The Best All-rounder

Chapter 813: board report

"You are simply amazing." Bing Xin rushed over and directly kissed Xia Xia's face.

Summer's ability to paint is simply superb.

If he painted it, it could be called a miracle. The painting is alive. It was the first time that everyone present saw this kind of magical painting. This painting seemed to be alive, and this painting was from different angles. It looks like a completely different scene.

This technique can only be seen on Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

However, even the Mona Lisa can only see the slightest changes, but this summer painting can be seen clearly, and you can see a big change by moving a little bit.

"It's amazing, miraculous, Brother Tian, ​​you are really amazing."

"Brother Tian, ​​you are even more powerful than those legendary painters. I admire you so much."

"Isn't it too wasteful to use such a painting as a board newspaper?"

Those people in the literature and art department were about to be terrified by the magical board newspaper in summer. It was the first time in their life that they had seen such a board newspaper. Innovation is definitely innovation.

"Hang it out, and now hang it on the school's board newspaper. You guys take turns to guard it and hang it on the top, where others can't reach it." Ye Qingxue said excitedly, she believed that the board newspaper this time was the first and they will take it. deal.

"Don't worry, Minister, we must be optimistic about it."

Those in the Literature and Art Department assured.

"Let's go, cousin, my task has been completed, let's go eat." Xia Xia looked at Ye Qingxue and said.

"Good boy, you're decent, you helped my cousin to solve a big problem when I first came here." Ye Qingxue nodded with satisfaction, and then went outside directly with Xia Xia and Bing Xin.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. Naturally, they want to get together and get together. As for the class, they are simply overwhelmed.

As soon as the people from the literature and art department hung up the board newspaper, they attracted a lot of people around.

"Wow, what is the board newspaper of the Ministry of Literature and Art? Why is it so amazing, no matter what angle I look at it is different."

"The Jiaolong went out to sea, and the Jiaolong actually raised his head and headed out to the sea. Is the meaning of this painting a dream? Is the Jiaolong's dream of turning into a dragon?"

"This is a board newspaper. It's clearly written by a famous artist. What level of master is this to draw such words?"

Those who saw the board newspaper were completely stunned. They all took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos, and then posted the photos on the Internet. The photos caused a sensation just after they were posted on the Internet.

The leaders of the school appeared at the board newspaper immediately.

From the leaders of the department, to the leaders of the academy, in the end, even the dean and the shareholders all came, and even the people from the major TV stations came one by one, and finally all the painters in Jianghai City came. Came here on purpose.

As the party involved in this matter, Xia Tian, ​​took Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin to eat and drink in the restaurant.

ding ding ding

Ye Qingxue's cell phone rang.

"Minister, it's not good."

"Tell me what happened."

"It's a board newspaper. The board newspaper has attracted a lot of people's attention. Now there are thousands of people outside. Department leaders, school leaders, and the principal, reporters, and even painters have come here on purpose. Now our board newspaper But it's famous."

"Oh, that's a good thing."

"It used to be a good thing, but now there is a painter's association, and we have to take away our board newspapers as cultural relics."

"What? It's obviously drawn by Xitian just now, so don't they have to show their faces?"

"I said the same thing, but they didn't believe it. They said it must be the original work of a certain master, and it might even be a painting from the Tang Dynasty."

"They are SBs, where did Tang Bohu come from a board newspaper in that era?"

"Minister, come back quickly."

"Okay, before I come back, you are not allowed to let anyone take the words away."

After Ye Qingxue hung up the phone, she looked directly at Xia Xia. Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect that he could cause trouble even by drawing such a simple picture.

"Let's go back and have a look."

Summer said.

"Of course I have to go back and have a look. Someone dares to ask us to **** things from our literature and art department. We must clean up properly." Bing Xin's temper was not very good before. Don't be afraid anymore.

If their literature and art department doesn't provoke others, then it will be a shame. Now there are still people who dare to grab their board newspapers.

"Okay." Actually, Xia Xia wanted to talk about a board newspaper. It wasn't a big deal. If it was a big deal, he would just paint another one. In fact, what Bing Xin cared about was not that painting, but the dignity of the Ministry of Literature and Art.

If the so-called experts take away the paintings this time, they might take something else next time.

It seems that their literary department is easy to bully.

The three of them left as soon as they said they were outside the school. They were in a hurry, so they took a taxi directly.

This also saves time.

"When I have a chance, I will definitely get a driver's license, and I can drive wherever I go." Xia Xia finally realized the benefits of having a car. Now, even if they are fast enough, it is impossible for them to be in the crowd. Use it in front of you.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to be discovered.

At that time, he might be dissected as a superman.

So they had to take a taxi.

At this time, inside Jianghai University.

"Don't touch No one is allowed to touch our board newspaper." People from the Literature and Art Department stopped in front of the board newspaper together.

"Get out of the way quickly, we have to take this thing away. This thing is likely to be a miracle left by a well-known painter in ancient times." Those experts are all so-called painters' associations.

They usually comment on paintings everywhere.

Seeing this kind of miracle at this time, how could they let it go, this kind of treasure is beyond their understanding.

If you let them study and understand.

It is very likely that you will find a painting that is even better than the Mona Lisa, and these people will become famous.

They may even become famous all over the world.

This painting was something they had never seen before. The Flood Dragon was lifelike, as if it were alive. No matter from any angle, this Flood Dragon could give them a different feeling.

The reason why a painting is called a painting is that it cannot move, but at this time the dragon seems to be alive.

"Are you experts out of your mind? Look at the back of the board newspaper. What is the plastic board? Your family has plastic boards in ancient times, and the plastic boards have not corroded for so many years." Those people in the literature and art department were about to die of anger .

"You know that the charm of art is endless." Those experts said very proudly.

"Idiot is a disease and needs to be cured." At this moment, a voice came from behind the crowd.

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