The Best All-rounder

Chapter 820: The sword is inferior


The attitude of the bully is too arrogant.

Shaking hands on the basketball court is a peaceful attitude, but the other party didn't even look at it. Such a move immediately made the people here very dissatisfied.

But no one said anything.

Because it has nothing to do with them.

And anyone who knows Ball Bull knows that he has always had this arrogant attitude. He doesn't look down on anyone. In his eyes, it seems that there are only wins and losses, and nothing else. He is very tall. When Red One Flash is in front of him, Red One Flash knows where his waist is.

He also pretended not to see, and deliberately stood by the Flash's side.

He's insulting The Flash's size.

Even The Flash frowned. This guy is too arrogant. The arrogance is unacceptable. The Flash's face is very cold.

The title The Flash is not for nothing.

"It's so tall." Xia Xia raised her head and glanced at him.

When the two-meter-one head is so close, it looks really tall, even in summer, it barely reaches his shoulders.

"Ballmaster is simply too insulting. He deliberately stood in front of The Flash just to humiliate the size of the Flash."

"And he pretended not to see The Flash."

"The Flash must be about to be **** off now."

The people around them all saw through the meaning of the bully.

"Why are there only two of you in the competition?" Ball Ba was a silent humiliation just now, but now he actually spoke, and he said why the red side only had two people.

Obviously there are three people, and The Flash is standing beside her.

"Keep your mouth clean." The Flash said coldly.

"En" Qiuba seemed to slowly lower his head following the voice, "Whose child are you, go play there, there is still a game here."

Hear what the bully said.

The people behind The Flash were so popular they were about to rush over.

Ball fighter is simply too much.

He is so defiant, and the way he insults people is simply too good.

Everyone knows that The Flash is short, but everyone praises him for his fast speed and strong jumping ability. No one ever deliberately mentions his height, but it turns out that the Flash is a child.

However, the Flash is standing in front of the ball, and the gap between the two is really huge.

One of Ball's arms is about to be thicker than both of Flash's legs.

"Ballmaster, don't go too far, let's see you on the court if you have the skills." The Flash looked at Ballmaster angrily.

"It won't be a joke to play with you, what's the point of playing with you, others will say that I bully children." Ball Bull looked at The Flash with disdain and said, he didn't hide his disdain for the Flash at all.

"Cough, big man, I can't listen anymore. Why don't you just play a ball? Don't you want to be taller? Why do you feel like you're a god?" Xia Tian coughed twice, and he listened too. If you can't go on, "A tree without its bark will surely die, and a person without shame is invincible in the world."

"Hey, I really don't know how you guys play. You are about 1.8 meters, are you used to play center? Do you have a high wingspan when you jump?" Seeing Xia Xia talking, the ball tyrant immediately turned the artillery fire to Xia Xia.

"It's definitely out of reach. You are so tall, you can reach out and touch the person in the Dragon Tower. How can I compare with you? Look at the muscles on your body that are worth more than us to sell meat, and you It’s still purebred, pure and natural black, and it’s not easy for us to be as black as you, you must never go out at night, it’s easy to scare people, and others will think your teeth are fine when they see it.” Xia Xia said.

When they heard Xia Xia's words, the people behind them almost died of laughter.

"Hmph, the long white is amazing." Qiuba said with a cold snort.

"It's nothing special to look white. Actually, it's nothing to look black, but you have black teeth." Xia Tian kept shaking his head.

"You're looking for death", the ball tyrant will fight as soon as he raises his hand


"Hit, hurry up, my physique is not good, my family is still poor, I can't afford nutrition, no car or house, if you hit me, maybe I can make a fortune and go to a well-off society." Xia Tian looked excited. Looking at the bully, he said.

"Hmph, let's start playing." The ball tyrant finally couldn't help it.

"Good job." Red No. 1 and others all gave Xia Xia a thumbs up.

"If you want to compare with my husband, ten mouths won't be enough for you." Bing Xin said very proudly.

Ye Qingxue has black lines all over her face, which is also admired.

"This guy is still so shameless." Yang Bugui still remembered that when he first met Xia Xia, Xia Xia was so shameless.

"Brother Tian is Brother Tian, ​​making that big man's angry face even darker." The star Fang Li said with a look of admiration.

"You can worship this too, how shameless" Tang Yan glared at Fang Li and said.

The woman behind Qiuba and the others widened her eyes, "It turned out to be him. If he hadn't exposed his shameless nature, I wouldn't have thought of him. Isn't he the one who stepped on my foot at Jianghai University?"

The game is finally about to start.

They used coins to choose who would serve In the end, the red number 1 won, and the red number 2 went straight to serve.

"Hmph, just use it if you have any skills. I really hope your strength is stronger than your mouth." Qiuba glanced at the three of them with disdain. When he looked at the three of them, he looked down, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Boss, when you stand there, they can't see the frame at all." The other two members of the blue team kept talking and mocking.

"Who still needs to look at the frame when playing basketball." Xia Xia said very casually.

"It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. Your mouth is so powerful. If you don't know how to play by then, it will be a shame." The ball player was very angry when he thought of what he said in the summer just now.

"You're so cheap, you're not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Xia Xia said with a smile on his face.

"You" the bully looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"You said that if you have a sword and a sword, you have to practice the sword, the sword is divided into the upper sword and the lower sword, you have to practice the lower sword, you have now practiced to the highest level, the human and the sword are one, oh, no, it is the combination of the cheap and the cheap. One." Summer said lightly.

"Do you want to fight?" Ballmaster walked directly to Summer.

"Oh, it turns out that you always win by fighting. It's amazing. You are so strong. You must be the best in the basketball world, and basketball must be the best in the fighting world." Xia Xia praised it. Said the bully.

"Ballmaster, don't talk nonsense with him, use your skills to kill him instantly," said the woman behind.

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