The Best All-rounder

Chapter 828: he has that qualification

Everyone turned their attention to the position of the door.

"If he doesn't have that qualification, no one has that qualification." Zeng Rou walked in directly from the door.

"Zeng. Mr. Zeng" The manager was slightly taken aback when he saw Mr. Zeng.

"President Zeng" all the people around stood up and said.

"Just now you asked him if he had the qualification to fire you?" Zeng Rou looked at the manager and asked.

"Mr. Zeng me." The manager was about to say something.

"I asked if you were," Zeng Rou said coldly.

"Yes, but it's him." The manager wanted to explain.

"You can pack up and leave, the Zeng Group will never hire you." Zeng Rou said directly.

"Why can't you do this? I signed a labor contract, and I didn't make any big mistakes. You can't fire me." The manager said directly, she wanted to talk about the contract, and everyone who entered the Zeng Group had five One insurance premium plus labor contract.

"You should remember the last sentence of the labor contract, right?" Zeng Rou asked.

"Remember, the boss of the Xia Group has the right to veto all the above conditions." Of course the manager remembered, because this sentence was very special and seemed useless.

"That's fine." Zeng Rou said.

"But isn't that written? Only the boss of the Xia Group has the qualification to fire me directly," the manager said.

"That's right, he is the boss of the Xia Group. Do you still need to ask if the boss of the Xia Group has the qualifications to fire you?" Zeng Rou looked at the manager lightly and said.

Hearing Zeng Rou's words, everyone in the office was stunned.

Those people who were familiar with Xia Xia finally remembered that this person was the hero who punched Wen Zhaohua, the fourth son of Jiang Hai, back then.

The development engineer also looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face. The legendary boss of the Xia Group was actually the person in front of her. Some people had long guessed that the boss of the Xia Group was a prince charming.

The owner of the Xia Group is a legend to everyone.

The kind of person who only lives in legend, he is also the husband in the dream of the whole people, Prince Charming.

But no one outside knows who the boss of the Xia Group is, because he is too mysterious. Other rich people are very high-profile, but he never comes out in front of people. At this time, the legendary big man is standing by her. in front of.

How can she not be excited, and the gap between this legendary character and her imagination is too big, he dresses like ordinary people, and he is terrifyingly young and handsome.

Li Ying's mouth was wide open. Although she knew that Xia Xia might know someone in the Zeng Group, she didn't expect Xia Xia to know Zeng Rou. No wonder Zeng Rou took special care of her after she came to the company. What she could not have imagined was that Xia Xia was actually the boss of the legendary Xia Group.

"No. Impossible." The manager's face was full of incredulity. She couldn't believe that the person in front of her was the legendary President Xia of the Xia Group. He was completely different from the person she imagined.

"You were fired." Xia Xia looked at the manager and said, and then he turned to look at the developer. When the developer saw his gaze, he was startled.

"You switch to the internship period, three months, if you can't leave automatically, Li Ying will be promoted to the department manager, and the other employees will be deducted half of their monthly wages, and all will be converted to the internship period. Don't you like to stand in line this time, I don't want to There is a second team in a company." Xia Xia glanced at the people around him, "Of course, if you feel it's unfair, you can just resign and leave."

"Have you heard all?" Zeng Rou said loudly.

"I heard" the people around responded.

"Summer, I know nothing." Li Ying said hurriedly.

"I don't know how to do it, I can learn it, but once people's hearts are corrupted, it will be difficult to save them." Xia Xia glanced at the manager when he said this.

At this time, the manager's face was pale. She understood that she had fallen from heaven to **** in one fell swoop. She was sought after by people wherever she went before, thinking she was a high salary,

She is the department manager of the Zeng Group.

She has great power, and she has a lot of face wherever she goes, but now this halo has disappeared, because she has offended the people who shouldn't be offended the most.

None of the people around have resigned, because even if their salary is halved, they are better than others, and it is a very honorable thing to join the Zeng Group. Once they leave, their lives will change dramatically.

They are afraid.

The developer didn't say anything and accepted it.

"Sister Rou, you should do a big cleaning. The bigger the company, the more worms. No matter what credit the person has made for the company, or how talented he is, as long as there are worms, they must be cleaned up. The most important thing in the Xia Group is Talents and capable people, our resources are facing the world, no matter who is in that position, he can become a strong person." Xia Xia said.

The current Xia Group is like this. In other companies, you may have to wait to meet customers or they will ignore you at all, but Xia Group is different. Wherever you go, others will treat you as a VIP, even if the other party is in a meeting, they will immediately Come out to meet.

In such an environment No matter who you are, as long as you get used to it, you can become a great person.

"En" Zeng Rou nodded.

"Let's go, Sister Rou, let's go out for a walk, and take a break in the morning." Xia Xia's official business has been dealt with, and it is time to deal with personal affairs. This time he came not to rectify the Zeng Group, but to visit Sister Rou. .

Just now, the sister-in-law was trembling all the time. She was afraid that Xia Tian would notice her and dismiss her. Fortunately, in the end, Xia Xian directly ignored her, "It's dangerous."

at this time

"By the way, that Xiangjie, I think you have a good relationship with your manager, so you can go with her." Xia Xia said very casually.


Sister Xiang fell directly to the ground.

I lost my rice bowl

Her iron rice bowl was lost.

She just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had escaped, but now Xia Tian actually thinks of her.

Originally, she always thought that her personality was suitable for working in this industry, and her relationship with the manager was so good that she could only be promoted in the future, but she did not expect that she would end up like this in the end.

And the person who made her end up like this was the person she despised the most just now.

"President Zeng, Mr. Zeng, there is a person from below who claims to be your husband's brother. The people below can't stop him. He is very powerful." At this moment, the person at the front desk ran over and said.

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