The Best All-rounder

Chapter 823: crashing ball

The people around were all standing there, no one sat down, they were very excited now.

The ball fighter has swept more than 20 games. He has never met an opponent, but today he was blocked by an unknown person, and now he is going to have a head-to-head duel with this person.

Can he hold the revenge for the one-off attack just now?

Several other people around have forgotten about defense, and they also regard themselves as spectators, and now the field has become a heads-up situation.

Summer vs Ball Bully

The ultimate showdown

Ball master dribbling, summer defense

Just now, even the Red No. 1 Flash couldn't defend the dribble of the ball tyrant. Now it's summer.

"Fang Li, do you know why you feel so depressed when you play with him?" Tang Yan looked at the star Fang Li and asked.

"I don't know," Fang Li said.

"It's the momentum. Although your skills are good, you can only be regarded as a genius now, not a king. When you have the opportunity to play with the nba guys in the future, you will know who they are. The air of a king, big figures like Emperor Zhan and Kobe, they stand in front of you, you don't even have the courage to shoot." Tang Yan said lightly.

"The momentum sounds very mysterious, is there really such a thing?" Fang Li looked at Tang Yan suspiciously.

"Of course there is. Whoever can enter the NBA is not the king of the kings. Each of them has a different momentum. That's why those players who have just entered the NBA can't get good results." Tang Yan explained.

"So that's the case, why wasn't he afraid of this kind of momentum that day, brother?" Fang Li asked.

"He has a more special aura, so they cancel each other out." Tang Yan said very casually.

"What momentum?" Fang Li looked at Tang Yan curiously.

"Shameless momentum," Tang Yan said.

Fang Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, he finally understood why Brother Tian was invincible.

"Xia Xia vs Ball Bully is the ultimate collision. The physical quality of the two is not on the same level, but Xia Xia is an unknown." Yang Bugui looked at the data recorded in his book, and the analysis of Ball Bully was almost done. Yes, but the summer page is full of question marks.

"I have to teach you a lesson this time." Qiuba looked at Xia Xia coldly.

"I'm so sleepy, hurry up, I can go home and sleep after the fight," Xia Xia said very casually.

"It's now" The ball tyrant rushed forward when he saw Xia Xia's relaxation. He quickly changed the ball with his left hand and right hand. When he was next to Xia Xia, he pulled hard. This position was three meters away from Xia Xia. I believe, the summer can steal the ball.


Just when he thought that the summer was over, he suddenly felt that the ball in his hand was gone.

bang bang

Xia Xia stood behind him, slapping the ball very casually there, "It's boring."

"What?" Qiuba looked at his hand and the ball in Xia's hand. It was all too incredible. It happened so fast that he couldn't accept it. He just passed by.

But how exactly did the summer steal the ball?

"It's amazing, did you see it just now that you can steal the ball like this."

"That's right, he is backstepping. He saw through the ball path of the ball at the beginning, and then stood there in reverse, giving the ball the illusion that the two of them were far apart. In fact, as long as he turned around, he was already Get to where the ball is."

"It's amazing, I've learned a lot today, and I learned another trick."

The people around said excitedly, the stealing of the ball in the summer was not very mysterious, it was just a fan of the authorities, and the ball tyrant didn't see it through.


the ball


Summer's shooting is very casual.

"Done, I want to duel with you." Qiuba thought he was careless just now.

"Oh give you the ball" Xia Xia threw the ball to the ball again.

After the ball hit the ball, the ball went straight back to the center line.

"I want you to look good this time." He passed the ball to Xia

Summer, go back in summer, and then the tyrant dribbles the ball.



Just when the tyrant wanted to dribble the ball, the ball had already been scored.

the ball

what happened

He hasn't shot yet, why did he score the ball?

"Ballmaster, what are you doing?" The woman at Lan Fang couldn't take it any longer.

"What happened just now?" Ball asked inexplicably.

"I scored a goal," Xia Xia said very casually.

"Goal, you're shooting at the midline here?" Qiuba looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"Well," Xia Tian said.

"It's the center line." Ball Ba said in a puzzled way.

"I don't know. Anyway, the ball went in as soon as I threw it. It was like automatic gs positioning." Xia Xia said helplessly. in.

"You" the bully looked at Xia angrily and "come again"

Someone from behind passed the ball over



Same situation as before

Still so casual, Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, "Hey, you can enter here too."

He just threw the ball with his right hand, and the ball actually went in.


Everyone at the scene was a little confused. If the first time can be called a coincidence, can the second time be called a coincidence?

The "coincidence" was a bit confused, and he would rather believe it was a coincidence.

Someone else passed the ball from behind.


entered again

"What a coincidence, today." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Brother Tian is starting to be naughty His ultra-long shooting percentage is 100%, this time the ball tyrant is dumbfounded." Fang Li said excitedly.

"If someone guards him, he will definitely not be able to get in." Tang Yan said lightly.

"Hey, big guy, if you don't hit me, go home." Xia Xia looked at Qiuba with the ball in his right hand.

"Um" Ball Ba has already forgotten that he is playing, and he has even forgotten that it is himself who is playing. He feels like a spectator, watching a play there.

Xia Xia took off No. 3's jersey, then threw it to No. 1 Flash, then walked outside, throwing the ball back in his right hand.


entered again

With his back to the basket, throwing the ball from a long distance

"Is that human being"

"This can also be used in TV dramas, right?"

"There must be something wrong with my eyes."

The people around them were full of incredible faces. Today's game allowed them to see the most incredible scene for them.

"This" the woman from the blue team's chin was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing that Xia Xia was going to leave, Yang Bugui immediately ran towards Xia Xia as if he were flying. Others only saw a gust of wind passing by, but no one was seen at all, only Yang Bugui hugged Xia Xia's thigh, "You this day. How could you have the heart to abandon me and the child in my womb so much."

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