Hey, take me for a ride." The beauty hurriedly followed.


Xia Xia closed the car door directly, keeping the beauty out of the way, "Let's drive"

"The situation is like this. A few days ago, Lin Xiaotian suddenly attacked the special team in Jianghai City. He used to be the deputy team leader of the Dragon Group. He knew the location of the special team in Jianghai City. When he got inside, he took Lin Bingbing directly. , and then tell the people in the department to ask you to go to the suburban freight yard to find him." General Xu explained the situation again.

"Well, go there directly," Xia Xia said.

"Don't you need to call some people?" Elder Xu asked.

"No, it's enough for you to go with me." Xia Xia was worried that too many people would make Lin Xiaotian fear, and he would most likely kill Lin Bingbing at that time.

"Okay" Elder Xu is much younger now than before.

Xia Xia has already been motivated to kill, and he absolutely cannot keep Lin Xiaotian, otherwise it will definitely cause endless troubles.

The car drove for about two hours.

They came to the goods yard on the outskirts of the city, which is only open from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm every day, so now there is no one here.

"You wait for me here, I'll tell you to go in in a while, and you go in again." Xia Xia said to Elder Xu.

"Okay" Mr. Xu was used to Xia's approach. He knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he happily agreed.

Get out of the car in summer

The warehouses here are usually not crowded, and they are particularly dilapidated. They look like they are going to close down. There are even some places nearby that have been written down for demolition. The roads are not very good, and there are potholes everywhere. .

The warehouse in front of the summer is only less than three meters high, and the outside is surrounded by iron sheets.


He opened the door of the warehouse.

"You're finally here" Lin Xiaotian looked at the summer coldly.

"Well, I'm here." Xia Tian nodded.

"It's good, you dare to come here if your name is dead." Lin Xiaotian tore off the tape on Lin Bingbing's mouth.

"Summer, run quickly and leave me alone." Lin Bingbing shouted loudly.


A crisp applause.

Blood dripped from the corner of Lin Bingbing's mouth.

"I killed you" Xia Xia looked at Lin Xiaotian angrily. Now Lin Bingbing's hair is disheveled, the corners of his mouth are bloody, and he's even swollen a lot. It's obviously not the first time he's been beaten.

"Kill me, come here, you can give it a try, you are faster, or I am faster" Lin Xiaotian aimed the muzzle of his gun at Lin Bingbing's head.

"What the **** are you thinking? Don't you just want the trick? You let her go and I'll give it to you." Xia Xia looked at Lin Xiaotian angrily.

He understood Lin Xiaotian's purpose, and the mechanical technique was the treasure that Lin Xiaotian wanted most.

"That's right, I do want the trick, and I also want all the treasures on your body, as well as the cultivation method your father left you." Lin Xiaotian looked at Xia Tian coldly and continued, "How about it, give it to me?"

"I'll give it to you. As long as you let her go, I can give you anything." Xia Xia didn't hesitate at all.

As expected, Lin Xiaotian was stunned for a moment. "Sure enough, he is affectionate and righteous, so you can take it out now."

"You let her go first," Xia Xia said.

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? If you're not obedient, I can't guarantee that my gun will fire or not. If it hits my arm or leg, it will be bad." Lin Xiaotian raised his mouth slightly. The muzzle of the gun swept around Lin Bingbing's body.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Xia Tian took out his golden knife, then the silkworm gloves, and then he took off the golden silk soft armor. He knew that if he didn't take out more things, this old would never believe him.

"Lingxiyizhi and Manyun Xianbu have no secrets, but I can write them down for You can let her go," Xia Xia said.

"Hahahaha, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Lin Xiaotian said with a big laugh, and then he punched Lin Bingbing in the stomach.


A mouthful of blood flowed out from the corner of Lin Bingbing's mouth

In summer, we will rush straight up.

"Stop!" Lin Xiaotian aimed his gun at Lin Bingbing

Summer hurriedly stopped himself.

"I'll shoot if you dare to take a step forward," Lin Xiaotian said.

"Okay, I won't leave" Xia Xia stood in place.

"It seems that you really like my daughter, but I don't believe that there is any true love in this world, why don't we do an experiment." Lin Xiaotian aimed his gun at Xia Tian, ​​"If you dare to hide, I will take this The gun hit her."

"It's not summer, run quickly" Lin Bingbing shouted loudly.


Another crisp slap hit Lin Bingbing's face.

"What ability do you have to come to me?" Xia Xia shouted angrily, and he hated it so much.

"Good for you." Lin Xiaotian smiled slightly and pulled the trigger in his hand.


A shot directly hit Xia Xia's left arm.


Blood flowed.

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